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Amzing what Alcohol makes people do....

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    Amzing what Alcohol makes people do....

    Beer Belted In While Toddler Runs Loose

    St. Augustine, Florida police arrested a woman who had a 24-pack of beer buckled up while a 16-month-old baby girl was loose in the back seat with the driver's mother. Speaks to priorities, I suppose.
    It always seems impossible until it's done....

    Amzing what Alcohol makes people do....

    AF April 9, 2016


      Amzing what Alcohol makes people do....

      Was it Britney Spears?


        Amzing what Alcohol makes people do....

        LOL good comeback Luv!:H


          Amzing what Alcohol makes people do....

          What the hell are people thinking?


            Amzing what Alcohol makes people do....

            panadol;267414 wrote: LOL good comeback Luv!:H
            Heehee... really, though.


              Amzing what Alcohol makes people do....

              Oh dear lord.

              On our news recently.... a man was so hammered on alcohol last week, he let his 1 and 3 year old outside in freezing temperatures..... both were only in diapers. Both were found frozen to death.

              Makes me REALLY detest alcohol................ UGH!


                Amzing what Alcohol makes people do....


                I thought the buckled in beer was bad enough...oh those poor poor babies....
                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                  Amzing what Alcohol makes people do....

                  Accountable for Me;267486 wrote: Oh dear lord.

                  On our news recently.... a man was so hammered on alcohol last week, he let his 1 and 3 year old outside in freezing temperatures..... both were only in diapers. Both were found frozen to death.

                  Makes me REALLY detest alcohol................ UGH!
                  Will he be tried for murder? I would think so.
                  where does this go?


                    Amzing what Alcohol makes people do....

                    The buckled in beer is just f'd (pardon my language). I can't wrap my head around that one!

                    Yeah - the news.... full of doom and gloom. I really shouldn't watch it. It makes me feel screwed up more than I already do.


                      Amzing what Alcohol makes people do....

                      Morrison, NO - He won't be..... maybe manslaughter.

                      Our laws in Canada are lax anyway. You steal - you get prison.... You commit murder - you get a slap on the wrist.


                        Amzing what Alcohol makes people do....

                        keeta;267487 wrote: Accountable...OMG

                        I thought the buckled in beer was bad enough...oh those poor poor babies....
                        Very sad... I swear, when you are overly pumped with alcohol, you don't even know who you are; where you are; who anyone is... your mind is completely GONE!

                        For me, nothing existed except the "dark place" and it sounds like this guy and the person who had buckled the beer up (didn't want it to be "injured" in a car accident) was in a "dark place".

                        Nothing matters except a continuing course of madness.


                          Amzing what Alcohol makes people do....

                          It is very sad. AFM, I can not believe that story. am in a group for families that have lost a loved one in a car accident, well one of the lady's in my group lost ALL 3 of her sons in a drinking and driving accident. Her ex-husband got the boys drunk...they were 15, 13, and 11 and made the 15 yr old drive home...he had no DL. They were hit head on and all three died.


                            Amzing what Alcohol makes people do....

                            LUVUALL;267677 wrote: It is very sad. AFM, I can not believe that story. am in a group for families that have lost a loved one in a car accident, well one of the lady's in my group lost ALL 3 of her sons in a drinking and driving accident. Her ex-husband got the boys drunk...they were 15, 13, and 11 and made the 15 yr old drive home...he had no DL. They were hit head on and all three died.
                            The ex-HUSBAND? I know he's in prison... omigod! Why would he do such a thing... OH, NEVER MIND! I'm sure he was DRUNK, right? Had to be.

                            Those poor babies and the poor mother... man... I know I have my own hell right now, but I'm counting my blessings reading these tales of horror ;(


                              Amzing what Alcohol makes people do....

                              yes, he is in prison. The 15 yr old died at the scene, the other 2 children lived a little while, one died the next day and then the other 3 days later. The mother of those children lost ALL her children within a couple of days of each other.

