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Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

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    Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

    Which ones do I order to stop the "fixation" of having a drink and the withdrawal symptoms (shaking/stomach discomfort/chills)?

    I need to order them as quickly as possible.

    Thank you all.

    Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

    I'm not a doctor. Just an "expert" based on experience...

    Detox stuff:
    You need lots of Bs (LOTS, like 10 times what the recommended dosage on a normal b-vit is-- you can get very concentrated b vitamins (B-50 caps) from MWO, then you don't need to take so many-- just 2 per day to start, and 1 per day after that), lots of vit C (Ester C-- 3,000 to 4,000mg per day-- YES-- don't listen to anyone who says that is too much), and Cal-mag (2:1) 1,000mg:500mg or more, up to double.

    Other (for liver): Primrose oil (GLA) approx 1500mg, fish oil (as directed), Milk thistle (as directed) (MWO milk thistle is great).

    For cravings: Kudzu (the MWO stuff is the best) and L-glutamine-- up to 15 grams a day on an empty stomach-- I recommend the powder form that you dissolve in water and drink. It works fastest and best.

    Just a note: I get my supps from many different places based on research and experience. I will just say that the kudzu from MWO is the best you can get, I also think the B vits and the milk thistle are superior. I would also recommend the "amino complete."

    This all comes in addition to a good multi-vitamin. Maybe double the dose in the detox period.

    For more info on supplementation and especially amino acids and enzymes, I recommend you read "Seven Weeks to Sobriety".
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

      Thanks, Beatle...

      Since you order from MWO, do you know how long it may take to arrive? Do you order from other websites? If so, which ones and what is the turnaround time?


        Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

        I live overseas and don't know how long it takes domestically in the US. You can ask them. They have a help desk and will answer all your questions.

        I also order quite a bit from Bio Recovery, which is associated with "Seven Weeks to Sobriety". They are pretty quick in turnaround time. I think you can get overnight delivery. (I think you can get that with MWO too, but not sure). Check it out.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

          Hi shikakai, sorry you are struggling. They arrive pretty quickly from MWO. they are shipped from Alaska and they get to me within about 3 days and I am in the Midwest, so you are closer. I do think you can pay extra for rush deliv too. hope you are OK!!
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

            Thanks you guys...


              Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

              Hello Shikaki. Hang in there. You'll have some rough days, and they will pass, and you will not need to go through this hell once you maintain sobriety. I've been through what you are going through hundreds of times. For me personally:

              Lots of water. Flush out the system. As beattle mentioned, get your vitamins. Eat. I like to make some turkey sandwiches. They are tasty, and healthy. The bread has niacin, and the turkey has tryptophan , which is a natural anti-anxiety. Get your fluids. Can't stress it enough.

              Try to keep busy. Maybe break a sweat, but nothing too strenuous. If you can relax enough, cuddle up to a good movie and munch on something. As I mentioned, I'd eat some sandwiches, and then some ice cream. Your body will want sugar now. Sugar is not great for you, but in the beginning, I think it is good to let your body have some.

              As mentioned, the milk thistle(for liver) and L-glut and Kudzu are good for cravings. All of these you can get at a health store, such as GNC. If your withdrawals start to scare you, get to the doc and have him give you some valium or ativan, or another anti-anxiety medication.

              Lastly, when I have trouble sleeping, I pop a couple Tylenol PM. These are not good for you either, but the lesser of evils. I took some the first few nights of sobriety (my most recent stint.) You will be pass all of this in a few days and sleeping well, especially if you detox yourself properly, and get re hydrated and replenish with vitamins and minerals.

              Once you are pass the detox process, continue to take the L-glut, milk thistle, and kudzu for awhile. Follow the program. Come on here and post to be reminded why you don't want to feel like shit anymore. I'm close to two months sober, and I NEVER want to go back to feeling as bad as I did.

              Lastly, if you're in any way spiritual, pray. I'm agnostic myself, and struggling with faith, but I found it really helps me out. Even if you fully don't believe, putting yourself in some top of meditated state is therapeutic.

              Well, that is what I've always done through the hard times. Keep in mind, if you rough it out, you will feel so good, and these days of struggle is worth it. I hope you stick with it. Keep checking in to read other's advice, it really helps. Take care.
              where does this go?


                Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

                Hello Shakaki,,, I hope that you are doing OK It sounds like you have been given some really great advice that I have nothing much to add... be nice to you during this rough time... a craving cannot hurt you in any way and it WILL pass... I wish you luck xxx

                ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                  Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

                  Thanks Niblet and Morrison... that truly was a post of hope and inspiration. I'm going through something traumatic right now, but I hope at least being sober will help me to deal with it more effectively.

                  Please pray for me and my family. I have truly screwed up this time!

                  I'm too weak to leave the house, but I did order Kudzu and the Glu from MWO. I just took a Cal-Mag (didn't even know I had any) and I'll stay on top of the fluids until I feel free to "escape"; go to the health food store and return safely without any "detours".

                  Thanks again to everyone.


                    Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

                    Prayers going up for you as I type...
                    Dear Lord, please shine your trusting love on this beautiful person who is calling out for your hand to help guide the way... May she feel your love through this gut wrenching experience trusting that you will help her to remain on the straight and narrow. ... May she come to realize that her family only wants her to be as happy as she can be as she once was... In God we trust, Amen.

                    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                      Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

                      Shikakai- since you are in LA there are a lot of health food stores that can help you until you can get you supps from the site.
                      Goal 1: Today
                      Goal 2: Tomorrow


                        Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

                        Niblet;265503 wrote: Prayers going up for you as I type...
                        Dear Lord, please shine your trusting love on this beautiful person who is calling out for your hand to help guide the way... May she feel your love through this gut wrenching experience trusting that you will help her to remain on the straight and narrow. ... May she come to realize that her family only wants her to be as happy as she can be as she once was... In God we trust, Amen.
                        Nibs, did you just sling that together? That was nice.
                        where does this go?


                          Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

                          lukalee33;265513 wrote: Shikakai- since you are in LA there are a lot of health food stores that can help you until you can get you supps from the site.
                          Unfortunately, I'm too weak to leave. I'll have to wait a couple of days and see how I feel. I can't afford to go out.

                          Thanks, Luka, and thanks Nib for the prayer...


                            Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!


                            You've had some wonderful responses. I really loved reading what Morrison had to say, and I second Niblet's prayer... that was awesome and powerful!

                            You have a toolbox with sharp tools... use what you can for now until the supps arrive. I second that lots of water and lots of B-vitamins is huge in those first few days, and you can get those without ordering. Morrison's suggestion of eating good nutrition is so important -- your body is starved for nutrients, and if you only drink water, you will wind up really shaky. So drink your water, but add in some good protein and feel free to have a bowl of ice cream like he said. Sometimes just a little something sweet will take the alcohol craving away instantly. Do you have anything to help you sleep such as Benadryl or Tylenol PM? Actually, the sleeping agent in Tylenol PM IS Benadryl; its just Tylenol with Benadryl added to it. Spare the liver if you can of the Tylenol and go with Benadryl alone. But whatever you have on hand is better than drinking!

                            You can do this, hang in there and you will love yourself in the morning, along with a fresh breath of gained confidence.

                            All the best!
                            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                              Day Two and weakening... I need supplements NOW!

                              Thank you... I'm not a big sweet eater so I don't have anything for that. I wish I did have some Benadryl, but I really can't afford to go to Walgreen's. BevMo! is right next door.

                              I'll just have to wing it until tomorrow when I'm feeling stronger.

                              I have a little bit of orange juice left, so I'll suck that up and try and get some rest. I have so much on my mind right now and those in chat know what that is.

                              I just pray God will see me through this ordeal and know that I have finally seen the light and am trying to move into the right direction. I just wish it had been sooner

                              Thank you for continued prayers... I need them.

