Oh and Dear Noelle hello to you too - and anyone else I missed!
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Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Happy Friday y'all!
FINALLY the workweek is over. I did my 12 hours then went to the gym, so now I'm a little tired. Could probably use a shower as well.
SO I was reading over some of the posts since I had to drop off for what was a pretty hard workweek. I was going to write all these detailed responses, but I took a fat-burner at around 3 and its got me so wired my normally short attention span has been reduced pretty much to that of a coked-up ferret. Probably not a noticable change.
Anyway Thankful its nice to see you're back from your hiatus. Hopefully whatever needed taking care of was taken care of. As long as you're ok now thats all that matters.
Speaking of ok, Wonder it sounds like quite a week for you. You alright? Not much you can do about that stuff crackin off in Tibet, try not to let it get you down. Easier said than done I'm sure. You know Bootsie said something once that I think would really help right now...I know at the time she said it to me it seemed really profound. I just can't think of it right now cause my mind is kinda channel surfing due to the fat burner.
Quick shout out to Bootsie while I'm at it, with her Pradas and profound sayings I just can't remember at present!
Ok Living I can drive if you want to sit in the back with the girls. Where we going? Lol in my present condition you'll probably have to keep an eye on me, or theres no telling where we'll end up. And whats this about anti-b's? Come on now don't go getting sick on us.
Hi K8. Apparently it has been a nice week here, but I missed it cause I work from 5 till 5 everyday, in the basement with no windows lol. I'm glad you got to enjoy it though! I do have a few days off so I'll keep an eye out for you at Starbucks (I drink Starbucks when I'm not drinking Java Monsters). Funny thing about Starbucks. I order a "Skinny" latte or mocha or whatever, and the chick always asks me if I want skim milk or regular. Then she asks if I want sugar free syrup (in the case of mochas or flavored lattes). I usually remain calm but that really gives me anger issues. Just WTF would be so "skinny" about a 500 calorie cup of coffee with tons of sugar and fat I wonder?
Hello to everyone else walking along our littel AF path with us BTW
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Wow - WW: Arrived at destination and spent a little time actually reading the posts on the thread .... When I whipped through before I left I saw all the gardening info and thought ... oh I'll read that later .... but when I read your post ........... stopped me dead in my tracks.
I am visiting family - a short weekend at my parents; also - a sister that I've had a quiet cold war with for a number of years and yet have anguished a million tears, but so much anger over her betrayal ... wow. Not a good place to be this weekend thinking..... and clearly thinking.......... and more thinking ......... But not enough time .... and I don't think I'm ready. I want to hear more sometime. I am happy for you. Me - I feel sad and dead inside for this situation. Like I forgave her - but really I just died inside for her because I couldn't forgive her. YES I KNOW - I'm talking in circles! But had to drop a note to you and say - Wow. Thats all I can say right now. Wow. That must feel really - new. Don't worry - I haven't gone over the edge - just thinking!! Love ya, Liv
PS - Believe - were going to .... The husker Capitol !! Yep Yep Yep - but then it's on to Sunny Fla. after that !!AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.
(from the Movie "Once")
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
OK Kids - I'm the one on the road and I'm posting back to back -
Just wanted to say I miss you all & hope you are having a great weekend - me - all is good. A moment of peace - nothing deep - but am starting to feel the effects of the topa wearing off (2 more days at 25 mg and then I am off) so wanted to stay close here during the transition. I am not really worried about cravings as much as I am "nervous" about any other side effects of leaving the meds. (headaches etc.) although the only side effect so far is "sweating" again. And I am not on the massive B's - so it MUST be the topa. I HATE THIS DRUG! There I feel better - I said it.
Nite all (yes John Boy too Kate :H)AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.
(from the Movie "Once")
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Hi living. Did you reach Huskerland yet? You know I'm a Husker, I was born in NE. The Western side of the state though, I've only been back East to Lincoln maybe once or twice. Well this will make 3 times if I'm driving
Anyway, yeah, is anyone else still with us?
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Happy Easter, eveyone!!
Liv ~ I hope you are enjoying your trip as much as possible. And I certainly hope you are feeling better physically and emotionally. I can relate to the cold war sister issue. My sister wouldn't be in my life if it weren't for my niece. Truly.
WW ~ I hope you are enjoying your time off! You deserve to be. I am happy that you had such a powerful break through with your sister. Sounds like it was very emotional. I hope all is well with you. Take care, sweetie.
Kate ~ You sound great! I would love to be able to grow my own herbs. I too love to cook and I'm always creating new recipes. Everyone thinks I should open my own resturant or catering business. Who knows, toyed with that idea for years. lol
Believe ~ my dear....a coked up ferret? LMAO!!! You can always make me smile no matter what mood I'm in. Thank you so much!! Hope you're loving your time off too.
Liv ~ should a coked up ferret be at the wheel?!?
Dow ~ I'm jealous of anyone who can garden, never mind a zone 5/6 Master Gardner! That sounds so impressive. And I've never made a quilt before, but you gave me a great idea as far as starting one...hmmm.
