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Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

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    Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

    Hey Buckle!!!! So good to see you!!!!! Oh how I love the sound of, "30, 60, 90 and beyond". Sounds like sailing happily into the sunset (sunrise?)!!! I'll take it!!

    Happy that you're feeling good Buckle :l !

    love ww xx


      Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

      Not sure

      I'm not sure if these thoughts "belong" in this thread or not, but I'll put it here anyway. Since joining MWO, on Jan 8 I have 42 days AF, two with ALice (minor on both days..2 glasses of wine) but the longest stretch is 28 days.
      It has been a pretty ..ahh, interesting? ...journey. I have begun to figure out some of my triggers; worked on some of my depression and stress issues. I have seen my wife smile at me! Saved a lot of money by not stopping at DABC on the way home.
      Do I have a long ways to go? You Bet! Does it scare me as much as it used to? No, but there is still some fear.
      Am I glad I joined up here? Yes, most definately. I do believe it may have saved my life,and I also know it has helped to save my marriage.
      Am I happy about all of this? No, not totally, not yet. I have a long ways to go. But at least now I know I can go there, and that I will have friends to support me.
      Well, that is about it from here! Have a great Day!
      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


        Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

        Buckle, please don't say "only." My dad always said not to say that, so I have to object. It's so demeaning. BE PROUD!! :h
        Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


          Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

          Hey BHOG - this is a perfect place to share those thoughts. I hope you continue to share them.......
          Wonder xx


            Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

            Okay - I'm looking for some of that research. I haven't found exactly what I'm looking for yet, but here are some exerpts from an interesting article about alcohol cessation and recovery of the brain:

            New Cells Can Develop For Years After Quitting

            University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill scientists have reported - for the first time - a burst in new brain cell development during abstinence from chronic alcohol consumption.

            In 2002, Dr. Fulton T. Crews, Bowles Center director, and Bowles Center research associate Dr. Kim Nixon were the first to report that alcohol, during intoxication, has a detrimental effect on the formation of new neurons in the adult rat hippocampus. This brain region is important for learning and memory - in animals and humans - and is linked to psychiatric disorders, particularly depression.


            In the new study, senior co-author Crews and co-author Nixon found inhibition of neurogenesis, or brain cell development, during alcohol dependency, followed by a pronounced increase in new neuron formation in the hippocampus within four-to-five weeks of abstinence. This included a twofold burst in brain cell proliferation at day seven of abstinence.


            Number of Brain Cells Not Fixed
            For decades, neuroscientists believed the number of new cells, or neurons, in the adult brain was fixed early in life. Adaptive processes such as learning, memory and mood were thought tied to changes in synapses, connections between neurons.
            More recently, studies have shown that the adult human brain is capable of producing new brain cells throughout life, a neurogenesis resulting in formation of hundreds of thousands of new neurons each month. "Prior to our work, everyone merely assumed that glia, the supporting cells of the brain, regenerated or that existing brain cells altered their connections," said Nixon. "We have shown a burst in new cell birth that may be part of the brain's recovery after the cessation of alcohol."

            Here's a link to the whole article:
            Brain Cells Rebound With Alcohol Abstinence

            There is hope for us

            ww xx


              Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

              oh yeah. there is hope .thankx for sharing that info
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                Here's another..............

                Brain Has Remarkable Power to Recover from Alcohol Ravages
                January 24, 2007

                Excessive alcohol use can literally shrink the brain, impairing memory, learning, and organizational skills. But the brain also can recover most if not all of its capabilities when drinking stops, researchers say.

                The Los Angeles Times reported Jan. 22 that MRI studies and cognitive tests were used to track the brain changes in a group of alcohol-dependent subjects as they embarked on the road to sobriety. They found that after just two months of abstinence, the alcoholics' brain volume increased an average of 1.85 percent, while the communication efficiency of their brain cells rose 20 percent. These chemical changes were matched by improvements in tests of cognitive function.

                Researchers found that the changes only took place among the alcoholics, not a group of healthy subjects who also were asked to abstain from alcohol use during the study period.

                "Abstinence pays off and enables the brain to regain some substance and perform better," said researcher Andreas Bartsch of the University of Wurzburg, Germany. "The adult human brain, and particularly its white matter, seems to possess genuine capabilities for regrowth."

                However, the heavy drinkers who had been alcohol-dependent the longest had the most modest recovery in brain function.

                Clancy Imislund, managing director of the Midnight Mission in Los Angeles, said that part of the apparent cognitive recovery has to do with the changed worldview that comes with sobriety. "When you straighten out, you get going again and you get some focus outside of yourself," Imislund said. Alcoholics, may "appear to be mentally retarded," he said. "They're not, they're just mentally self-obsessed. They need to be pulled out of themselves. And that's when your cognitive abilities return, I believe."

                Bartsch, A.J., et al. (2007) Manifestations of early brain recovery associated with abstinence from alcoholism. Brain, 130(1): 36-47; doi: 10.1093/brain/awl303.


                  Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                  Thanks Wonder, I think you're awsome too

                  I like the articles you posted, maybe there is hope for what must be a pretty shrunken brain of mine lol.

                  Well today I went to a bday party at a bar/mexican resto. Its the closest thing to a test I've had in a while. This place is supposed to be famous for their green chili (but then again ALL the restos in this town make that claim), and everyone there was a beer drinker (we all work at a brewery, so that makes sense). ANyway walking in the whole scene just hit me since you walk past the bar to get to the resto. Then once seated theres the ubiquitous margarita and beer advertisements, and all the patrons having one..then everybody ordered food (except me), that was kinda hard too. I caught a lot of flak from everyone (in a good natured way) about sitting there drinking my water and having a couple chips and salsa and nothing else. That plus being the only one there without a d8 provided lots of ammo for everyone. But we all like to trash talk anyway, so its all good. Anyway again I thought about what it would be like to have a few and cop a little buzz. And again the thought turned me off. Plus I still had to make my second trip to the gym for the day, and I want to get on xbox live for some COD4 tonight, neither of which is really doable after drinking. Both of which are more enjoyable than sitting around with a buzz. WTF did I ever see in that I wonder?


