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three cats missing....need prayers

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    three cats missing....need prayers

    Just checking in to see if you have found your kitties... I hope they come home soon xxx

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      three cats missing....need prayers

      yer i was hoping too xxxx
      jacqui xxx
      Mwo,s worst speller....


        three cats missing....need prayers


        I am hoping that you have good news. Once, one of our cats, Tommy, went poking about in someone's garage. Well, the house was empty and was up for sale. She was gone for TWO weeks and then, one day, she came walking up the drive. A realtor had found her. This was also the kitty that fell asleep in the back seat of a car - luckily the driver brought her back when he remembered where he had parked.

        I am thinking of you ....


          three cats missing....need prayers

          OMG OMG....I got a call saying someone heard my cats had been trapped and taken to a shelter 2 hours away.I called and they are there........all 3
          I can get them Monday

          thankyouthankyou for all your prayers..they WORKED................
          yipppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ee
          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


            three cats missing....need prayers



              three cats missing....need prayers


              OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

              I am so excited fro you Keeta!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!

              :banana: :disco: :rockband:


                three cats missing....need prayers

                Wow!!! Fantastic news keeta!!! I`m over the moon for you and your kitties........I know you`ve gone through Hell with the waiting and wondering. Give all 3 big hugs from me on Mon.

                Starlight Impress x


                  three cats missing....need prayers

                  i KNOW...I honestly can't believe it...too awesome...I have no doubt all the positive energy here helped me find them.....
                  The only thing I am upset about is the shelter won't give me the name of the person who caught them and brought them in....
                  maybe I'll call a lawyer....
                  two more sleeps and my babies will be back where they belong
                  Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                    three cats missing....need prayers

                    They are going to love you up something fierce when they get home keeta!!!! What an awful adventure. How many days were they gone all together? I'd like to remember. This is such a hopeful story.

                    Wonder xx


                      three cats missing....need prayers

                      That news just makes my day, Keeta. I'm so happy that they are safe and that you will be reunited with them on Monday.

                      I am rejoicing in my heart with you.:h Hugs for the kitties too.
                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        three cats missing....need prayers

                        They went missing Super Bowl Sunday! almost a week...over a week by the time I get my babies back....ohmygodiamsoexcited.............ok...i PROMISE I will get batteries for my camera on Monday and post the three cats (plus my other two so they don't feel left dog, her 6 puppies born two weeks ago friday and hell...even my bunny.....
                        I am elated...can you tell????? :H

                        love you ALL
                        positive energy works!...prayers WORK!
                        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                          three cats missing....need prayers

                          Oh Keeta, such happy news. I'm so happy for you and your babies!


                            three cats missing....need prayers

                            keeta;269549 wrote: ..........ok...i PROMISE I will get batteries for my camera on Monday and post the three cats (plus my other two so they don't feel left dog, her 6 puppies born two weeks ago friday and hell...even my bunny.....
                            I am holding you to this keeta! I want to see all these beauties !!!!
                            and .......EVEN your bunny?!?!?! Especially your bunny !!!!!! I love them so much .

                            wonder xx


                              three cats missing....need prayers

                              :dancin: :banana: :banana: Keeta,

                              your babies are coming home!!!!! and yes, find out who did that, after you spend a few days hugging the sweeties :l
                              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                                three cats missing....need prayers

                                wonder...I love my bunny too...she is such a snuggle bug...

                                dex...I am doing the same happy dance as your cat lol :H
                                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL

