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i found this and wanted to share my story

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    i found this and wanted to share my story

    I found this computer journal entry that I wrote once upon a time and just wanted to share it in hopes that it may help someone out there struggling just as I am

    We admitted we were powerless over alcohol ? that our lives had become unmanageable

    What does this mean?
    Powerless: lacking power, strength, or effectiveness, helpless, incapable, weak, ineffective, defenseless
    Unmanageable: impossible or difficult to deal with

    What does this mean to me?
    Once I take that first drink I now know that I WAS powerless. I would always tell myself that I could handle it. I will have just one, it?s been a stressful day and I need this to help me unwind, one will be enough ?I can handle it.? One always became two. Ok I?m fine, just one more won?t hurt I can stop whenever I want??.and so it went. Almost every time I would say this to myself and almost every time I would be unable to do it. Alcohol would take some kind of strange hold over me and it would start to transform me until I became someone that I disliked, hated and despised. I was always good at turning my nose down to those uncontrollable drunks, however I was one of them and I knew it but once I took that first drink I had the inability to stop I became what I detested the most.
    I think of all of the people and things in my life besides myself that my drinking affected the most is my husband and my children so let?s start at the beginning. My story is a bit unlike others ? why? Because it?s my story. I took my first drink at the age of 16 and I will never forget just how very drunk I got and swore that I would never ever do that again ? well I?m not sure how long that lasted because it was so long ago but I am pretty sure it didn?t last very long. I drank whenever I could get it for the next two years. I stopped when I was 18. Why? It wasn?t of my own choice; I didn?t want to stop drinking however I had no choice. I got married when I was 18 and I wasn?t allowed to; drinking, smoking, having friends it was all a big no-no for me so I didn?t do it. I won?t say that in those years I didn?t want to because although I didn?t drink for 9 years of that marriage I still craved it and I still thought about it. I separated when I was 27 and it was like a bird let out of a cage and for the next 11 years I drank to make up for lost time I suppose. In that time I met and married my second husband to whom I am with today and I will try to explain what some of that drinking did to him and my children.
    He knew that I drank when we met and he knew that I drank when we got married so I justified my continued drinking on that fact. He married me knowing this so he can?t get too upset by it ? this is who I am ? that is the mentality that I had. There were fights of course ? too many to count but the worse of them always was when I had been drinking. I hated him when I was drinking and looking back now I think it?s because I hated the look on his face when he looked at me. I hated 'him' because he would get in the way of my drinking because I would have to start hiding it so I wouldn?t see the look of disgust and disappointment. I wanted the drink worse than I wanted my marriage. I would have thoughts of leaving and getting my own place so that I could drink in peace. This is what I wanted and I was tired of people standing in my way. The only thing that stopped me was that I knew once I did it there was no going back. Just how important was alcohol to me? It was where it should not have been ? right there at the top of the list. What has this done to my children I can only guess. They grew up watching their mother stumbling around drunk off her ass not able to carry on a conversation ? but I sure thought I could. I found myself a single mom of 3 kids when I was just 27. We struggled a lot financially and finding money to buy my alcohol was not always easy but I managed to do it. I borrowed from my mom and my children. I would borrow their birthday money, allowance or Christmas money always saying I would pay it back, I never did. I borrowed gas and grocery money from my mother it never went for that ? I was desperate and would have done anything to feed my addiction. I did things that no self respecting married woman should be doing ? but then again I had no self respect so it didn?t really matter.
    My spirituality was pretty much nil. I knew that there was a God because I would beg him quite often to please help me. I knew He was there but I also knew that He wasn?t going to be able to help me until I decided to help myself. I won?t say I have a strong relationship with Him but it does comfort me to know that He is there.
    I did stupid and insane things. I became this angry ugly person. I got into fights, not just with my husband but with other people. How did I become so angry so fast? This alcohol thing was supposed to make me feel good and it did in the beginning. It gave me that happy light feeling and I would drink more to keep that feeling, I would do anything to hold onto that feeling but then it would change on me. All of a sudden I was no longer in control of my body, my mind or my actions. It was like I was standing outside of my body watching a movie ? watching me, play me ? it wasn?t real it wasn?t me doing these things and that is how I would justify it the next morning when I was sober again. It wasn?t really me it was someone that just looked like me and I would be able to handle it. It was like going outside of myself or something. I would feel guilty and remorseful but that soon stopped because again it wasn?t me.
    I know that this is a clich? but for me it just is. I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. I?m tired of waking up hung over, tired of trying to remember what exactly did I do? How much did I spend? What kind of fool did I make of myself this time? I don?t want to be that person anymore. I don?t want to get to the point that I have lost everything that is important to me. I have been extremely lucky but I know that if I keep going that luck is going to run out. I will lose my job, I will lose my marriage, I will lose all respect of my children if I haven?t already but most of all I will lose myself. Even though I still have those things my life is still unmanageable in the fact that I don?t trust or believe in myself anymore. I can?t change the things that I have done in the past I can only go forward. I may be powerless over alcohol but only after I have had that first drink. I am the only one that can make the choice to not have that first drink. I am the only one that can take that power back, I am the only one that can make that decision and I will be the one to do it but right now it can only be one day at a time, sometimes maybe even one minute or one second at a time ? however for right now I will choose to not take that first drink because even though I have told myself so many times in the past that it will be ok, that I can handle it ? it will not be ok and I will not be able to handle it and it will take control of me ? this is my life, this is who I am and this is something that it is time to accept. My name is Joy and I am an alcoholic