I well I think my break is over, but I may not be here everyday. I got a lot done this week and it felt great. Feeling really good, but I think I need help with my supps. I think I better post in Holistics for that. Never really sure what's the best time to take anything or what I should take together. Playing around with them. And I am finding that cutting back on my coffee is ten times harder than giving up alcohol! Uggggg! lol
Love, Me
:lAlcohol is simply the device between success and failure.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Good Morning Dear Friends.
Well, saturday I joined my granddaughters and their mom for an Easter Egg hunt and playing in the park......so much fun! These two little girls are such darlings! On my way home I decided to stop at the "Buddhist Society", as I entered, the relaxing smell of jasmin incense greated me. There were two female monks at the front of the praying. Their sound was so beautiful, almost like song.......I stood quietly in the back and listened. After a bit, I just quietly left, feeling quite at peace. Yes, I thought of you MM....as we pray for peace.
WW-I am so happy about you and your sister talking to each other again! I am so proud of you for making this happen......you are a remarkable woman!
Thankful-Yes, I love cooking too! Having fresh ingredients really inspires me. I think growing the herbs will be fun!
Dow-I am facinated with you for pursuing horticulture. Plants and flowers are not only facinating, but they add so much to our happiness and well being!
Liv-I hope that you had a good trip and that you are feeling a lot better! Yep, sisters and family.......I completely understand. The biggest problem with my sister is that she is a long time drug user. You just cannot reason with a drug user. I hope you are able to take the steps you need to find peace with your sister.
Believe-Well.....I think that you deserve a window at work! Your bright light needs an environment in which to shine!! Hope you had fun on your days off!
MM-I hope you are having fun and relaxing on your trip! We sure miss you around here! It will be fun to hear about your trip when you get back!
Enjoy your day, my non-drinking friends! Carpe Diem!
XXXX KateA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Popping in for a quick post - Easter was actually nice. I read back on my posts and know why I need off the topa! Today is the last day. I will be curious if the emotions "settle down".
Hope everyone is doing great. Wonderful to hear from everyone
Believe - I should have known ... you just don't take the red out of a Husker ... even in beautiful Colorado! Thanks for driving us - I think the girls are all still here - but it's been a little quiet. Sleeping beauties
Thankful - So good to hear from you. A Restaurant! Yes! Time to dream girl!
Kate - You can grow herbs for the Restaurant - ship them back east
WW - Hope you are resting and enjoying some time off
MM - Hope Vegas was restful to you also!
Noelle - Always happy Noelle
Juliana - You will have to take a pic of the quilt and post it here!
Happy week to all -- I'm now off to FLORIDA! Beach time!
LivAF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.
(from the Movie "Once")
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Sweet Liv - have fun in Fla!!! Hope it's warm and sunny and relaxing all around!!
What a nice Easter Kate! Those girls do sound divine! And yes - things with my sister - really quite amazing. I feel more free of my family history right now than I ever have. And that's saying alot. ALOT!!!
Thankful - you sound so good! I know what you mean about taking a break. My relationship to this board continues to change over time too, just like every other relationship! lol!! I'm just glad your illness is gone, and that you're feeling good. That's just the best. Look at us all go !!!
posting before I lose more....... to be continued........
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
I am WAY behind on all things Believe and MM. Believe was driving people somewhere, and MM went to Vegas, right? How are you guys?
You know what might be really fun one of these days? What if we picked a time on a sat or sun, or whenever, and all met in chat for a 'thread party' ? Do you guys 'do' chat? I would love that!
Hi Noelle!! You super sweetie ! Hi Juliana! Hi Mya, Bootsie, and all!!!
Much love :h, WW xx
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Yes! A thread Party sounds like fun! We could open our own private room!!! That way we wouldn't drive the other "chatters" Nuts!!!
Liv, Have a great time in FL!!!
Love you Guys!A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Thread party....only you could think of this WW. What a cool idea. Where would we be without our fearless leader? You are so awesome!
I hope you are all doing great. Feeling better today than I have in ages!! Can't explain it and I'm certainly not going to over analyze it either. lol
Was making lasagne yesterday. Took forever because I never use jar sauce. I was really thinking about those fresh herbs, Dow and Katie. I always use dried and it takes much longer to make sauce that way. Much longer...:H. But it's worth the wait.
Got to get back to my chores. Feels great getting things done. Just wanted to pop in for a quick hi. So......Hi!
Kisses and hugs all around.
Love, Me
:lAlcohol is simply the device between success and failure.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Hi all,
I've never been in chat, but would try to come to a thread party.
I took a photo of my quilt, but can't find my way to the gallery to post it. Any suggestions? Seems it should be under User CP. I've looked at someone's gallery photos, but now I feel like I can't get there.My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Hi Everyone. Just a quick hello before I start my workweek. NOT happy cause I'm working nights the next couple weeks and I have to try to sleep during pretty much the best weather we have all year hee (IMO anyway), ugh. Lol Kate maybe you can get ot and enjoy it for me?
Liv you're right, I'm a Husker for life. People give me shit sometimes when I wear my Nebrask shirt to the gym, but oh well. Thats cool how you still managed to check in even on the road!
I think a thread party woul;d be gr8, but with the exception of this Sat I'm working the next few weekends, so I may miss itJust my luck.
Anywya, I better get going. Everyone take care, hope to see y'all soon!