I had looked at your other 30-60 thread, wasn't sure if it was open to everyone (though by existence on this site, mayber they have to be), didn't ask, and now I would like to belong. I keep coming here and would like a home. But sometime in the future I may have one glass of wine for a special occasion - no more than one per month. I haven't decided. I was a binge drinker in my past. It was turning into a weekly event so I QUIT!
No announcement yet.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
I had looked at your other 30-60 thread, wasn't sure if it was open to everyone (though by existence on this site, mayber they have to be), didn't ask, and now I would like to belong. I keep coming here and would like a home. But sometime in the future I may have one glass of wine for a special occasion - no more than one per month. I haven't decided. I was a binge drinker in my past. It was turning into a weekly event so I QUIT!My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Hello everyone!
WW ~ Love the new name! :goodjob:
Kate ~ I have to agree w/MM. You need to get whatever is bothering you out. Feel free to PM me as well, but we are all here for you. It's never good to keep things bottled up inside. Be good to yourself.
MM ~ You feeling better, hun?
Liv ~ Good luck cutting back on the Topa. I've never been on it, but people here have said that it has it's quirks and can make you feel strange.
John, Buckle, Julianna ~ :welcome: I think it's nice that someone can read this thread and feel that this is where they would be most comfortable. WW has done us all a great service by starting it for us.
Det ~ how's was your visit? I know P4T has been going through some tough times. I'm sure you and Dx have cheered her up.
Believe ~ You still w/us or are you still clogging up the pool with all that sexy man hair? :H
I got all my supps today!!! Huge box (40 bottles, but only 8 items). Now I have to figure out what to take and when. That's tonight's project. May need to post for help in Holistics again.
Been really exhausted the past couple of days, but staying focused and optimistic!
Love to all.
Love, Me
:lAlcohol is simply the device between success and failure.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Hi y'all!
I'm home alone tonight and absolutely exhausted! Moved my LAST LOAD this morning. OMG - thank you!
I am doing fine with the not drinking thing, but still feel pretty down. I think I may just be really tired.
Sooo, my plan it to go to bed early. Watch a bit of Sex and the City (cheers me up) and go to sleep.
I will catch up in the morning, but for tonight, I think I will read a bit, then crawl onto the couch for a bit.
Love you all...
MMFace your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Hey just thought I would check in a say hi!
DH and I were out of town this weekend and I have been trying catch up on laundry and house cleaning on top of work.
Anyway I only have two more topas left and I think I'm just going to try and take my kuduz does anyone know how many you can take in a day?
I am glad anyone is doing well and I promise I will check in more often.
Talk to everyone soon!
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Home sweet home
Whew - after running all over the boards - this thread is like my "good night" cap. A journal by a dim light in a peaceful corner. I love stopping here before I go to bed.
I LOVE the new name - WW you are so awesome. I took a dip in the pool earlier - as it was 60 degrees here today - wow global manic temps. From 5 to 60 in just a few days.
WW - I want to hear more about the wine dinner. I found the wine and cheese event to be so interesting last weekend. I got major indigestion after eating so much cheese. No kidding. ICK. The smell of wine started to make me ill. Me who LOVED wine - I am a non drinker!! The CD"S worked! That was my 'inserted' message!! And beer ... I tried to drink a NA beer while on my trip ~~~ GAGGGGGGG ME!!
Welcome Juliana, John, Buckle! WW, Believe, Mya, Thankful and others have welcomed each of us to this little family and we welcome you with wide open arms!
Mya - the instructions on the Kudzu say you can take 3 at Breakfast - 4 at lunch - 3 at dinner
Thankful - I think you are going to start feeling better with those supplements. It's confusing at first - but before long you get into a routine.
MM - Sleep - that's what you need - and what I'm going to have to start forcing myself to get more of. It might be part of my "funk".
Kate - The food sounds yummy. How are you feeling? Are you on the topa? I can't wait for Saturday to go down to the 50. I am feeling certain that I want off the topa.
Believe - hope you are doing good - and hope you are out of the pool by now -- everybody is out of the water cuz of all the hair bud ... :h
Later friendsAF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.
(from the Movie "Once")
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Hi everyone. Just checking in real quick. I'm in the middle of my workweek, so not a lot of time to be online. I worked 14 hours yesterday on about 4.5 hours of sleep, it SUCKED! Anyway I think I'll be back to my normal 12 hour days now, but still I might not check in again till my workweek ends.
