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My heart is broken

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    My heart is broken

    Sorry to snivell...
    I really didn't think this would effect me so much, but I'm having a hard time here...:upset:

    It's a sad day here @ home. This morning Hubby took Sammy, the great pyrraneise/lab mix (we inherited from his folks when they moved to Fla 2 yrs ago)back to the animal shelter.:upset:
    We were only planning to have him temporarily when we first took him in... then find him a home. But after not finding anyone to take him, we both fell in love with him, and now it's been 2 1/2 years almost 3...
    Just recently, this past month... our other dog, rotwieller/lab mix & sammy have started fighting. It's happened twice in the past 3 weeks. They're both big dogs. It's really scarey, and practicly impossible to seperate them once they start into it. About a month ago I had to take Hubby to the emergency room for puncture wounds from dog bites, when he was bitten trying to break them up.
    They got into it again yesterday... I don't know what I'd have done if Scott wasn't here. I don't think I could get them apart. I tried pouring water on them... no effect whatsoever.
    Sammy is wonderful with people, and most of the time these dogs seem fine together. But lately, it's like they're both trying to be the "alpha' male...and it keeps getting worse.
    I just feel so heartbroken to have to send him there, but we can't have this war zone in our house. We can't take the chance on someone being bitten trying to break up a fight again either. It's really terrifying when they get into it.
    I just pray someone will adopt him to a good home.:h He really is a good dog.

    I think today has been one of the longest days I remember...(since loosing my Sidny dog I had for 15 years... Bungee wears her life-jacket kayaking)
    The house just feels so empty...
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

    My heart is broken

    Of course its going to effect you. God, Jude, he's been in your life for nearly 3 years.

    It hurts like hell.

    I can only send you hugs. Lots of them. Cry your fool head off and know that Sammy was loved while he was with you. And think that he'll go to a good new home.

    You did the right thing. I feel for you, my little mate.


      My heart is broken

      Oh, I am so sorry. That is scary when that happens too! Did you try pepper spray or vinegar water? But, you are right... It's either a fight to the death or who know what. Did the vet have any ideas? And, I know in some states if puncture wounds keep happening they will take the dogs and put them down. No questions asked.
      And if they were to bite someone, now a days, they could come and sue you...
      I am so so so so sorry. I know that this really hurts. But I think that this type of dog the great pyrraneise/lab... I would think he will be adopted soon. Let's keep good thoughts.
      "How much is that doggy in the window?"
      Just like me... you wear your heart on your sleeve. Keep me posted... JB
      Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


        My heart is broken

        You probably also feel like you failed yourself as well as him. I presume you've asked the vet or a dog trainer if there's any way to teach them to get on?
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          My heart is broken

          We asked the shelter if we could offer any form of extra donation order to get him a higher profile etc...
          The people @ the shelter are really kind, and a couple that work there as volunteers have a great pyreneise as well... might help...
          They are wonderful people :h

          I just pray somebody falls in love with him really soon. He's really just a big huge baby... but looks big.
          He's all :h and fur...
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            My heart is broken

            So sorry you have lost one of your kids.
            Big hugs for you :l :l

            * * I love Determinator * *


              My heart is broken

              [ame= ]YouTube - Patti Page - How Much Is That Doggie In The Window[/ame]
              Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                My heart is broken

                St Jude- by any chance, did you get a check up for your dogs?
                I found this information on
                Dog Play: Great activities you can do with your dog...
                it discusses unexpected change in behavior and the link to dog health....

                Many behavior problems are based on physical problems. Anytime there is a sudden unexpected change in behavior the first step is to discuss the problem with your vet. It is simply counter productive to get angry or annoyed at dog reacting to a physical problem. For example, when my dog Oso got destructive by digging (into my bed, the rugs etc.) it turned out to be a symptom of dangerously low levels of blood calcium. The low levels gave him a tingly sensation which he was trying to relieve by the digging. It wasn't a symptom the vet knew to put together with that particular problem. But pain, blood chemistry, and infections can all influence sensation and behavior. A blood chemistry panel revealed a problem and subsequent experience showed the correlation. Aggression problems, for example, often have their root in eyesight or thyroid problems.
                Much love, :l

                Tampa, FL


                  My heart is broken

                  Jude, so sorry that is painful. Hopefully you can get him suited to a better home. I love dogs so much I'm almost tempted to take him. However, we have a Gordon Setter who is recovering from a really bad traffic incident and he is in a very slow recovery.

                  I'm thinking of you sweetie.:h
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    My heart is broken

                    Thanks so much for your replies.
                    Scott sends his thanks & love as well... he's very upset, & has gone to bed, but I insisted he share in some of the loving support here... we both need it right now...(he did read your replies)

                    Thank you :h
                    Amazing how words across the hemispheres can be so healing... Doesn't matter from where they come. When they're from the heart, it's a direct line...
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      My heart is broken

                      Happy hour, both dogs have been to the vet within the past 3 weeks. Full check ups...
                      It's wierd, they're both "fixed" (neutered) too.
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        My heart is broken

                        That is strange- it's funny, if the dogs have been together for a period of time, why would they suddenly turn on each other? My dogs are like brother and sister, and I don't know what I'd do if they suddenly started to fight.... my prayers are with you.

                        Is there a dog whisperer out there?:truce: :helpme:

                        Tampa, FL


                          My heart is broken


                          I hope it all works out for all parties, I know the heartache. I lost a puppy in 2006 to a congenital disease. It was his liver of all things, as we drink ours away!!!!

                          I know it must be scary to have Rottie/Lab sized dogs fighting. I have three little dogs, two pugs and tiny wee Yorkie. One of the pugs has always been sickly and she is a problem with the other healthy (male) puggie. I swear most mental health issues are biological, this poor little thing its psycho. She fights with him whenever I give him any attention, it IS scary!!!!!!

                          I'll be thinking of you all
                          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                          - George Jackson


                            My heart is broken

                            Wow! This is so reminiscent of when my dad used to have dogs... he had a couple of big dogs when I was young and they would get into it from time to time, but when one dog started to get the worst of it, he would have the sense to "back down". He figured out eventually who ran the show and there were no further problems.

                            Dad just let them fight just like he let my brothers fight. Never broke up the fights. Things always worked out.

                            Maybe you and hubby should have let the dogs "settle" it.

                            Anyway, sorry you had to take the baby to the shelter. I know that hurt *hugs*


                              My heart is broken

                              Not happy hour, my throut is sore from screaming @ them yesterday... I'm quite sure a dog wisperer wouldn't do it...I truly wish it would..
                              But I'm afraid it's too late for anything like that.
                              These are like going for the jugular fights... they're not play'n around....

                              Thanks Shikakai, but

                              I'm not ready to have a full on blood bath in my house right now.
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

