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I have had a BIG shock....

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    I have had a BIG shock....

    And I never want to repeat it again. Hello to you my friends.

    On Wednesday night I went out with my friends to the pub. They went home at 11pm and I stayed drinking til 2. I then didnt want to go home because I knew my husband would be mad as hell with I called a cab and asked him to take me to a bridge so i could jump off. Obviously he didnt want to do that. So i asked him to take me to the hospital because i needed help. He was very kind to me and stayed with me while i talked to the Drs there. I asked them in my drunken state if i could be committed. What a mistake that was! I was taken to a hospital far away and put into the Mental-Health ward. I was so scared...I can't tell you. I dont know if any of you have ever been to a ward like that but it is NOT a nice place to be.. I was so frightened and sobbed non-stop for hours. They gave me pills in the end to make me sleep. No one could give me any answers about leaving this place and i was concerned that if I became too upset..they would section me. Thankfully I was allowed out today, after i convinced the pyschiatric consultant that i was no longer suicidal. She is organising for the Home help Team to visit me daily to give me some support. I think i got off lightly. But i will be watched from now on as i have a 9 week old baby and a 5 yr old to look after. I can't let them be taken into care. Very depressing thought. My husband and my dad have been tremendous through out this dreadful ordeal. I CAN NO LONGER DRINK ANY ALCOHOL EVER> I will definatly loose everything i have and will be put away in this Mental Ward for a long time. I will tell you this...If you are not mad when you go into these will be by the time you go out. I was going out of my mind and Hell springs to mind.

    Anyway, I am home now. I am with my babies again and i am soooo grateful to have this second chance...I have used them up now... Its time for me to grow up and be happy with my life.

    thanks for reading this.

    Bella xxxx

    I have had a BIG shock....

    Oh my god Bella, I am so sorry you had to go thru that!!!! I am so happy that you are safe home .. hug your babies :l :l
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


      I have had a BIG shock....


      What a horrid experience! Maybe it was what you needed to really put things into perspective? Depression, alcohol, post natal depression, alcohol.......... dangerous stuff to deal with on your own.

      This really could be a blessing in disguise. Maybe now you will get the support (in your home from professionals) to help you, although how very horrible for you to go through that ordeal.

      I am glad you are at home now with your babies. Embrace your new, sober life, Bella.


        I have had a BIG shock....

        Bella, that is a wake-up call.....I'm glad all is well, sure makes you appreciate your own bed and home huh! I think you probably just need to try and hang in at home, my stepdaughter, who decided to go wild at the ripe old age of 30, lost custody of her son, to his Dad because she was out with friends, not coming home, getting drunk, or doing something stupid with her son involved....she is from an incredible family, and is a professional, twice over...she sure regrets it now....she is remarried, and has another child, but her son is still here in her home town, its something she can't "do over" but she sure wishes she'd have listened back "in the day" have a second chance, please try and make the best of it!
        "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


          I have had a BIG shock....


          Because of my struggles, I simply cannot say "you can do it."

          I can only pray you WILL do it.

          Shit. (Don't cuss often but damn, what are we doing??)

          You know, it is true, Bella. It is NOT our faults we are alcoholics. I know this from watching so many others that have led the same life I have, drunk as much as I have and still not do not have this problem.

          However, Bella, you and I are responsible for our drinking, especially knowing we have this problem.

          I am so grateful you are home with your babies again and I am praying that you get to whatever place you need to be in order to kick this beast's ass out the door.

          I pray for me, too.

          We are good people, Bella, with a drinking problem. Let's beat this problem and enjoy our lives from now on the way our lives should be lived.

          Love and hugs,
          AF April 9, 2016


            I have had a BIG shock....

            bella,omg you sound like you are screaming out for help,my heart really goes out to you...i have a 4 year old and one due 1st oct...we can be buddies if you would like...if i can help in any way please pm me....sending you so much love xxx
            Jacqui xxx
            Mwo,s worst speller....


              I have had a BIG shock....

              Thanks for your responses.....I have 2 choices now...Drink and loose my family, sanity, and live a very lonely life...OR...NOT drink and enjoy what I have, keep my children, my husband.....An easy choice to make really. If only it was as easy to give up the drink permanently, which is what i have to do. I am now T-total Bella. X


                I have had a BIG shock....

                Oh, Bella.. I am so glad you are OK. That story send shivers down my body. This is most certainly your wake up call. That was a very close,

                has anyone talked to you about post-partum depression. Are you on any medications? That is nothing to mess around with. The alcohol is one thing, but that is also a very big issue. I hope they looked into that, please let us know.

                I just have to say again that I am glad you are OK. I just want to cry when I picture you wanting to go to that bridge. Please stay close to us here. You have a lot of people that love you so very deeply. Your children need you...

                All my love,

                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  I have had a BIG shock....

                  Bella -

                  Did they give you any medications? Just curious?

                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    I have had a BIG shock....

                    Hi Bella

                    I really hope you find hte strength to keep sober, that was a very scary wake up call for you. Please use all the support that has been offered to you.

                    Your babies need you
                    Wake me up low with a fever~Walking in a straight line~ Set me on fire in the evening~Everything will be fine~Waking up strong in the morning~Walking in a straight line~Lately I?m a desperate believer~But walking in a straight line


                      I have had a BIG shock....

                      Hi Bella my friend,
                      I know you to be a smart, thoughtful and caring person.
                      Please look after yourself so you can look after your family.

                      Take your time...


                        I have had a BIG shock....

                        Hi MM! No meds.....They reckoned that i don't need anti-ds, and i don't think i do. Its the alcohol that makes me suicidal. If i can keep off that .I will be okay. The consultant did suggest a mother and baby unit, live-in! how awful would that be!!!! I would be away for months! Thankfully she said The Home Help team might be good for me, as they can suggest and talk about counselling or alcohol places to go to, meds to take etc.. if i find it hard to stop drinking. So will have some daily support. My only worry is..i have to be coping really well when they come or they might take my children away. Please god, no..that cant happen.


                          I have had a BIG shock....

                          Wow, Bella....

                          This must be a wakeup call for you. It must. Make a vow to yourself to never touch another drop of alcohol......never.

                          You have been given a second chance. Take advantage of it. We are here for you.



                            I have had a BIG shock....

                            hugs Please take care of yourself. You may need to get additional help. Glad you are okay!
                            Windsor, CT


                              I have had a BIG shock....

                              You will be fine, Bella. The most important thing is to ALLOW people to help you. Don't try to do everything on your own. It is time to give up.. Everyone that has quit drinking can tell you that they had that one last time that did it, where they finally just threw in the towel and said, I give up. I can't win, I can't fight this fight any longer. I think you are there, and if you are, that is good, really good. But you must be able to really give up, say, I GIVE UP! The drop to your knees, kind of giving up. That is when the fight is over. You can't have a battle if one of the opponents isn't fighting, right? So, if you don't fight any longer - there is no battle. Make sense?

                              So, let them help, let everyone help, tell them you are ready for help and you will do anything. Then you will have your life, your babies and sobriety. It's not easy, Bella, but you have a lot to lose. So it's time to throw the white flag up and surrender....


                              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