Its nice to see our new non-drinkers! Wow what a thread.
WW, I love the new name, totally works for me.
Thankful are you cured yet? Would you like me to look into maybe having a manhair beenie knitted up for you? Better than casmire (sp) I can tell you. I'm convinced it would have magical healing properties. Or at least the thought of it would scare you into feeling better
Living not sure if I said so yet but congrats on the diet thing, like I said before stick to it and you'll be rewarded. Of course being AF is the biggest thing about it. Being fit is just one more goal AL keeps us from. Keep up the gr8 work!
Kate I hope you're feeling better, I can relate about being a private person. That said though its nice to have the support of others there when you need it.
MM hopefully you're getting rested up...maybe you should slow down and join everyone over at Wonders pool party for a bit!
Speaking of the pool party..for you who miss me don't worry I'll be back in a few days. No need to thank me for the thin film of hair floating on the surface of the pool that coats you when you get out of the pool. I just like to share myself with the MYO fams lol
Take care y'all. c ya in a few
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
GOOD MORNING!!! And yes it is.. Finally got a GREAT nights sleep. I slept for 9 hours - a record for me. I am back on my L-Tryptophan 1500mgs per day right now.. will go back down to 1000 mgs next week when I feel back to balance.
I have decided I need to get out more!!!
I have a great little gym down the street from my new place. They have a great workout area and pilates. There is an absolutely beautiful, peaceful meditation/yoga center (started by Demi Moore's old flame) a block away. I used to go, but haven't been for a while. I am going to get a schedule on my way to work. They do group meditation and hold great classes. I am feeling drawn now like a moth to a flame..
I think I need interaction.. I LOVE you guys, but I need to get back into my practice more deeply again. I have been slacking and I feel my spirituality calling me again. This is a good thing. It has been asleep for a a while.
Don't worry, I'm NOT LEAVING. Just means I won't be here day and night..I will have to limit to nights as I will be spending my mornings at one place or another.
I am DEFINATELY back on track as far as my sobriety goes. I truly can't believe that I even drank last Saturday. WHO WAS THAT! Anyway, not a twinge of cravings. I feel very, very fortunate. Thank you all again for coming to my rescue.
Well, I have to run meet my accountant.
Sorry for not responding to everyone personally lately. I really love you all. I have just been walking on such a thin line. You know me though.. I will be back to my big mouth ways soon enough.. thanks for your patience....
p.s.. LIV: I take only 50mgs and love the effects of that amount of Topa. NO side effects, but keeps any cravings at bay. WW: LOVE the new title. KATE: PM me, girlfriend.
p.s.s... It feels like we are all going through some emotional poo-poo at about the same time. Must be the 60 day mark poo-poos, the getting-to-know-yourself-poo-poos... what do you think? Maybe an open dialog about this???
MMFace your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
What I enjoy touching base about is my accomplishments in the time I used to spend, lets say, in a less productive manner. I have a quilt I started I think four years ago, that I hope I will finish before the weather warms up. It is what I call sofa-size, starring neck ties opened up, sewn together onto a backing which is the quilt top. It's looking nice with the border and red thread quilting.
Hope all is well with the rest of you.My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Hi Everyone,
I am just quickly checking in. First, let me say, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support. Yes, I am still a non-drinker!! I will reach 60 Days....this weekend! Thanks in such a large part to all of you........my best buddies on this thread!
This thread, is uplifting, we share our experiences, are ups and downs, but ALWAYS we are non-drinkers. We might faulter for a moment, but, it is only a moment. Like the "Goose Story", there is always a flock to pick us up here!
So wishing all a Great Day!
KateA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Hi guys, I just now saw this thread and thought I would give a shout. Her is a site that calculates birthdays, but if you put in your AF date it will calculate the days and more for you.
Birthday Calculator
Here is mine from today.
As of 3/12/2008 5:34:29 PM EST
You are 11 months AF
You are 47 weeks AF
You are 329 days AF
You are 7,913 hours AF
You are 474,814 minutesAF.
You are 28,488,869 seconds AF
(I changed the days to AF) ha ha
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Hey Bear - nice to see you bud! Interesting stats there!!
Kate your fighting spirit is so amazing. I can't tell you how much I respect your determination. I pray that the storms pass soon, and that you are at your leisure. As you deserve. That goes for you too Thankful
And welcome dowjbw! I too am re-discovering all kinds of things I lost interest in when drinking. Amazing how much time and energy it drains you of.
