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Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

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    Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

    Hi everyone

    I think i read that several are hoping to go alcohol free for Lent..I have done this the last 2 years(not easily).

    The first year i was vile and moody when out with drinkers!!
    Last year was tough too..i tried to treat it as a spiritual exercise ( I am catholic) as well as a mini detox/healthy living period.

    Not sure if i can do it again but I am going to try.lots of social things coming up but i cant dwell on that.

    Who else is planning the 40 days of Lent ..i could do with support.

    Love Cassy

    Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

    Hi Cassy,
    Well done on your past success'
    Am thinking about it, seems a huge challenge, I had trouble making 6 days AF up to last night!:upset:
    Anyway will attempt but ODAT.

    In life we can live out our dreams its true
    the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


      Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

      ok, I have no good reason not to be in so will also make the attempt. I hope my topa from India arrives soon! Should be any day and that will help. I also got a candle that has the intention set of removing alcohol from one's life set and I will keep one burning @ all times. I am going to make an alter in my fireplace. I know, nuts but hey- that's me!


        Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

        Hi Cassy

        I have just completed 31 Days. I am going for an AF lent as are quite a few others. Most of us post over in Newbies ODAT (one day at a time). Come join us.



          Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

          Count me in!
          Goal 1: Today
          Goal 2: Tomorrow


            Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

            Ok....Lets see how we can support each other one day at a time (starting with a pancake on Tuesday and for me the glass of wine).

            Wednesday is a more sombre day or did I mean sober day ??? .Ash Wednesday !!The start of Lent .A time of change???????????

            Wishing us all SOME time of refelection on how we need to move forward with the rest of our lives.

            No beating ourselves up is the only ground rule...Nobody said change was going to be quick or easy!

            Love Cassy


              Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

              Hi Cassy
              I too have been considering "giving up" alcohol for Lent!
              In giving up alcohol, I would rather see it in positive terms - not depriving myself of something, more involving myself in healthier living and doing something for others less fortunate than me

              It has the added advantage of making it easy to explain to people why we are not drinking over the next 6 weeks! We have a box at work, where we can donate (eg saved booze money!) to a good cause during Lent-ours is going to a village project in Africa/ CAFOD.

              I am not a practising Catholic any more,long story,but as they say Once A Catholic! So I do visit churches to pray privately and am not averse to the occasional liberal prayer meeting here in London.

              let's do Lent together!

              :h Anna:h
              Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


                Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

                Good post.... something to think about...
                Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                  Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

                  Hi Cassy and everyone else who is commited to an af lent. I too am a catholic, and
                  intend going af for lent, and donating to Cafod what I would have spent on booze.


                    Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

                    im in..


                      Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

                      As a devout Christian, I was never of the mind to "give up" something for Lent. Instead, I would add something - more prayer/devotional time or more charitable giving time. Maybe I could go for an AF Lent by adding prayerful time to help with the giving up part. Christ gave the ultimate sacrifice for us already. Now I choose to give back by seeking more spiritual paths through prayer and meditation. Choosing to be healthier has to be a step in the right direction!


                        Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

                        Wow, I knew I logged on for a reason, I forgot it was lent tomorrow,
                        I have never given up anything for lent, any excuse is a good excuse to
                        start over!


                          Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

                          Just found my Lent Thread.

                          So come on we need a few more to join us on this Lenten journey.

                          I will have to get on here daily now for 40 days and for me the ground rule has to be point in kidding myself or others.

                          I do plan to drink again returning to moderating if possible (I know all the problems with that as its hard work to self monitor and move the goal posts..but thats not a concern at present)

                          Off to church in a bit...I need all the help i can muster and the prayers help.

                          Good Luck to us all....maybe we will lose weight!!

                          I,ve got to plan the evenings otherwise old habits a bit of TLC tonight with bubbly bath, TV and early night with mug of hot choc.

                          Day 1 of hopefully 40 and then review!!Got to keep positive.

                          Regards Cassy


                            Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

                            :thanks: for starting this thread Cassy. I posted earlier on ODAT's thread but will also join this one. I really need to get back to a spirtual path because I know that will help me control AL not let it control me. After lent I plan to start a program called 7 weeks to safe social drinking. Giving up AL for lent and then trying this 7 weeks program gives me hope. :thumbsup we can do this.
                            "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people" ~ Jennifer Beals


                              Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

                              I am in all that Catholic up bringing might come in handy. Sounds like I will break out the Kudzu again and have that help me when I feel like over doing it.