    style="font-family: 'Calibri','sans-serif';">I just felt the need to share

    peace and luve to all
    when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most

    i found this and wanted to share my story

    Hello Joy...

    Thank You for sharing your story. I've experienced many of the moments you speak about in your story. Being married to a controlling man, finding myself a divorced mother of three children, having to start over. Developing a deep relationship with Al and allowing Al to control me even more than my ex husband did. Always justifying to myself that I "deserved" to drink!

    You are right the loss of self respect and the disgusting look on my childrens faces was enough to make me want to die. It got that bad. I too begged God to take this drinking thing away from me, it took me longer to realize I had to put some effort into it too..... I had to show God that I was willing to do my part. It took me years to come to that realization.

    Like you, one drink would turn into a 12 pack, which was never enough, so I started buying two 12 packs, hiding one and replenishing the first pack. As if no one knew what I was doing. I think the slurred speech, swaying walk and forgetting what I was saying was probably a good give away, that and passing out on floor, shamefully watching my kids get themselves ready for school because I couldn't get my hungover ass off the floor. Disgusting...

    I tried the AA aproach, but that just didn't work for me. It sounds like you are finding a pathway through that avenue and I wish you great success.... Christmas Day 2007 begins my sobriety. I just happened to come across this site and the support and encouragement I found here was/is so incredible. It helps tremendously to read posts and realize that you are not alone in all this, we are here to help one another. There is no passing judgement here, just a simple and sincere support system for one another.

    I don't post much, but your story was very familiar to mine. I want to remind you that you have the power to take control, you are an amazing person and it is obvious that your husband and children love you very much, I've learned that the "look" we get from our families is not one of disgust, but one of sadness and lonliness. Sadness for seeing what we do to ourselves and loneliness because they miss the "real" you.

    I am 45 days AF and I am here to tell you that you have the strength to say NO to that first drink. Don't even take that first sip. Some days are better than others, but even the worst day is a million times better when Al is no where around. And you will see beautiful changes within your family, within yourself, even your physical appearance will be beautified! You are special, don't ever lose sight of that.........

    I know you will be successful and I will be thinking of you............

    Stay Strong and Don't take that first sip...



      i found this and wanted to share my story

      Wow. I can see myself in so many of your words. Please know that you are not alone and you can beat this. Take baby steps and take it one day at a time. We have to relearn how to live our life without alcohol and it doesn't happen over night.

      Hope to see you more on the boards Joy.

      "If you want to change, then change." -Blonde Chic from LOST


        i found this and wanted to share my story

        Hello Joy

        I've just read through your story and can also see similarities.

        Previously I've pawned gold because hubby and I were struggling financially, but not to pay bills...oh they could wait, I NEEDED alcohol. Obviously any cheapest one available would do. It becomes a vicious circle.

        However all is not lost as you do have the power within yourself to change things. At first it may seem like a struggle and there are many hurdles ahead, but with each step forward you will knocking those hurdles down.

        Like GTC said it is not an overnight process, but believe in yourself and remain positive. Also remember that if you ever need to chat, vent or need advice just post. Keep reading to.

        Mandy x


          i found this and wanted to share my story

          Hi Joy: wow, what a powerful post. your story is amazing !:h :h
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            i found this and wanted to share my story

            Thanks for sharing your story. My gosh - I can relate in so many ways.

            We are very glad you are here, and hope you will find healing and strength.


              i found this and wanted to share my story

              Hi joy, welcome and thanks for sharing your story. I will pray for you, and I believe you can do this. I too transform when I drink, and I lost someone very special. Do it for yourself and your family. You will begin to like your new you.


                i found this and wanted to share my story

                your story gave me chills...I also find many similarities. Thanks for sharing.


                  i found this and wanted to share my story

                  I can relate, I just started the program a month ago and am right there with you. I don't want to be that person anymore....thanks for sharing.