Hey hey Believe! So you're back in the trenches at work. Hope it's not too brutal. Just say hi when you have a second, othay? Thanks for the pool specimens. really. that was sweet
Liv - sweet pumpernickle pickle pepper, I miss your cheerful 'voice'. Hoping to re-connect with you and everyone else over the weekend.
MM - sounds like you're settling in, and swimming right along. good! and yes, 'real' people are good too! I am having fun with them this week myself.
I don't have a whole heck of alot to say. I've been working my ass off, but should be able to slow down after tomorrow and then the weekend........ahhhhhh.......
Love to all!!!
WW xx
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Drinking Time
I love having the time I used to give up to drinking. I love even more the freedom to what I want, when I want. I didn't drink that much most days, but after a glass or two I was dusted for the day. I stopped making evening plans because I knew I wouldn't want to go out. Now life is so much better.
BTW, do you think that putting my quit date with my signature is offensive? No one else does it, but I got tired of counting the days - that time comes up often in conversation.My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Good eve
Good evening my dear friends - 60 to 90 Yahoo!
Wednesday - my late evening ... finishing up here and then heading home but wanted to stop in and say "made it through a crazy day!"
Bear - I like that! Not that I want to count forever - but right now - it is motivating.
WW - You betcha - you did like that little smack talk didn't you!! A true New Yorker!! :H I might just have to come out there and see you sometime. My daughter is in Boston this week checkin it out - might be moving next fall ..... I love the East Coast. We are partial to Maine - but one never knows when we might have to have a New York "fix".
MM - You sound good - a little exercise and people time is in my future too. A little to much key board time can get one out of balance.
Kate - You are so full of wisdom and growing so much lately. Is it the 60 days approaching or the book your reading? Are you doing ok? I was crying a lot around the 60 - remember? It's passed now - but now I'm just in this "I want off the topa" funk. Sat. I am moving down to 50 mg. I don't know if I'll stay there or move off.
Thankful - How are the supps going?
Believe - Thanks for the motivation - The Diet Plan is getting easier. I don't even feel like it's a diet - just a plan. I don't think I'm losing this week much but my clients are commenting. (Wow you look great - NO WAY they would notice 3 pounds ... I think It's the I've stopped drinking and smoking look) Actually I looked in the mirror yesterday and I thought DAMN - I look just like my avatar on MWO - a 15 year old orphan annie!- gotta do something about that!
dow - wow if you get that blanket done by Spring - I have a project or two for you.
Bootsie - HOW and Where are you? I miss you! I went to a wonderful tea shop in Minneapolis and thought of you!
Nite all - going home
LivAF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.
(from the Movie "Once")
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Bear, Good to see you here! The calculater is cool, I am only going to continue to count until I hit 60 Days.......so the calculater will come in handy!
WW-You make my heart sing! We are buddie for life! And you my friend, are quite remarkable yourself......I am so grateful to have spent one day with you......there will be more!
MM-I will miss seeing you as often....but your new plan sounds fabulous! How is the new home? And.....your precious daughter!
Dow-Happy you are here! We will want a photo of your blanket! It could become your avatar!
Thankful-I am so thankful you are here.....I gain so much from reading what you have to say......you will love the supps!
Bootsie- I know you are really busy....Mogul Making is not for sissie's! But, remember to take care of you!! Miss you!
Liv-Thank you for your kind words, as always, you make me smile....ahhhhhhhhhhhh. I have been thinking that 60 days might be one of the turning points.......feeling the feelings that I used to shove down with wine..........I am just considering this as part of this growth process......knowing that the old way is NO WAY!!!
Glad you are feeling and looking so GREAT! Yep, I too have noticed that I look much better!
Beauty is from the inside out! But a great facial and a good skin care regimen, doesn't hurt!
OOPS! And SPF 30 full spectrum sun screen!
Oh! and Believe......I have a great idea! For "Man Hair Sweaters", from beautiful Colorado, Knitted by wanna be fairies ......soft as cashmere, easier than a boyfriend.....to keep you warm at night! Should we go on Donny Deutch with this???Big Idea???
On that note.....Good Night All......Sweet Dreams!
KateA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Hello, my friends...
Hope you all are doing well this fine evening...
Just a quick check in for me.
I am going to read for a minute and then come back to post here. Just wanted to bump thi sup so I could find it... and so you all could too..
MMFace your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.