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    I was in my basement with my 3 doggies just riding it out. The wind was so fierce here. I have never seen hail, rain and snow all at the SAME time. The lightening and rain were PURPLE (cue "Prince" here).

    Prayers for all who had serious destruction and death.

    Mother Nature is beautiful, strong and powerful ... and sometimes destructive.

    - Masq
    Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
    :wings: :huggy



      I'm so glad that you and your doggies are okay, Neil. It is hard for me to even imagine the devastation.

      Masquerade, I'm glad that you are okay too.

      Sammys, I don't know what made me think you were in the south...duh!

      :l :l
      AF as of August 5th, 2012



        I used to live down there but don't anymore - but all my family still do. My aunt is in a retirement home in Memphis Tenn just one mile from the shopping mall that was badly damaged. She is OK thank goodness. My niece in Memphis had major damage. My other family members in Mississippi had minor damage but said it was the loudest storm they had ever heard - and some of them have been through tornadoes. Mighty powerful and tragic storm.

        Just remember that these storms NEVER EVER happen in February. Always in the summer. That to me is terribly frightening. WTF is going on?

        I have seen the immediate aftermath of tornadoes and they are so tragic. Please pray for so many victims.
        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



          I'm so happy to hear that you and "yours" are ok. I really thought you were more east... I guess I should take a look at that map to see where everyone is located.
          Sad to hear that others are not so good.

          Also Mags that your family is ok.

          Living in the south, you never take a storm warning lightly. Even in Feb. or Oct.!

          :h Nancy
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10

