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Confessions of an Antabuse User

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    Confessions of an Antabuse User

    antabuse worked for me when i was abstaining. probably will use it again.


      Confessions of an Antabuse User

      Hi All,

      Thanks for the replies. I feel so motivated by your responses. I just wish that all those well meaning doctors would think about this for a moment. If they truley believe that we need to get to the root of what causes our drinking, how can they expect us to do so if we are not able to stop drinking long enough to figure it out.

      I don't see Antabuse as a long-term solution, but the clarity it has given me since I absolutely can't drink on it is amazing. It has given me the break from drinking to really think about where I am going and where I want to end up.

      Imagine if you could use all of the energy you are using now to keep yourself from drinking on healing yourself, exercising, coming up with better ways to spend time with your families, etc. etc. Think about how much time during the day you have your sword out battling the urge to drink? Isn't battling the daily urge completely different from ridding our lives of this problem?

      Don't get me wrong. I do think about it, but it is for minutes a day not hours. "I want to drink. Sorry kiddo you'll get violently ill. Shit. OK next." And for me that is about the end of it till the next evening.

      If your doc won't give it to you, find another one. I am sure many of you have struggled to find someone to prescribe topomax. If there are docs out there willing to prescribe topo, an anti-seizure med, to those with alcohol problems, then there are probably 50 times more out there that would prescribe antabuse, a drug specifically designed to battle our problem.

      I wish I could tell you all how many days I have been AF, but it has been so long, I can't remember!

      "If you want to change, then change." -Blonde Chic from LOST


        Confessions of an Antabuse User

        I have taken it before. If quitting were just about will power alone, we'd all be sobber. We all want this beast gone, take that pill. Do whatever you have to do to stay sobber. I don't see it as a crutch. You took the steps you needed to take to stay sobber...that is will power!


          Confessions of an Antabuse User

          It has been amazing for me as well. I am stumped by it.. The fear of getting ill along with the desire to stay AF is working great. I knew when I was drinking that I would get terribly sick, along with all the other horrible things caused by drinking too much. Yet, I would drink anyway, resulting in the continuous cycle of horrible withdrawals, guilt, etc. Why is it that the fear factor from drinking on antabuse seems to work when the obvious fear factor of drinking on it's own isn't enough? It really is interesting, and I can't put my finger on why it works for me, being I'm so self destructive. I haven't even tested the waters to see if it was working. I don't want to risk it. I wish I would have done this long ago, and saved myself a lot of headaches. I too believe this is not the long term solution. I do fear I will possibly relapse when I stop taking it. I only hope my life is so fulfilling by the time I'm ready to quit taking it, that I won't feel the desire to kill myself again. Congrats to everyone finding sobriety, regardless of the method.
          where does this go?


            Confessions of an Antabuse User

            Very well said Morrison. Don't stop taking it until you feel secure. It is odd how we think. I am the same way. The fear of alcohol poisoning should be enough, but it isn't. I say do whatever it takes to stay sobber.


              Confessions of an Antabuse User

              I am so glad that so many have come out of the woodwork on this one. I am always stumped by the fact that docs don't prescribe antabuse along with Campral. Thought it could be interactions that I don't know, not being a doctor and all. LOL

              But wouldn't it make perfect sense, since you have to stay sober for the campral to work and if you drink, it looses its effectiveness? I tried campral and can be honest that I didn't give it a chance to work.

              I think that those of us with addictive personalities need to be honest with ourselves. The same desire for the quick high and escape of alchohol is the same person who will need something to work quickly. With some research, it might be a great partner to the topa and/or campral.

              I just wish there was more information about it. I always wonder about its long-term effects and if it causes any damage when it has its reactions to booze.

              Though I want to throw our one word of caution that I am just now noticing. There are many things that I attributed to alcohol. Little patience with kids, not being motivated at the gym, sweating the small stuff in general etc. I am now realizing that booze always made them worse but these are issues I still need to face sober. Please be prepared for this, but feel uplifted in the fact that you are a 1000 times better at dealing with them now that you are sober.

