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Looking for stories of positive experiences using SUPPS + HYPNO

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    Looking for stories of positive experiences using SUPPS + HYPNO

    Hi ? I am new to the program and new to the site?was wondering if anyone is using the Supps & HYPNO Cds with the ease & success RJ and Brenda experienced in the book. My experience so far has been an immediate positive change?I went from drinking ? of a bottle of wine a night during the week (more on the weekends) to zero. Day 1. No thoughts of my wine at all?I am amazed and wonder if will last (and I know - that's up to me..just wondering if it happens easily at first and then gets harder or what to expect).

    Also ? are there any updates from RJ or Brenda somewhere on the site ? sharing their journey beyond what was covered in the book? I would love to hear if they had a harder time past the 3 or 4 weeks covered in the book and whether it gets harder with time or not?whether they had slips and how they got back on track (or is this a 2nd book??).

    Sorry for the long post ? I guess I?m hoping to see a glimpse into the success or failures of others so I can adjust my expectations. Very happy and in disbelief at the moment and worried the magic is going to run out soon?

    Looking for stories of positive experiences using SUPPS + HYPNO

    Happy: that is amazing!! I am happy you are experiencing magic. everyone does this program in their own way. to be dreadfully honest, i thought the book made it seem a bit easy, but I haven't tried the suggested meds. There are many here who have had amazing successes. But small setbacks along the way are also common. I hope you will keep posting and that others who have been here longer will respond. It is a journey, that is the main thing I've learned here.
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


      Looking for stories of positive experiences using SUPPS + HYPNO

      dexterhead - thanks so much for replying. It's a bit daunting to get used to posting when you first start out and wondering if anyone will reply : ).

      I appreciate the kind words and I thought the book was too easy as well...until it worked. I will keep posting!


        Looking for stories of positive experiences using SUPPS + HYPNO

        Hi Happy,

        Yep, dex is right. This program leaves a lot of room to experiment with what works for each one of us. I have chosen the supps and healthy living along with cognitive thinking therapy. I find that this works for me as long as I stay on top of it! After 28 days happily sober, I let my guard down and fell on my face one night! Arrrg! Yep, proved to myself that there is "no magic", no "Instant" recovery, at least for me. But, the process is what we make it.........the end result is well worth the effort!

        Best of Luck! Keep Posting!
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          Looking for stories of positive experiences using SUPPS + HYPNO

          Happy, congratulations, that's great. No need to expect negative things-- keep a positive attitude.--

          2 things:

          1) You might be better off posting on "Just Starting Out" (although there is nothing wrong with posting here-- I'm thinking only that you might get some more respose there).

          2) Don't let the supps go, they are so important in getting and staying sober. Good nutrition and supplements are your best friends.

          As for the hypno tapes-- I can't really say if they have helped me with my sobriety, but they sure do put me to sleep... and that's a plus!
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Looking for stories of positive experiences using SUPPS + HYPNO

            Hi, Happy4once and welcome. Congrats on your progress! Thanks, everyone else, for your excellent feedback.

            I?m behind on writing that follow up book.

            Like you, I noted immediate relief from my cravings using this program. Today, I don?t drink at all, a choice I made primarily due to my husband?s health condition, which is exacerbated by alcohol. We decided to become abstinent together, as it?s simply not fair for me to drink around him--it?s something he really enjoyed, too. Going alcohol free wasn?t easy at times because I preferred moderated drinking. In fact, I just returned from a cruise and found it downright annoying--repeatedly explaining that I did not want a drink! Some days I still miss having a glass of wine at the end of the day, but I?ve swapped it for a St. Pauli NA. Cravings, when they have appeared in the past, have kept me humble and have helped remind me of the struggle we all face in overcoming this addiction.

            To answer your question, yes, it can sometimes become more difficult down the road and some people have a more challenging time than others in reaching their goals. The path to sobriety is not always straight and narrow.

            But I hope you will do something that I believe can make all the difference. You?ve read the book so you know how important the visualization exercises are. I want you to never stop doing never stop seeing yourself as the healthy individual you are becoming. I can?t stress how important this is and frankly, I wish I would have emphasized it a little more in my writing. It is critical to success, whether you want to achieve moderation or abstinence. All the other tools will help: medication, supplements, dietary changes and exercise. But until you truly see yourself as that healthy, happy person who no longer drinks to excess and you believe that you will achieve that, it?s simply not going to happen.

            If you can, try and work those positive thoughts into your daily routine, whether it?s through meditation, hypnotherapy, prayer, or simple moments of silence to feel gratitude for your new health status.

            So, no more worrying that the magic will end! Like so many people before you, you can make your own magic and it will never end if you don?t let it. I understand that it?s normal to think that way, but it can lead to a negative self-talk and expectations that are also self-defeating. Continue to apply the tools that you know are working. Rely on family, friends, or others here if you have a weak moment. Get lots of sleep and exercise and take your supplements. Try to keep stress to a minimum. Fill your new free time with fun and fulfilling activities. Tweak the program to make it suite your specific needs. Refuse to get lazy as you begin to make this incredible transformation in your life.

            You are off to a fabulous start. And you have complete control over your health in this regard. You can make this change permanent if you really want to. Believe that.

            I wish you and everyone here all the success in the world.

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              Looking for stories of positive experiences using SUPPS + HYPNO

              Wow - thank you

              Thank you very much to everyone for their replies and advice, especially RJ's - I feel very honored and your response was so very helpful. I will definitely keep visualizing the way I want to be - with or without the CDs.

              Tomorrow is my Day 21, btw. I still feel great, still have my opened bottle of wine from 22 days ago (I mean - with no further drinks out of it), and never want to go back to the old me...I know this is just the start of the journey, but I know I'm on the right road finally.

              RJ - Thank you for this program and it's flexibility and this community. You really have made a difference in so many lives.


                Looking for stories of positive experiences using SUPPS + HYPNO

                I found in the beginning it was easier for me than a few motnhs down the road. I was so psyched up for it, I wanted it so badly, sometimes you lose a little momentum down the road. That is when you gotta get on here and post and read.

