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three cats missing....need prayers

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    three cats missing....need prayers


    This is the BEST news!!!!! I just now saw this, but figured something wonderful or awful must have transpired since the thread was so long now! I was honestly afraid to check because I was thinking maybe you had some bad news, but this is just so heartwarming. I need to go back and read... had to skip over a lot to just post and say I am SO happy for you and your kits!!

    Do you have any idea who took them, or why they were picked up? Well, the important thing is that they are back home. Wish I could be a fly on the wall!

    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


      three cats missing....need prayers

      OH MY GOD I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is truly a miracle!!!!!!!! Kisses to your babies. my own little beasty, snoring next to me, sends a cat shout-out as well :h :h watch out, his claws are lethal, but he thinks that is love :H
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        three cats missing....need prayers

        Wow -
        just read the pages here that I missed, and again -- what an incredible story. Keeta, this is fit for a magazine article.

        I am just so happy for you, and I am sorry you have a neighbor who is so vindictive. Makes you wonder what goes through people's heads. I would "think" that most decent people would come knock on your door first and tell you if your pets are bothering them before hauling them two hours away? That is truly a mark of a coward -- one who cannot step up to the plate and look you in the face, but rather takes an underhand approach to wound you without giving their name.

        I think it will be easier now to train them to be indoors since having the roam of the house again is probably as heaven to them from being in a cage as it is for you to have them home again. Pansy's right -- dont let them out again. I had to train mine by keeping a spray bottle of water by the door... spritz, spritz each time she wanted to go out... doesnt take long!

        I'm so very happy for you Keeta :h

        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


          three cats missing....need prayers

          Suki, Not Happy Hour, P4T, dex,
          yes it is wonderful, and I can't even begin to say how much i HONESTLY believe your positive thoughts and prayers led my babies back to took a brave soul with an anonymous call and my research...BUT....without that call, I shudder to think...the universe swayed my way that day because of all of YOU and I am so grateful.

          P4T...yes, like you and Pansy said...they can be indoors only now...they already want out, but they can adjust...spray bottle...GOOD worked as a deterrant from my plants...I am sure it will work for the door...thank you for the great idea...

          thank you ALL,
          much love and hugs,
          Kee and her fluffy gang
          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


            three cats missing....need prayers

            THIS IS SO GREAT!! although I have not posted, I have been following this thread. I am so happy they are safe and at home. you must be so relieved. thank goodness!


              three cats missing....need prayers

              :wd: :happy: :yougo:


                three cats missing....need prayers

                You know, I had a "Darn Old Cat" no pun intended... I named Kit Carsin... that dog gone cat was dead forever 10,000 miles back and forth... hence the name first time my privilage to meet the kitty... Well... we were best of friends forever!!!
                I suspect I'll see him someday.. You know... some of them have more lives than you know... and I kind of think .. some are here to give some of them away... Love ya...
                Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                  three cats missing....need prayers

                  Hey Keeta

                  I've not beeen on MWO for a couple of days but have caught up on what I have missed..

                  I'm so happy that your cats are now safe. It really is a happy ending.

                  Mandy x