              Hey and I have had to motivation to stick to a diet! Down 7.5 pounds! Can you feel the thrill!!!!

              "If you want to change, then change." -Blonde Chic from LOST


                Confessions of an Antabuse User

                Hi and thanks for this thread. I've been fannying around with topa (can never the dose right and get fed up with titrating up, so give up on it) and have also tried Naltrexone but again, haven't really given it a chance. So to hear that Antabuse works for 3-4 days after taking means I'm more likely to use it consistantly.

                I take on board the fact that it's a tool to use not a "crutch" and I've been through counselling - they told me I didn't have a problem and wasn't an alcoholic...I beg to differ, I know I drink too much and currently can't do anything about it without help!


                  Confessions of an Antabuse User


                  I, too, am not a professional. I am a "lay drunk," but I figure WHATEVER IT TAKES.

                  If taking Antabuse works, do it, unless there is a reason not to.

                  I would ask the doc if Campral and Antabuse are okay together. I have heard wonderful things from people here about Campral. No, it doesn't seem to help me but I think that is more "me" than the Campral. I just love being drunk.

                  From your posts and others who are "hard core" like me, I am considering asking my doctor for Antabuse. Hey. WHATEVER IT TAKES.

                  You are doing an awesome thing. You have taken the "bull by the horns" and are wrestling that bull. Never feel bad about that. Only feel bad if you decide to let the bull win.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Confessions of an Antabuse User


                    For me it works at least 4 days but it all depends on the dose and most likely your weight. Some of the literature says you can still see effects up to two weeks. They get less and less each day. It also will build up in your system. The longer you take it the longer the effects will be in your system. When I first started I was in the clear except for a super red face on day 4, but now after taking it since the holidays, I am still feeling quite miserable though not violently ill on day 4. I just don't want anyone to take how it effects me as a guideline. Basically the doctor will prescribe it to you to take every day. This is just how I choose to take it knowing that I will still feel awful if I drink till at least the 6th day or longer.

                    Someone asked me privately "How many days till I can drink?" Don't feel bad if this question is on your mind also, it was on mine. However, if your first instinct is this, you may want to consider if Antabuse is really for you.

                    Good Luck and please keep me posted if you start taking it.

                    "If you want to change, then change." -Blonde Chic from LOST


                      Confessions of an Antabuse User


                      bumping this thread to see how everyone is doing with antabuse? I've ordered some yesterday - will arrive mid march, but am going to stay AF till it comes. I'm the same, I put off going AF if there is a celebration even remotely in the distance, but that means it's never going to happen is it?

                      So as Renegade says - take the option off the table!


                        Confessions of an Antabuse User

                        Hi All, and thank you for this thread. As you know I haven't had a drink since Christmas Day and am so proud of myself... BUT... the cravings, oh more than that, the physical yearning for a drink keep coming and going, are here this week and I am so excited about this antabuse. Of course i have heard about it but not to this extent and I thought when I first heard of it that it was oh yeah another mind over matter solution..... I would like to know how do you know how often to take it? I have heard some folks take one a day, others just when they feel like a drink, well for me waiting to feel like I want a drink I am just as likely to get the drink and start the med the next day (??!!) we all know what I mean, so is it different for everyone or is there a set prescription?

                        Many thanks

                        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                          Confessions of an Antabuse User

                          Tea -

                          I have been on Antabuse for three weeks, take it once daily and have been totally AF. I am also on Zoloft as well. I have had no desires, cravings or anything. I am eeling human again although can say I took some cold tablet recently and did not feel my "norm" but am fine now.

                          My Dr says it can stay in your system for up to 2 weeks. No alcohol, either in drink or from cooking. No using alcohol prodcts like Purell for your hands, and check any perfumes too that may be absorbed into your shin. Drinking will make you violently ill.

                          I also wear a medical alert bracelet as a warning in an accident or other emergency.

                          Hope this is helpful.

