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I have had a BIG shock....

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    I have had a BIG shock....

    Oh Bella.... Something good might have come out of all of this. Your "close call" was an awakening and in a strong way, you were crying out for help. It seems you have learned from this episode and know that drinking isn't worth losing your two precious children over. Hang tough... Get on with your life... You are right, it is time to grow up. You have a beutiful life a head of you and major, loving responsibilites to care for. A while back, me and another poster agreed, "Drinking gets old". It doesn't enhance you. It doesn't make you a beautiful or smarter person. Drinking strips you of those you love and your dignity. Please take any and all the help that is offered to you. In a couple of months you will look back at "this time" in your life and will be so grateful for the new you and all the accomplishments you have gained. -Reenie
    September 23, 2011


      I have had a BIG shock....

      Bella, Bella-- I can relate oh so well. I was threatened by the authorities that they would take my children away. So, I don't dare to ever go into detox again. Some system, eh? But I'm sure you are a great mum, just like I am. You will pull through this. You will.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        I have had a BIG shock....

        Bella, you must treat this as the wake up call that it is. I work in the sort of place that you were admitted to, and I know that the people there would have your best interest's at heart. I think that this was a blessing in disguise. Please accept the help that is offered to you. You didn't drink when you were pregnant, because it could have damaged your baby, well your children need a sober mum now.
        Wishing you well. Paula. xx


          I have had a BIG shock....

          Bella, please take care of yourself and let the professionals help you. If you try to put on too good of a show for them they will realize it. People have been "faking-normal" to mental health teams for years, and they will figure it out. Just make sure you place is "relatively" clean and be yourself with them. They know you weren't "coping" all that well or you wouldn't have wound up in the hospital. Paula is right, too. These places aren't the most pleasant places to be, but you are safe there until you are in a better place.

          I hope the team can help you. That is what they are being paid for.

          I'm sorry that you have had to go through so much.


          :l :l
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            I have had a BIG shock....

            Oh so sorry you`ve had such a traumatic experience.There is no greater heartache for any mother than losing her children.........if the authorities removed your kids from your care.........chances are you`d be so distraught and heartbroken that you`d likely just drink yourself into oblivion, such would be your pain.

            But, let`s look carefully at this situation the present time.........noone is removing your kids and noone is going to remove your kids, so please, stop panicking.
            Yes, you have to prove yourself to a certain degree now, but perhaps this is all to the good, as you`ve been needing a wee bit of help for quite some`s be kind to Bella time now. Hell, you`ve just been through a pregnancy whilst battling an addiction to mean feat.

            Take advantage of all the help you are going to be offered now and let those authorities see just what a wonderful, capable and loving mother you truly are.........I do not doubt you for a second. YOU ARE A WONDERFUL MOTHER and never allow anyone to tell you otherwise.
            I love you.:l

            Starlight Impress xxx


              I have had a BIG shock....

              Prefaced with the fact the I always read, but don't post much...kinda shy....but felt compelled to post on this one.

              Bella, sometimes our angels help us by giving us that "wake up call" that we need. I had mine, too. At the time I wished they wouldn't have been so harsh but I realize they were listening to my plea for help! Truly the best thing that could have happened. I got help, took classes, found part of myself again... still looking for the rest of me. One thing on my mind when I start to wander backwards is "REMEMBER HOW I FELT DURING THE WAKE UP CALL!" The reality is that my kids, my husband and my life are soooo much more important that the brief escape AL provides. I REMEMBER that it could all be taken away so easily.

              Hang in there, be strong for your husband, your kids and especially YOURSELF.


                I have had a BIG shock....

                Bella, I can't add anything more to what has been said. Thinking of you :l


                  I have had a BIG shock....

                  Oh Bella.... listen to what the higher powers in the universe are telling you. My heart does not cry for you; it sings out a beautiful powerful uplifting song. Can you hear it?:h
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    I have had a BIG shock....


                    I do not have much to add that has not already been said as well, but just know I feel tons of compassion for you, and hope that you will recognize just how wonderful you are, how much you are loved, and how much you are needed. Dont trip over the joy sitting right before you to go to try and find it at a pub. Sounds like you have a wonderful family, father and husband who are so supporting you! Sometimes I find its easy to stop thinking about what "I" want, when I start taking care of the needs of others around me.

                    All the best,
                    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                      I have had a BIG shock....

                      Bella you know that I love you. I'm so sorry for what you are facing now. But it may be just the wake up call - that last final really hard slap in the face you need to finally get sober once and for all. Take it that way. You are scared as hell right now. Use that fear to set you on the new path.

                      Many here know I was once hit with a big slap and had to stop drinking immediately or would lose everything. That's when I went sober - not cause I wanted to but because I had to.

                      Use this opportunity to say "This is it" I'm quitting because I have to. And you can do it and we will all be here with you every moment of every day while you do.

                      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                        I have had a BIG shock....

                        I am also praying for you.... Mags said, "Use that fear to set you on the new path."
                        Can I suggest, when your babies are napping and you have some time for you.... to start a journal? Do it as soon as you can. Capture your fear, and your reality of the consequences that may face you later..... the later that tkeene was referrring to. When time has passed and this event has healed in your heart, you may need to remember how terrified you are, and how the outcome may have been different.

                        You are a wonderful person, Bella. I'm glad that the taxi driver brought you to the hospital~ maybe he was your guardian angel
                        ~ when my uncle quit drinking, he tells the story of drinking too much and getting into a fight (not remembering any of it, of course).... He woke up in a jail cell, with his wife on the other side of the bars. When he said, "never again", he stayed true to his word. I know you can, too.

                        Much love :heart:,

                        Tampa, FL


                          I have had a BIG shock....

                          Wow, Bella... you better walk the straight and narrow... they will take your kids or put you away...

                          I know how it feels to be overly saturated and "crying for help". Only thing is, once you finally sober up and realize WHERE YOU ARE, that "cry for help" is your latest nightmare.

                          I'm glad you're joining me and many others in the land of sobriety... it's just not worth it, girlfriend...

                          Jumping off a bridge, huh? YEA, BEEN THERE!


                            I have had a BIG shock....

                            I'll be thinking of you and your two young ones Bella!

                            Stick around they will always need you
                            Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                            - George Jackson


                              I have had a BIG shock....

                              Ohhh Bella, I'm so sorry that you have been through this, however they say that you "have" to hit bottom before coming back up. I wish you all the best as you "come back up"... You deserve all the happiness life has to offer. xxx

                              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                                I have had a BIG shock....

                                I hope you are doing well.

                                You are in my thoughts and prayers.
                                I hope you can move forward from this, and use the experience to finially beat this bastard Al.
                                Post Partum depression has been mentioned. Look into could save your life.

                                much love,
                                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL

