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Great link...

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    Great link...

    I seem to get lost in the information and other links. Just hope it helps someone. It has definately impacted my life in good ways. Because this has been so much of a problem for me, am looking forward to hearing your opinions on the subject. And yea...I know, I'm not too wordy.

    Obsession / Obsessive Thinking Part 1
    This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!

    Great link...

    OK. This is totally freaking me.

    ""Obsessive thinking is an emotional defense that, like all of the various manifestations of codependency, is dysfunctional. Being in our heads - thinking, fantasizing, ruminating - is a defense we adapted in childhood to help us disassociate from the emotional pain we were experiencing. It is dysfunctional because it keeps us focused on the future or the past - we miss out on being alive today. It is dysfunctional because our attempts to escape unpleasant feelings causes us to generate more unpleasant feelings. "

    Now how do I fix it?

    "If you want to change, then change." -Blonde Chic from LOST


      Great link...

      I didn't think I was an obsessive thinker, but boy that description is accurate for what I experienced!

