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SNOW .. bloody hell

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    SNOW .. bloody hell

    We have had quite a bit of snow here over the last couple of weeks, and as I look outside - it is snowing lightly at the moment.

    Seeing we don't get a lot of it on the West Coast, I LOVE it when it does come. The other day, I took my daughter outside for a nice walk in the 4 inches and she made me snow angels. (Geesh! I didn't even know she knew what they were!). LOVE IT! But I agree, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

    Hang in there dex!


      SNOW .. bloody hell

      Have to say I love the snow I even like to shovel...makes me feel cozy too...could live without the slippery roads though


        SNOW .. bloody hell

        I do feel for those that hate it, because rarely , but sometimes, I really hate the cold and slush and if I can get that way...boy you guys must be suffereung. Won't be much longer...


          SNOW .. bloody hell

          the problem is when we get huge amounts in one day, driving is scary and I feel trapped, can only go to work and back home. Plus, I have no off-street parking, and we have gotten so much that the city is running out of funds for snow removal. shoveling, finding a place to park, worrying about getting stuck, aughhhhh !
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            SNOW .. bloody hell

            snow is yucky. I would rather be sitting in the hot sun anyday, all those clothes, pale skin, sad faces.
            i have to escape it every year or I get sad.
            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


              SNOW .. bloody hell

              That would really suck, dex.

              When it snows here, it is complete chaos - no one knows how to drive in it. We don't have enough funds reserved to have all of the snow removed off of our roads, other than the main ones. So it turns into tons of ice - which even freaks me out. Lots of accidents. Our news stations tell us to stay home when this happens. We are snow wussies!

              I feel for you. Now, go outside and make a snow angel - it will make you feel better.


                SNOW .. bloody hell

                yeah that public transp an option?


                  SNOW .. bloody hell

                  I'm tired of the snow as well Dexter. We are way above normal this year. Snow and freezing rain again today, tomorrow, Wednesday.. Damn groundhog so his shadow too, 6 more weeks of this crap!

                  I really do like the snow. I'd love to have a foot at once, but having 2 or 3 inches every other day for the past month has made for a long long winter!


                    SNOW .. bloody hell

                    Hey, you all are from Canada, Wisconsin? I thought you were used to this. Don't you ever have to ski to work?
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      SNOW .. bloody hell

                      I am from Canada - don't see much snow in Southern, British Columbia - right on the West Coast. We seemingly are getting more and more each year tho.... No skiing to work quite yet LOL!

                      I have seen some in Ontario and the more Eastern Provinces ski to work on the news. Good exercise!


                        SNOW .. bloody hell

                        Beatle, we are used to it, but it is so much this year. In my area, we had 53 inches of snow this year. The past 4 years have been less than 20 inches in Jan(which is below normal). It is just making everyone crabby that it snows every day!

                        PS - I have never skied to work, LOL


                          SNOW .. bloody hell

                          Marcie, someone from my neck of the woods!! Yay!!! I think Madison has had more than 70 inches ?? I think? I know we have gotten a lot more than up where my mom lives about 2 hours north. a lot of winters we don't get that much here (unlike when I was growing up, when we walked 10 miles to school in 30 below weather and five feet of snow on the ground )
                          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                            SNOW .. bloody hell

                            And this is why I live in Florida!
                            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                              SNOW .. bloody hell

                              I still would rather have this than deal with 90 degrees and humidity half the summer! I like having seasons Allie, just like to bitch about the snow, :H .

                              Yea Dexter, I meant to say 53 inches in January, we have however much more than that when you count the whole winter. I know you've gotten a lot in your area as well. Heck the whole state has been getting nailed this winter! Sigh, someday it will stop snowing!

                              I keep telling myself the ground really needs all this moisture. The plants will be so happy in Spring. Maybe my grass won't be brown this year :H


                                SNOW .. bloody hell

                                Oh yea, and we don't have hurricanes.

