Okay! Well, just had a long talk with tenant. She has calmed down. She was rational and aware of the 'lack of organization' in her day, and she thanked me profusely, and very sweetly, for my help. I'm not saying there won't be any more hand-holding (I'm driving her to find dinner in an hour), but I like her. Apparently, though aged 39, she has not been totally on her own much - always in a long term relationship (unlike me, who has moved a hundred times). So, with my good boundaries intact, I'm thinking positively and hoping for the best. And, once she settles down, I have a guy who might be perfect for her. A nice one.
And now, back to our regularly scheduled program .............and finally doing some catching up.....
Liv, I LOVE Siesta Key Beach! Spent many many hours there. And my uncle was there with his girlfriend at the same time you were! He's a nutcase - fun and harmless - but a nutcase. He has the lampshade on his head by breakfast (with no bloody mary's required!). I loved your comment about mornings. I LOVE mornings. My coffee, the easing into the day, no hangover and guilt, no (major) dread of the day ahead. It's sweet!
Believe, how's your self? Has work been okay? Looking forward to seeing you at the party tomorrow. Hope yer xbox is behaving

Sunbeam- I love your name

Hello Katie- Your adventures sound wonderful. Hope that your are feeling better:l. Looking forward to our play date tomorrow!
No L, my rascally AF sister! I have my eye on you!!! You better behave, or else!

Bootsie! Sounds like you are dominating out there on the West Coast. Isn't it amazing how different our lives are from way back when we first 'met'? So happy for you. Howz HH?
Thankful- There is so much I want to catch up with you about. First, that cockamamey (or however you spell it) situation you're living in with all those drinkers. Are you alright with it? I just hope it doesn't stress you out too much, or get you down. Interesting about coffee triggerng a beer urge. I haven't heard that before, but I totally believe it. Who knows what goes on in these brains? I'm down to 2 cups of half caf in the morning and that's it. Would eventually like to cut those out too. As far as the AF beers, use caution. They DO have a little alcohol in them (if it's less than 5%, they can call it AF Beer, I think), so there is a real issue of a chemical trigger happening. For myself personally, I don't drink them. My brain goes a little :nutso: from the taste I think (such DEEP conditioning, LOL!!!) and I can't tell if I'm getting a teeny tiny buzz or not, and then I want more. Makes me a little nervous. That's my experience of it anyway. Just be careful.
And where are the other Dudes? BHOG? Det? WASSUP ?!?!?! Hope to see you at he party tomorrow.
MM, Hey Girlie!! How was the show? How did our girl do? Look at you (and me!) in our 90 days. All that we've been through together, eh? I can't even believe it. Love you!:l
Okay off to goof around ........... see you a little later.......
Love WW xx