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Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

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    Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!


    Hi, sweetie!

    You absolutely have my prayers - all of them. I will give you some extras tonight!

    make sure you get some food in you, and all the advise is really good.

    Check in tomorrow morning, OK?

    It will be OK - you CAN do this - promise!


    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

      Thanks, MM... I'm just trying not to worry so much... it's kind of hard when your future may be up to the court system.

      I'm going to eat some beef broth... I haven't eaten an adequate meal since the accident

      No appetite... I'm taking my multi-vitamins and I drank a V8. I'll take my last multi with a glass of Odwalla's SuperFood! That's about all I can seem to stomach are liquids.

      Thank you.


        Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

        oh shikakai: I am so sorry about whatever happened. god, life can suck . we love you sweetie and we are here for you . I was actually thinking of you earlier before I saw your post, wondering if you were still on the boards.
        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


          Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

          My prayers for you too.

          This too shall pass,


          " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


            Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

            #12 (permalink) Yesterday, 11:10 PM
            Member Join Date: Feb 2007
            Location: Sin City, Nevada, USA
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            Originally Posted by Niblet
            Prayers going up for you as I type...
            Dear Lord, please shine your trusting love on this beautiful person who is calling out for your hand to help guide the way... May she feel your love through this gut wrenching experience trusting that you will help her to remain on the straight and narrow. ... May she come to realize that her family only wants her to be as happy as she can be as she once was... In God we trust, Amen.

            Nibs, did you just sling that together? That was nice.

            Honestly Morrison, I just felt the words and was compelled to type them out... Thanks for your positive feedback Morrison and P4T.. It means alot to me xxx

            Shikakai, I hope that the morning brings you a new found strength that will give you the confidence to go forward... Life is like a VHS player.... Try your best to keep it on "play"... "Pause" if you need time to reflect , but never "Rewind". All the very best to you and your family... With a clear mind you will be better equipped to take on lifes challenges. Hugs, xxx

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


              Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

              Thanks you all... I'm trying really hard to remain positive and optimistic, but I just keep thinking about the consequences I'm facing, legally and financially. I don't know if I can do this... I may have truly blown it.

              My depression is in full effect. At least I'm on day 4 of AF... that's a blessing all by itself.


                Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

                thanks for checking in Shikakai. I was thinking about you (and marlee) all night. You sound a little better. You can do this. And you have so many friends here to help you through. 4 days AF is great. How do you feel? If you feel ok physically, you are over the worst. You can get help for depression. You should seek that kind of help. Keep on coming back, ok?
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

                  Please be on alert as days 4 and 5 can be real "sneakers"... Have your own voice ready to say "no" when the demon comes knocking... A craving cannot hurt you.. You are doing this !! You are winning !!! One day at a time, one hour at a time, one moment at a time, one SECOND at a time !!! We are here for you... come here when you need the support... We Won't let you slip down this rope !!! Tie a knot and HANG ON !!!

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                    Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

                    Oh thank you Beatle and Niblet... I was feeling very weak about an hour and a half ago and thought about calling a cab to carry me to BevMo! but I fought it down.

                    I am doing better today and my stomach isn't all "nervous". Talking to the attorney last night helped with that a lot.

                    It's still a mental strain, but it's not as bad now... I will keep coming back.


                      Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!


                      Stay toguh, sweetie!!

                      Day 4/5 can indeed be toughies! REALLY stayed glued here - that is what I did! Once I got to day 6 I felt SO much better. My strength came back, my mind began to clear and all the wrong in the world started to right.. Trust... it will happen. Just stay tough for the next few days. You can do this!!!


                      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                        Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

                        Thanks, hon *hugs*

                        Yes, Super Tuesday will be super in more than one way. Day SIX!

                        I'm HANGING on! I feel better already. I went through a stressful situation about an hour ago, which is what was making me weak in the first place, and I survived it... AF! Omigod!

                        It's an accomplishment, I tell ya!

