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    Beatle I may have come off wrong, but your line about withdrawl not being any fun no matter what is just what I was saying with my comment about the check already being written. To your point (and I agree wholeheartedly) there are things like supps that make the going a little easier, but we do have to pay to get off this ride. I guess thats all I was saying...



      yes, BELIEVE, off course that is true. For people like me, anyway.

      But I think MyHeart may be able to "get off the ride" with a minimal of suffering... this is based on my impression of how much she is drinking.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



        hello all. and my heart. what is your idea of drinking a lot?
        you may get heavy withdrawl symptons but you only really get the DT's if you are a chronic mal nutritioned alcoholic.
        getting the shakes and sweats and anxiety is only a side effect you get if you are a regular heavy drinker.
        now the DT's are way more serious and require medical attention. you have to drink more than a bottle or 2 of wine a day with barely any nutrition to get heavy withdrawal symptoms, much less the DT's.

        I only know one person who experienced DT, and I know a lot of very heavy drinkers.
        this guy lived ion east Germany and drank German beer all day for about 25 years and also put down a huge bottle of vodka everyday, I never saw the guy eating, and yes he did not look pretty at all.

        Then he went to the hospital after trying to go cold turkey. the doctors told him that he could have died if he didn't come to the hospital.

        what I am trying to say is that our livers are very resilient.
        I was drinking a bottle of wine or more on an empty stomach almost every day since 2001 until march 2007.
        when I went AF, I really didn't have many symptoms of withdrawal , just craving, mild anxiety and I felt foggy and empty.
        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



          Hi guys & Thanks,

          I am very depressed right now and PMSing, not a good combo : ( My husband went to thinking I'm the center of the universe to hating me, this happened about a week ago. He has done this kind of thing before and when he comes out of it he doesn't remember much, if anything, of the "nasty" period. This is why the Doctors think there might be a dissociative disorder on top of the bipolar. The instant "switch" and then lack of memory are linked with this. Dissociative Disorder is what the most of the general public calls "multiple personalities". This is what "Sybil" and "The Three Faces of Eve" were about, I guess it's more common than most people realize, or so I'm told.

          Anyway, it is hard to deal with, he is the love of my life and the father of my two children but I won't be spending a lot of time with him when he is in one of his other "alter" personalities. So right now I miss him and I feel lonely and I'm drinking because it feels soo good to just chill and escape.

          Heavy drinking to me is 2 bottles of wine in one night, normal drinking is 2 glasses of wine in one night. I'm not going to do the cold turkey thing until things settle down. I can easily do 1 glass of wine a night, I've done it many times and did it just last month....from there, maybe I need to go Alcohol Free.

          Luvya guys,

          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
          - George Jackson



            My heart-
            I drank about the same amount as you are, and when I stopped cold turkey, I didn't have DTs....

            my heart goes to you, and within my heart is a glass of red courage and sparkling laughter... I admire your tenacity for staying with your husband when the "for better or worse" challenge is at full throttle.

            Stay close~ :l

            Tampa, FL



              Thanks Patty, I live in Tampa too, north Tampa....Lake Magdalene area : )
              Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
              - George Jackson



                DT's are not a pretty thing. I, have had them - and it was the scarriest crap in my life.

                I was coming off of a massive, vodka - drinking a bottle each night for about a year. This was in 2004. I stopped cold turkey ONLY because I had no money left and I had no education on what this could do to someone.

                I was hallucinating for days! I am talking, seeing people in my bedroom... on the third night a dead person in my clothes closet. I was screaming so loud, my brother in law (I was staying with them at the time) came running into my room. He took me immediately to the hospital.

                They hooked me up to an IV - because I was severely dehydrated, and suffering from malnutrition and of course DT's. They gave me something, I know it wasn't ativan, but it was given to me through my IV to calm my heart down. They said that my heart rate was scarily fast.

                The next day I was driven to Detox. My first experience with Detox.

                One would think that I would of quit drinking then. NOPE. Out of detox in 7 days and lasted another 10 days. Picked up the Vodka and the ride began again....

                December 2006 - weened myself off, although I wasn't drinking nearly as much as I was back in 2004. At least this time around I had the knowledge and knew what could happen.

                The DT's - absolutely the worst thing I have ever experienced. Much worse than withdrawals. You really think you are going to die, and you can die.

                I can't emphasize enough on these boards how important it is to seek medical help to help you off of the alcohol. Especially if you are a daily, heavy drinker.



                  AFM, wow, I had no idea! That is very scary. I actually did have some hallucinations a couple times when detoxing on my own (before I knew how dangerous that was)... they were scary but nothing like you describe. I thought they came from the benzo I took when quitting cold turkey. The last couple times I detoxed, I drank a little bit the first few nights because I was so scared of having a seizure. This seemed to work. I was very tired and anxious and felt like crap, but no hallucinations.

                  Drenched, If you can get by on just one glass of wine a night, you are doing great. I doubt you will have any withdrawal symptoms at all if you stop. You might need will power, but the addiction is not physical. And I agree that if you are having a hard time now and feel you need a glass of wine in the evening, go ahead.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                    AMF.... holy shit! a dead person in your closet!! Now I'm scared.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT




                      Dr Drew on Celebrity Rehab said DT's are frequently fatal, or something like I hear ya....very scary stuff. I didn't even know what they were until I came to this board.

                      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                      - George Jackson



                        So weaning is the way to go you think?
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT




                          Weaning if there is absolutely no way to get help from a doctor.

                          A few days of Librium or any benzo will get you through.

                          The trouble with weaning is that our alcoholic brains take the booze and then want a bit more and a bit more and all good intentions fly out the window.

                          I truly would consider just going to a doctor and getting some Librium. It is a cheap drug.

                          Go to one outside your insurance if that is what concerns you, roughly $80 and then pay for the Librium - really cheap.

                          Best of luck,
                          AF April 9, 2016



                            you know how I am about insurance. Does River have it?
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT




                              No, you cannot get Xanax or Librium through River Pharmacy. All benzos are tightly controlled substances. Customs would grab it and never let it though.

                              One other avenue is to go to the doctor about severe anxiety from some horrible event. Ask for enough Xanax for a week to get you through.

                              Geez, when I think of all the things I have done.

                              Of course, going to rehab blew all that out of the water anyway.

                              Best of luck,
                              AF April 9, 2016



                                never combine xanax with alcohol. that could also be an ugly ride.
                                You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber

