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involuntary rehab

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    involuntary rehab

    Has anyone been forced into rehab involuntarily or know anything about this. This happened to a good friend of mine because her ex husband was concerned about her being drunk in front of the kids. He said she was driving drunk, etc. I think that is a stretch of the truth just because it is a recent & nasty divorce & she left him but I'm only hearing her side of things so one never really really knows....but she seems like a great Mom to me.

    The reason I ask is I am going to see a new psychiatrist on Monday and I kind of want to share the drinking problem but don't want anything like that to happen to me!!!!! I have two that is still a minor at home, he is 15. The authorities have been out in the past due to their father's (my husband's) behavior (he is bipolar) not mine....but still I don't need any more problems.
    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
    - George Jackson

    involuntary rehab

    PS I never drive drunk, am not an abusive drunk, or anything obvious like that where I would think a behavior could cause an involuntary committment. I'm just not sure how easily this can happen but in Florida it seems we are turning into a Police can get into trouble for just about anything!!!!

    Maybe I should just read some more books, LOL.......My Way Out is the only one I've read so far.
    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
    - George Jackson


      involuntary rehab

      keep us posted

      Hi myheart,
      Never been to rehab so cannot answer, am distrustful of professionals as many of them are full of shit. Best to ask psyche if there are mandatory reporting laws in you state and under what categories. Saw a counsellor many years ago only to have him confess that during his divorce he drank 2-3 bottles of red wine per night, still drank but had cut back!!!!! Was AF for over 5 years back then, lucky wasn?t seeking help to stop drinking. Then he emailed me to say I was not a suitable client for him!!!!!!

      Best for you to interview psyche on first visit not pour out your heart, tempting as that may be. Write a list of questions, what mode of therapy does he use? Ask for success stories and how he/she achieved this? Remember that he/she may also be self medicating with booze every night. So don?t give your power away to someone with a few letters after his/her name.
      Good luck and keep us posted after you interview him/her


        involuntary rehab

        Good idea Victory,

        Lay low until I know her better. I know I'm not doing anything harmful to anyone but myself (make that my liver) but some Docs are power hungry and just committ people for some kind of cheap thrill. This is the reason I am switching Doc's, the one I am (was) seeing wanted me to have my husband committed because he was 6 months late on having his annual physical!!!! I could go on and on but trust me this one was weird, calling me at home and talking to me about all kinds of things! Shrinks can be weird. Let's hope this new one is better!
        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
        - George Jackson


          involuntary rehab

          Believe me when I share for the Love of God stay out of the system.
          It is enough to keep "it" out of your system.
          It can only complicate the miseries at hand.

          Coming here is theraputic and freeing with no bars held.


          " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales

