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Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy?

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    Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy?

    This is the question asked tomorrow night here in the UK on a program called Horizon which is on BBC2 at 9pm. I think the program is more aiming at how the ABC drug classification system in this country is out of date. If alcohol was to be classified (cause we all now it ain't at the moment don't we folks!!) it would be classified in the A band with drugs like Heroin and LSD..

    Below is a link for anyone interested in reading a bit more about it anyway.

    BBC - Horizon - Is alcohol worse than ecstasy?

    If anyone wants to make comment please feel free I'm sure I will tomorrow after watching it.

    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009

    Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy?

    Thanks Hippie always good to hear you on here hope all's going well for you - kimbo
    Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


      Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy?

      wow, ecstasy. never tried it. too old I think
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy?


        Is ecstasy better than alcohol?
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy?

          well x gets you out of it more quickly than alcohol....


            Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy?

            Thanks Hippie

            I've set a reminder so I will be watching that tonight.


              Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy?

              Thanks Hippie, I think alcohol is probably as bad as ecstasy, and we have such a problem here in the UK. I will definately watch world in action.


                Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy?

                This is what I was going to write, but then thought about it further:

                Well, "worse" is a subjective term in this situation. I've always felt this way about any drug. Drinking alcohol everyday until drunkenness, "worse" than doing ecstasy every other weekend.
                Doing ecstasy all the time as opposed to having a few beers every once in a while, probably worse.

                While composing this posts:

                I think alcohol is worse. It effects so many more people. It is horrible for your health. Cost tons of money over a lifetime. Causes more problems in society. And the fact it is so easy to get doesn't help. Is ecstasy even addictive? How often does it cause death or hospitalization? I've heard of instances, but they fail in comparison compared to alcohol.

                So I guess my answer would be yes. Alcohol is worse.
                where does this go?


                  Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy?

                  X is an illegal substance so you never know what you are gonna get. rat poison mixed with speed. it is actually very difficult to find good X usually it's some mixture that makes you paranoid and dehydrated.

                  alcohol you at least know what you are getting. with X you are taking big chances.
                  it causes serious neurological damage, depletes endorphins like crazy and also damages the fluid in your spine. I know a few x heads who are in their late 30's and need a cane to walk 'cause their spines are all messed up.

                  I think X is way worse than alcohol. alcohol is the oldest drug. If you abused X and LSD the way you do alcohol and for the same period of time, you would not be loggin into this website. either you would have severe brain damage, or you would be umm dead.
                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                    Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy?

                    dexterhead;266523 wrote: wow, ecstasy. never tried it. too old I think
                    bad joke: you are never too old to start experimenting with illegal substances
                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy?

                      sorry Trix. I just think of it as a "club " drug and I don't know anyone who's tried it, lead a sheltered life. you're right. my mom's next door neighbor, stay-at-home mom, became a cocaine addict and dealer in her mid-40s.
                      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                        Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy?

                        BBC - Science & Nature - Horizon

                        Above is a link to a short introduction to the program for those interested to give and idea of what the program was about.

                        I think it is definitely clear from watching the program that certain drug laws need to be changed as far as drug classification goes. I agree to a certain extent that alcohol should rightly be placed at no.5 in the top 20 list as well. I could not believe the expense to an already struggling National Health Service was over 1billion pounds a year ( I cannot remember the exact figure quoted last night but I know it was a lot closer to the 2 billion....I think it was 1.79 billion if I'm not mistaken). I think it was this that played a major role in alcohol rating so high on the list as far as it's impact on society goes IMHO.

                        In general I think the program was highly informative and eye opening as regards the way the research was undertaken. I do think the impact of taking multiple drugs though has far more serious consequences and watching the program shocked me a bit concerning my own habits years ago and how much damage I may have possibly done to my own health. I recalled a night when I took eight of the mentioned drugs ( heroin, crack, ecstasy, coke, GHB, alcohol, cannabis and tobacco) and it made me think long and hard about how close I could of come to slipping into a coma or even worse dying. I'm not trying to glorify it in anyway either but I do think with most people who take drugs today (even the legal ones) nearly everyone is taking a cocktail of some sort and I think it is that that needs to be looked at more in relation to todays society and particularly the younger generation. I also came to the conclusion that defining myself as an alcoholic (and I haven't had a problem with that in the past) is probably not a correct way of describing myself. I am clearly an addict and alcohol was simply my drug of choice at the time. I would clearly have a problem with any drug if I so chose it to be. I've probably known this for a long time TBH but sometimes it takes a program like this to make me sit up and think a bit about my own predicament and situation.

                        I posted this a while back but I'd like to post it again for any newcomers who may read this post. "A drinking problem or a thinking problem" - Craig Ferguson speaks from the heart about his own alcoholism. [ame= ]YouTube - Ferguson Speaks From The Heart[/ame]

                        Have a great day all
                        Love and Happiness
                        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                          Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy?

                          Hi Hippie,
                          I watched that programme last night. I've seen similar things before and alcohol usually ends up as Enemy Number One, so I was surprised it didn't. I know heroin is very dangerous but such a tiny fraction of people use it compared to alcohol and it just doesn't have the same social impact. The drug that clogs up casualty departments every weekend and makes people fight in the streets is alcohol, not heroin. (BTW I thought it was funny when that one scientist said it was 'better' to drink continuously than to binge! Ha, ha, ha!)

                          And, yes, it was sobering to watch the drugs being counted down and thinking, yes, I've taken that, and that, and that...

                          Geez, the things we do to ourselves, eh?
                          AF since December 22nd 2008
                          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                            Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy?

                            Never done X myself, but my opinion would be that ANY and EVERY drug is just plain bad. One is not worse or better, they all weigh the same in my book.


                              Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy?

                              Its.....different. I think in the context of the program then alcohol is the worse drug, because of the regularity of use. Ecstasy is not a drug that you take all the time, alcohol can become a drug that you certainly can do.

                              Another big factor is the reactions caused by alcohol - it really can have you on top of strangers hugging them one minute and on top of them hitting them the next. On ecstasy you are only going to be hugging them.

                              I have tried both (ecstasy not for years but experimented) and I think that despite not knowing the long term implications of ecstasy I would say its a safer drug. A key statement was from a Doctor in last nights program that said she had never had someone come to her with a problem caused by ecstasy. I think that makes all the difference.

