I want to be a devil's advocate for a second:
"I know I'm selfish but I dont want her to read about me and my deepest fears..." Jacqui, I don't think it's selfishness, I think it's fear. I have told a couple of people about this site, and like you, I use my real name. With that being said, I've been guarded about who I confide in.
On the one hand, I would rather read, "Good job, Patty", versus, "Good job, Redneck with Floridian Tan Lines".... I feel like I'm really connecting with you guys here~ like a virtual family. On the other hand, I fear that someone from my neighborhood will recognize me and say, "Hey! I read your forum the other day"....
If she is a CLOSE friend, then she can also be your local support. Sometimes I feel like my husband should log on here to see how I really feel! If you think that by understanding your journey, she can deal better with her problem, then go for it. On the other hand, if she's not a close friend, and it'll just be something that she gossips about maliciously, then ferget-about-it....
Deep down in your heart, I think you know the answer .... so devil's advocate be damned! :heart: Much love~