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Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

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    Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

    Day 36.good evening..i dont know if anybody continues on this lenten journey but its been very quiet!!!

    Well so far so good but its not been without tempatations...i guess Lent is like that.

    A time of change and renewal hopefully.

    Almost Easter now and we enter Holy week next week ..Lets hope I can keep to my plan of attending 3 Easter church services.

    Still planning on a dinner out with friends on friday and the first glass of wine for 37 days!!

    hpe i behave and act in moderating way.

    Then back to AF for anothe final 7 days of Lent.

    i do feel strong today that after Easter I will with God's grace try to moderate and stop house drinking reserving the times when out with friends to share a bottle with a meal...

    i have enjoyed that so much in the past. i dont want to slip into several bottles a week ever again!!!

    however i am not ready on my journey to go AF YET.

    i pray .."whatever happens in my life I place my Trust in you lord"

    Regards Cassy


      Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

      Day 37 good evening..just back fro m church and a supper afterwards.

      Well tomorrow i jump off my lenten journey fro one evening for a meal out...this has been planned . Then back on the road again as We head for the final week before Easter.

      Ok so i didnt do 40 Straight off ..but so glad I achieved this much with the help of prayer. Never could do things on my own!!!

      i wont be on site tomorrow but full report of my evening out will be here Sat...hoew I can moderate as a nice outfit to wear etc.........I dont look good in anything if i get sloshed!!!

      Take Care...Cassy


        Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

        Here I go off out for a meal and a few drinks!!

        hope to do Holy Week Sunday to sunday AF. All dolled up so hope I can behave and have an enjoyable meal out with grat friends a having a laugh and moderaitng. got to be up aearly and sleep much better when dont over do the wine.

        Good Luck to all moderators ..always a tricky time at weekends when the " i Deserve a treat mentality" springs into action..chocolate is less damaging maybe,

        will report back tomorrow on my behaviour.

        Regards Cassy


          Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

          hi everyone.
          had a lovely evening and yes i drank a bottle of wine over 4 hours and a three course meal.
          I was tipsy but not sloshed!!!Back on board with AF now as we head towards Easter.

          Then next plan is no more that 2 eves of having a deink house drinking only if we have friends over for a more drinking for a hobby in the evenings for me!!

          hope everyone is fine.

          Palm sunday tomorrow so off to Mass and then next week its church three times as we hit Holy Week.

          Take Care Cassy


            Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

            Hi everyone well today would be day 40 for anybody still with me on this lenten journey...BUT in my case i hasd one day off when I pre planned Friday last out for a meal with friends.

            so Day 39 for me today,..there are 46days up to Easter Saturday (inclusive0 so i will carry on as We enter this important holy Week before Easter.

            Got friends over for drinks tonight but got my AF drinks on chill!

            hope everyone has had a good weekend and good Luck to all Newbies.

            Regards Cassy


              Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

              congratulations Cassy, I have been following your journey with great admiration! I would have loved to do it with you but I wasnt strong enough, maybe someday soon. Anyway you did it and very well done ! Enjoy your easter.I was at church tonight ,palm sunday and the gospel was lovely.I dont know where you live but did you see the passion on bbc1? It was powerfull. Jesus of nazereth is still one of my favourite films.


                Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb


                I think you have done so well! Thanks for sharing your AF journey and continued success!



                  Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

                  Hi everyone and thanks for support

                  We enter Holy Week as Christians and it comes to me with the same temptations.Dare i say I feel changes have occured for me as we near the end of Lent.

                  I know I cant go alone and i place my trust in God to guide me..i,m crao when i neglect my prayer life and try and go it alone.

                  i dont want to return to the habit of drinking at home for a hobby but know I musnt be complacent. I really want to live a more balnced life as i have achieved with God's grace this lent.

                  I hope to stick with my plan of twice a week having a drink if and when out for more sitting drinking wine just because i can.

                  No fun not remebering ends of programmes or being too tired to do anything.
                  lovely not feeling ashamed or guilty too,

                  "Lord Jesus, may I take heart and courage in living my faith today.May I be filled with peace of Chrisy and guided to live a life of joy, hope and love"

                  No I am not a religious fanatic just a person who realised i was going on my journey up the wrong track.Prayer and faith and hope have kept me going this Lent and encouraged me to try and change some of my negative behaviours

                  Its so encouraging to read the honest posts of so many and how people reach out to each other in support...what an amazing site this is.

                  Day 40 for me!!

                  Regards Cassy


                    Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

                    Hi everyone just checking in on whatever day it 42 i think (minus the one night i had some wine)
                    looking forward to Easter Weekend to have a few days at home and relaxing .

                    i wiil have some wine one or two of the evenings maybe...but dont feel i want to over do things as i have enjoyed being more alert, guilt free during Lent plus the money saved from not drinking has gone to a charity.

                    hope we all have a good Easter



                      Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

                      Day 43 (-1 when i had a drink)Wow this is proving to me a long Lent with no wine

                      oh well the end is in site as i plan to get back to moderating again soon

                      Soon be the long weekend Easter Break and cant wait for a few days off work

                      Take Care



                        Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

                        nearly there Cassy, im delighted for you!


                          Lent starts Wednesday 6th Feb

                          Hi Everyone well Lent is over and Happy Easter to you all.

                          "By the power of the spirit we can be transformed by the renewal of our minds."..(Romans 5:5)"....Lets hope so,

                          I did 42 days and am now considering what next..Had a few wines over his weekend..not sloshed though!!

                          Lent has been a time of change and Hope for me..I have to trust in God that i wont slip back to my "old Ways" of drinking daily.

                          I dont feel i want to stop drinking but I do feel I want to change how I view my life and in doing so follow the path i know I should

                          HAPPY EASTER.