                    Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                    Hello, my friends!

                    What a wonderful thread, Wonder!

                    I am so glad to see everyone is doing well. I also feel like I am at cruising altitude.. a few small turbulance here and there, but I now notice them and just ride them through. I have had a few thoughts of drinking this past week, but not a lot. I have so much going on right now, so the fact that I am not drinking is amazing! Spoke to my therapist and had accupuncture Monday, and that was very helpful. I was a bit unsteady right before.

                    I am so happy to be free of alcohol.. I feel peaceful, I feel feelings, I feel accomplished, I feel lighter (litteraly, 12lbs lighter), I feel cheerful, I feel stronger, I feel proud, I feel capable, and I feel very fortunate to have you all.


                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                      Hello, all. Just thought I'd check in.

                      Wonder!! Wow, haven't you been busy! I didn't mean for you to go through all that, hun. I just thought if you knew where I could look up the info, I'd research it myself. You are so thoughtful to share all that. :h

                      That really gives me some new found hope. You always want to know that the positive changes haven't stopped. It's nice to know that we are still healing even though we aren't actually aware of what's going on inside us. It's just an extra boost of inspiration!!
                      Thank you.

                      I'm glad everyone is doing so well. Hang in there folks!! Day 58 here!

                      Love, Me
                      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                        Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                        You guys are an inspiration. This is my day 1 AF, but hearing what you guys have to say is giving me such hope. I need to get my energy from you guys!!


                          Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                          Hey livinlost! Welcome! This site, and all the great people here have really helped me get on track and out of the bottle - I hope you find the same. Congratulations on your day 1, and on checking in. Well done!! I hope you keep psoting, so we can get to know you

                          Thankful - it was no big deal. I need that research too!!!! I love reading that my brain can continue to heal and even grow, forever. It frees me from some of the remorse about my past, knowing that I can reverse the effects of my drinking. With what we know now about the liver and its ability to regenerate, and the brain, we know that true healing after alot of AL is possible. Amen. Pass the spinach.

                          Believe - Margaritas and beer. ouch. And, er, you WORK in a bewery? Please tell more.
                          You continue to amaze me with your tales of "thinking it through". Awesome.
                          (and p.s. - I would have happily been your AF date for moral support )

                          Hey MM! "I am so happy to be free of alcohol.........." etc....... ahhhhh!!! sweet!!!! Happy day.

                          Happy Friday to everyone!

                          Love, wonder xx


                            Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                            Lol yeah I work at a brewry. I'd prefer for the time being not to mention which one in the open forums though. Never know I may have co-workers on here! If I ever see you in chats or pms though I could tell a little more, I think its safe to assume I don't have any co-workers on the East coast

                            Of course it would've been nice to have an AF d8 for support but its all good. Lol if you're ever out in my neck of the woods we could show'em how its done af-style New af freinds would be nice, some of my old drinking buddies are pretty butt-hurt with me right about now...not sure if we're even freinds anymore or what. Lol come to think of it I'm not sure I care...

                            So yeah I'm around beer all the time (I really like our beer too) and I have ample opportunities to ponder drinking, sobriety and all. Its actually kind of an advantage cause when I'm in social settings (which for some reason always involve a bar) having everyone drinking around me is no biggie. I do catch a hard time about it (and my diet) all the time though, its pretty funny. The only 6-packs most (well, ALL) of my co-workers have consist of bottles of beer. I'm working on the kind that I can wear around the pool in the I plan on having the last laugh there, when everyones wives/girlfreinds/daughters are looking at ME LOL. Dickheaded thing to say I know, but it is pretty funny when it happens..its all in good fun though. :H


                              Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                              Hey, kids! Just checking in.

                              Feeling better today than I have in a while. Hopefully shaking this virus!! Yah!!! However, we are getting hit with a snow storm now, so got to see how that plays out.

                              Believe, I'll be your friend too! Why are your friends mad at you? Just because you quit drinking?!? If I'm too nosy, tell me to shut up. I can take it like a man. :upset:

                              Have a great night guys!! Stay strong. Live life sober and healthly!!!

                              Love you all so much!! :h

                              Love, Me
                              Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                                Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                                Hi Thankful..of course we can be freinds. The freindships I mentioned earlier were based pretty much on drinking. If we were together, we were drinking. And when times were tough, it was usually me buying since despite being the youngest out of that group I'm the only one with ANY earning potential. Them foolz can't ever hold down a job. Jobs get in the way of being drunk from the moment you wake up till the moment you can no longer stay awake. Of course brewery work isn't what my degree is in or anywhere near my career path, but I digress. My point is that since I stopped drinking they lost a shoulder to cry on, and a pair of ears to listen to their hopes and dreams that will never come true. Well, one of my dreams DID come true..I'm doing it. ANd I tell them point blank that I don't want to hang out. And if we do, we can grab a quick cup of coffee or something, and thats it. Honestly I have other freinds who are always on Xbox live (don't laugh, video games are cool now), or out doing stuff that has nothing to do with drinking. Its those people I seek out and hang with. Fuck all that sitting around getting loaded all day. At first no one took me serious, but now they know and I guess they're a little hurt. Its all good though. They can still hang out with Al. I got better shit to do

