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three cats missing....need prayers

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    three cats missing....need prayers

    oh you SO know I am going there, like right now, marcie :H
    will report back
    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


      three cats missing....need prayers

      I got chills when I read your great news! That's wonderful! Keep your babies safe when you get them back. ((hugs))
      Windsor, CT


        three cats missing....need prayers


        I am so happy for you. Damn that person - they must have known they were pets. Why in the hell did they take them to a shelter TWO hours a way, where it was unlikely that you would find them. DUH - that person sounds really sick.

        Just a thought, with that monster somewhere close - what about making them all indoor cats, all the time. I had to do that to my cats when I moved and I thought it would be horrible. One of my cats actually used to eat his way through screens to get out. After a week, they settled down and adjusted. Happy cats all. Every once in a while I let them out (take them for walks actually, with a walking vest on) - but I never have to worry about their not coming home.

        Great news, hugs -


          three cats missing....need prayers

          Keeta, I agree with Pansy, to trap three housepets and take them that far away. Thank goodness someone called you!

          I can't imagine how hard it is to wait until tomorrow to see your kitties. I wish you could film the reunion!!!


            three cats missing....need prayers


            I am soooo happy. Let us know when you get home with the babies. Poor things have been through so much.

            But then so has MAMA! Hugs all round to all of you. :l
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              three cats missing....need prayers

              How do u folks know that the cats weren't two hours away and that's where the nearest shelter was. :tsk: Shame on you for prejudging w/o all the facts!


              I haven't checked in in a few days, son was here and hogs the puter! I'm soooo glad for you. I have been thinking of you every day and your cats. TOLD YOU it would be happy ending....just like the case of Boop. I'm grinning ear to ear at this news!!!! :l


                three cats missing....need prayers

                hart;269903 wrote: How do u folks know that the cats weren't two hours away and that's where the nearest shelter was. :tsk: Shame on you for prejudging w/o all the facts!


                I haven't checked in in a few days, son was here and hogs the puter! I'm soooo glad for you. I have been thinking of you every day and your cats. TOLD YOU it would be happy ending....just like the case of Boop. I'm grinning ear to ear at this news!!!! :l
                Good afternoon Hart.... you've been away from this long thread, but I think Keeta posted this 3 pages ago, where somebody called her and said that the cats were trapped nearby and brought to a shelter far away (she said earlier that there aren't any local cat shelters)....
                OMG OMG....I got a call saying someone heard my cats had been trapped and taken to a shelter 2 hours away.I called and they are there........all 3
                I can get them Monday

                thankyouthankyou for all your prayers..they WORKED................
                yipppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ee
                Keeta, I don't know what the laws are in Canada, but in Florida, all public records are considered public information and must be shared upon request. I have a d*head for a neighbor down the street, and he called the Animal Control TWICE because my dogs figured out that the "electric fence" wasn't working.... when the Animal Control sent me the complaint, they used a passive voice.... "it has been reported" ... but when I went to the shelter, they were required by law to state WHO was lodging the complaints (one was true, and the other was a lie)....sometimes it alleviates the paranoia if you know that the whole world isn't out to get you, just one Richard Cranium....

                Tampa, FL


                  three cats missing....need prayers

                  Are the kitties home yet????? Man, I wish they could talk! Give them more loving than they can stand, and then some. My kitty is purring in my lap as I type. She purrs so loudly if she is next to my head I cannot hear the t.v.

                  The kitties coming home is just about the best thing to happen @ MWO in the 2 years I have been here.


                    three cats missing....need prayers

                    Richard Cranium. Lol.

                    I'm new here but I am always glad to hear a happy end to stories like these
                    I only read the first couple of pages and wanted to skip to the end to see what happened. We have one fluffy kitty and I'd be devastated if she ever went missing, I am glad for you!
                    'The only people who give you a hard time (for stopping drinking) are those who used to look to your drinking to excess to legitimise theirs, and they'll find someone else to do that in time. '
                    From an Amazon review of Allan Carr's ' Easy Way to Control Alcohol'


                      three cats missing....need prayers

                      lucky duck...I will leave about 8:45 pacific time tomorrow morning to get them...2 hour drive one way, 2 hours back...all going well (meaning I can get the persons name who did this most cruel, and I cannot believe it isn't illegal thing...without getting arrested :H ) I should be home by 1 or 2pm (pacific of course). I am glad they can not talk, because if I had to honestly hear the trauma they have been through I would likely vomit.

                      hart...thank you...I truely believe all your positive thoughts and prayers here helped.

                      Patty...I really am going to insist...when I called the lady at the shelter ofcourse refused, and said the person that brought the kitties in said they were living under their house...BULLSHIT...AND to top it off, we are a small hamlet of three hundred people...small...everyone knows "everything"...if it is who i think she damn well knew....SO...I will state she lied, esentially stole my property (can anyone think of a better sounds awful) about..."abducted" my families pets...and brought them so far away it is only by the grace of God and the universe I found them.
                      argh...I am so angry, I almost find it difficult to focus on my relief and joy...stupid people...cage HER, the dumb cow.

                      Hover...Patty was far more tactful...the person is a dick head, pure and simple...anyone who would treat three precious animals this way deserves...I don't know...but some awful punishment...maybe if the cats could talk they would help me devise the persons downfall :H

                      one more sleep...longest day of my life today...
                      love and hugs,
                      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                        three cats missing....need prayers


                        If I know kitties, you will get a two hour dissertation of MEOW! MEW! MROW! MEOW!.... which is kitty talk for, "and then Chloe got stuck... and I was afraid.... and then Garfield chased me...and then we were hungry!".... :whee:

                        Good to get the name so you know which witch is witch. At least they were turned in somewhere, and not poisoned (when I was 10, my cat Ginger was killed with rat poison. Rat poison eats away the stomach lining and he slowly bled to death.... which meant that Ginger knew he was dying, and he managed to get back home~ only to die on our porch. The vet confirmed it was rat poison, and my heart was broken.:bigcry: I didn't want to mention it when we were still worried, but be wary of the crazy neighbors!

                        Tampa, FL


                          three cats missing....need prayers

                          So happy everything turned out OK. I was so worried.
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            three cats missing....need prayers

                            I knew the vibes from my 4 kiities would help!
                            Yeah, I'm so excited, I have goosebumps all over.
                            What a fantastic end to this thread!

                            Winefree tonight!


                              three cats missing....need prayers


                              I am already awake, and it is only 4 am is going to be a loooong 5 hours before I can leave.
                              Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                                three cats missing....need prayers

                                I am so glad that you found your cats. I love a good ending.
                                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

