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CAT Team came over today

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    CAT Team came over today

    They call them the CAT Team.. Crisis Assessment Team. Has anyone ever had dealings with them? They just turned up at the house and I was petrified they were going to take my children away or me...back to the 'nut house". Anyway....they didnt! They were really nice and were checking that I was okay. They have suggested counselling once a week, either through the GP or privately. They reckon i have alot of deep surpressed feelings inside that need addressing....They could not be more right. But i am not sure what they are! When i drink, i have alot of deep feelings and angers and upsets in my head but sober...i can not get them to the surface....Not sure how to go about this. maybe... no definately- i will book up some sessions face to face with someone and perhaps they can resolve this confusion i have in me.

    Maybe this horrible thing that happened the other night was a blessing in disguise. Maybe i will finally be able to address my demons...who knows...But what i do know ,is that i HAVE to do this counselling thing..Perhaps it wont be as bad as i think it will be. just worried that i will get in the room and clam up.

    Oh well, i just had to tell you all this... Thanks my friends ..once again. Bella xxx

    CAT Team came over today

    Hi Bella: as for the crisis team, we have nothing like that in the U.S., it wouldn't earn anyone a profit I think it actually sounds wonderful .... and definitely counseling will help you. don't dread it, it's a person trained to draw you out and not judge you and it is painless Hugs to you Bella!! you have been thru a lot :h
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


      CAT Team came over today

      Congratulations on taking a step in the right direction for yourself as well as your family... Take this opportunity and get all you can out of it... All the very best to you and yours. You deserve to address this demon with the help of professionals so that you can go forward with your life. Hugs, xxx

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


        CAT Team came over today

        Hi Bella,
        I have read through your posts for a while now and I must say, I think that this is a blessing. You really need to get this turned around, for yourself and your children. I know you want to be a good mother, but sweety, you cannot be the best for your children while drinking to excess!

        Don't worry about "clamming up" or anything else regarding counseling. These people are well trained to work with you. It will take some time, but it will help. You are so young, as are your children, you have a golden opportunity to nip this in the bud!!

        Bella, I do not believe that any government agency wants to take children out of their family environment. The goal is to make their environment healthy and safe. As a mother, that is your desire as well. Sorry, Bella, but drinking and threatening suicide, is neither, healthy nor safe. I am sure you agree with this, yes?

        I am certain that you will work through all of this and come out so much better! Best of luck with all of this!

        XX Kate
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          CAT Team came over today

          Bella, it sounds like that cab driver was an angel and the CAT team will be a great help. They sound wonderful, so do your hubby and dad.

          I feel the same way about my "issues" when I'm sober.

          Congrats for heading in the right direction! :goodjob:


            CAT Team came over today

            I think we do have similar crisis teams in the US.

            Bella, I also think it's great that you are getting help. Great for you and your baby.

            Reading your past posts, it's really struck me how alone you seemed at times, even though on the surface there seemed to be so much to look forward to (the baby). It seemed like you couldn't let your husband in on the pain and reach out for help. So now that this has happened, he must be more aware and maybe can give you some help. I hope he is one of those men who is emotionally attuned. The best thing for you probably is to tear down those walls and start opening up about how you feel. During your pregnancy you often sounded very low and it seemed likely you would binge after the birth.

            I am thinking of you and wishing you and your kids the best!


              CAT Team came over today

              Maybe this horrible thing that happened the other night was a blessing in disguise.

              I think so. Sounds like DSS (department of social services) in US. Counseling people have a lot of schooling and traing behind them. I dumped one once. I was in a crisis point and felt like I could hardly stand. and he was like - well, time's up. He should not have let me get behind the wheel of a car at that moment. I have seen a couple females I really liked but were not trained so much in addiction. The one I have now is. She's been an addict and can really understand. See if you can pick and choose. I'm in US so I don't know how it works there. Find someone you are comfortable with. Higher powers will lead you. God sent you that cab driver.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                CAT Team came over today

                also in uk I know that they will do all in their power to keep you toghther as a family,just show them you want the help and they will give it to you...dont be afraid ask for help you and your kids deserve it...sending you lots of love buddie
                Jacqui xxx
                Mwo,s worst speller....


                  CAT Team came over today

                  It sounds like you are getting some much needed help. As Niblet said, take advantage of this opportunity and get all you can out of it. If you don't like your counselor, do not be afraid to request a different one. It's important that you feel comfortable with the person, or the sessions may not be meaningful for you.

                  Keep us posted on how you're doing ok???
                  Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles (Helen Keller)


                    CAT Team came over today

                    Hi Bella
                    Its great that your first experience with the CAT people
                    has been a positive one. Given time you may be able to
                    open up a little more and release those deep seated feelings
                    that need to be explored.
                    Im so glad that you are getting support..Its a really big
                    start of something new for you. Be kind to yourself
                    and take it slowly.:l Pan

