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Can anyone suggest an over-the-counter medication/drug

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    Can anyone suggest an over-the-counter medication/drug

    that gives the feeling of "drunken-ness?" I was thinking that may help with the cravings.

    I'm Day 10 tomorrow... I still can't believe I've come this far...

    Can anyone suggest an over-the-counter medication/drug

    Hi shikakai
    well done on your 10 days that's brilliant stick with it - are you taking any meds or supps? by the sounds of it the cravings are still strong???
    I am the author of my life.


      Can anyone suggest an over-the-counter medication/drug

      lookingforhope22;269095 wrote: Hi shikakai
      well done on your 10 days that's brilliant stick with it - are you taking any meds or supps? by the sounds of it the cravings are still strong???
      No, my supps. haven't arrived from MWO yet, although I paid the extra $10 for fast shipping... I'm justing drinking plenty of fluids and taking my multi-vitamin, plus a cal/mag, as I've been doing ever since Day one.

      The cravings seem to "come and go" and they vary in intensity. They are strong when I leave the house. Always ready to make a detour to the corner store. They are not so bad when I'm at home. When I occupy my mind (watching TV or reading), I don't feel them at all.

      Thank you... I still can't believe I have made it to Day 10. I'm so proud of myself.


        Can anyone suggest an over-the-counter medication/drug


        WOW! Congrats! :woot: I remember when I first got here, reading your posts and your struggle... I even learned about VMs ....

        I bought L-glut at the local Super-center, and I pop them, but they don't give me a high. They are supposed to dampen the cravings, but who knows for sure? When Croft wakes up, she'll probably recommend buying mini-weinies, cutting them in half, and swallowing them whole.... just to practice for the real supplements. I think her chaser was Cheetos.

        Stay strong, girl. The picture in my car (of my youngest son) is still my biggest motivator to not stop at the ABC store. I'm proud of you too!!!!

        Tampa, FL


          Can anyone suggest an over-the-counter medication/drug

          Thanks, Patti... I didn't get the other supps. due to cost. Does Benydryl make you "high"? Heehee!

          Oh well... I'll just "wait it out".


            Can anyone suggest an over-the-counter medication/drug

            GABA seems to make me a little loopy.
            Goal 1: Today
            Goal 2: Tomorrow


              Can anyone suggest an over-the-counter medication/drug

              Try this... it helps me. It works fast!

              Lithium orotate treating bi polar disorder depression mood swings alcoholism anxiety
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                Can anyone suggest an over-the-counter medication/drug

                Benadryl is the're not high, just not wanting to be high : )

                I'm so proud of you!!!!!!

                Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                - George Jackson


                  Can anyone suggest an over-the-counter medication/drug


                  VERY PROUD OF YOU! 10 days is awesome, girl!

                  My two cents... I think it is dangerous to get anything that gives you that "drunk" feeling. One of the main things about becoming sober is to see things clearly, for what they are, with a clear head. I know what you mean, I have also wanted that feeling in the past, but the problem is, if you find something that gives you that feeling, you will continue with that and when you don't have it you may result back to drinking to get it - make sense.

                  The best advise I can give you is to sit through those cravings. You will have to deal with them eventually, which it sounds like you are. They will go away and the more days and moments you have that are clear, the more you crave the clarity, not the foggy.. You have 10 days, the cravings will just get less frequent from here. You made it through the tough spot, don't look back now...


                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    Can anyone suggest an over-the-counter medication/drug


                    I have to agree with MM on this. You don't want something that makes you feel drunk becuause, hell, that is the problem you are trying to quit.

                    I can see perhaps needing some melatonin at night and L-Tryptophan to help sleep, they help me immensely.

                    Okay, now on to the HUGE congratulations.

                    At 10 days you are completely over the absolute worst of the physical and now must start looking down the road at the mental pieces.

                    I am so happy for you!!

                    I get to start all over again and that is really the pits, believe me!! So, keep your eyes on the horizon and never look back at AL again. He is the destroyer. You have neutralized him!!

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Can anyone suggest an over-the-counter medication/drug

             proud of you! You have come SO FAR from your early posts. Such strength!

                      I was off the supps for 2 days and the cravings were so bad, incredible.

                      I agree with MM and Cindi about not taking something to give you a high.

                      Cindi, you rock. Such an inspiration, always cheering everyone along. Proud of you, big time!

                      Happy Life, you are too funny....practicing with the mini weiners is a great idea!

                      Beatle, thanks for the link, will check it out.


                        Can anyone suggest an over-the-counter medication/drug


                        I agree with everyone here. I don't think getting the drunk feeling right now is what you need. Use whatever you need to help sleep because that is very important to staying strong..

                        I took beatle's advice a while back and got some lthium orotate. I have been taking it for a feweeks and really seems to be helping. I am 9 days AF today (nipping at your heels). You need to keep it up so I don't catch you. Good Luck, stay strong and keep at this. You can beat it!!!


                          Can anyone suggest an over-the-counter medication/drug

                          Okay~ this isn't over the counter, it's on your bed.

                          I read somewhere that a great stress relief is to lay down on your bed, and stretch out with your head over the edge of the mattress... if your eyes are open, the world seems upside down, but if your eyes are closed~ just do deep breathing and relax. The blood rushing to your head puts you in a better mood.

                          If that doesn't work, ice cream is sold over the counter, right? As are chocolate brownies.

                          Tampa, FL


                            Can anyone suggest an over-the-counter medication/drug

                   proud of`ve fought damn hard to pick yourself up and get those 10 days under your belt..........very well done!!! Wishing you continued success.

                            Starlight Impress x


                              Can anyone suggest an over-the-counter medication/drug

                              Hi Shik,

                              You have come a very long way! Congrats on ten days AF!

                              Please listen to the great advise here, and don't try to get "high". MM is so right, we need to keep a clear head. This also reminds me of something that our dear Starlight said a while back, stopping the drink is the first step. Long term sobriety and a renewed life come from changing old habits and life style. In turn this changes our thinking and our patterns. Look at it as an adventure!

                              Keep up the good work, Shik!! I cannot tell you how good it is to see the changes in you after only such a short time! Hang in there sister!!

                              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                              AF 12/6/2007

