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    Just heard on our news about dreadful tornados down south in US. I know we have some members living down there ... is everyone ok?


    Me OK. How awful. Gone in a blink of an eye. If you knew and had a couple minutes, what would you save? Family photos, pets (for sure), what is really important if it got to that?
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT




      Greeneyes - glad to hear you are ok - did you lose your home? Just know I am praying for everyone - what an awful thing. It can't be common to have this happen in February can it?? The whole world seems to be in weather chaos. All my prayers go out to you and your neighbors.
      AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

      Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

      (from the Movie "Once")



        Living, no, no... I'm fine- just speaking of what it must be like for others. Toradoes are not common this time of year. Wierd weather happening. And Tennesse? They never hit there.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



          I feel so very bad for the people down there. The number of deaths is unheard of these days.

          Southernbelle lives in Alabama, but none of the tornadoes struck near her. I'm wondering how sammys is. They had a tornado near her a little while ago, also unusual at that time of year.

          It is weird, greeneyes, we've got truly wacked-out weather. I live further north, and it hit 70 today!

          Livingfree, tornadoes can happen at any time of year, there just needs to be the right conditions, which occurred yesterday. In February, any tornadoes are usually near to the Gulf Coast.

          Now you all know, I'm a frickin' weather nerd.

          I hope some more people check in, Tawny. It was good of you to start this thread.
          AF as of August 5th, 2012



            One did come down my street though. And it does sound like a freight train. (read Jethro Tull here) Our house is so crammed with stuff there wasn't a closet for me to get into. Tree snaps off and crashes in the yard, stuff like that. I finally got in the bathtub and hoped for the best. But gosh, to end up flying through the air and end up in your neighbor's yard? At least that woman and her family were alive. Some were not so fortunate.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



              Now mind you that train was years ago. But I was just teasing dexterhead when she was complaining about the snow that I could wear a tee shirt put the top down on the car. HOWEVER, was wearing big coat last week. Today I bailed on an apppt. because of the rain and wind. I never do that, but it was that awful and close to rush hour.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



                Thanks Kathy - I just checked Flip's map and I think Cindy and xtexan live down there(ish) also ...?



                  You're right, Cindi is in Alabama, and xtexan is in Tennesse (I think). We'll have to keep our fingers crossed. They are probably okay, but I'll feel better when we know for sure.

                  Oops, I just see that Cindi started another thread this morning. I guess that she is okay!
                  AF as of August 5th, 2012



                    The news said that the cell of this tornado was something like 300 miles long. Unheard of, that they will be studying this one for years.

                    How frightening for those people. Tawny, you are so thoughful to have started this thread.



                      My local news said 30 - 40 tornadoes last night.

                      We didn't have tornadoes in WI, just lots of snow.



                        I was near a tornado when I was in oklahoma one spring. Scariest thing of my life. I honestly thought.......ugh - brings back chills for me. We were actually at a indian pow-wow. Clear out in the boonies. And with out warning everyone just startin running. THEN....the weather started. THEY ALL KNEW! It was in the evening so you couldnt really see the sky forming or anything. So it was crazy that the people knew like that.

                        I really love good storms but that one was pushin it for me.

                        greeneyes, Tull....a very favorite of mine!
                        Gabby :flower:



                          We (in Florida) just recieved an announcement interrupting all stations advising of flood warnings.

                          The past two days have been heaven here... 81, and unseasonable for even north Florida. but apparently it was this warm weather colliding with the cold weather coming down from up north... and somethere in those southern states, the collsion of temperatures went head to head.

                          The weather is very strange the past few years I must say.
                          If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.



                            gabby, I guess you know that was a ref to 'Locomotive Breath". Before the tsunami hit, the animals ran to higher ground. They knew.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



                              Yep! greeneyes, cool!
                              Gabby :flower:

