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SNOW .. bloody hell

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    SNOW .. bloody hell

    Hallo to all you snowbound people!
    Here on the other side of the planet it is hot as hell and we are having runaway fires as the south east wind is extremely strong.
    I 'll struggle with to little sun - my brain needs it.
    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


      SNOW .. bloody hell

      OK I posted here to say how great the snow is...blah...blah....Well I am sick of it now...the banks on the driveway are to my shoulders, my windshield wiper broke and I had to drive blind and then I couldn't get the frozen #%&^*&%^$ thing off to replace it.

      My dog's feet are covered in clingy snow and I have to tie him up in the kitchen until he melts.

      The high wing is rattling my windows and waking me in the night...I could go on....

      Today I hate the snow and want sunny skies and warm air.

      OK you are right and I was wrong ...snow sucks


        SNOW .. bloody hell

        Where I live, we can't even drive over our mountain passes....there are so many avalanches that they have been closed for days. My cabin up near the ski resort is almost buried in snow - I have never seen anything like it. I am a snowboarder (well, I was until AL took over) and I can't even get up to the pass to enjoy the snow...


          SNOW .. bloody hell

          ugghhhhh ..... it is SEVEN DEGREES BELOW ZERO HERE AND I AM TALKING FAHRENHEIT PEOPLE:H :H .. lol ... and the wind chill is probably minus 30 or so. I am going to have to go out in this and start my car ... we are having a record awful winter here, I take it for some of you as well:H
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            SNOW .. bloody hell

            PS: It's hard fighting Al and winter at the same time
            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


              SNOW .. bloody hell

              Dexter the cold is harsh this morning! It was -11 here and windchill -39. I'm soooo ready for Spring!


                SNOW .. bloody hell

                me too .. hurry, spring !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

