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Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

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    Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

    oh, Teardrop - Congrats on your days, have you hit 60 yet! I know this has been a tough road for you, but I have watched you grow and I really admire where you are... xoxox

    Thankful - Hey, sis! I also forgot to give you a little shout out.. How are you doing these days? Sorry I have been a bit AWOL, so I don't know exactly where everyone is right now, but you are always in my thoughts...

    OK.. really gotta run now.. gonna be late for my BUTT-KICKIN' (trainer).

    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

      Hiya Everyone,

      Evielou...well done on 30days af good to see you on here.
      Beck...Good luck on the moving, or have you moved already ?
      livingfree...cant wait to see your motorcycle pic.....i remember going way back on my first holiday i burn my leg on a motorbike exhaust not realize. Still have the scar today.
      Believe...I cant believe i have been on mwo 9months, but everyday has been worth it for me. what a great site this is !!!
      Det...when ever i read your post you seem to always be away somewhere, where there is lots of.:sun:
      Kaddy.....96days af well done.
      Kate....Sound like you had good fun with your granddaughter the weekend. i can understand what you mean about the home being invaded. WE are in numbers here where we support each other and care about one another that is what i LOVE about mwo people.

      Today was my last 1to1 session feeling a little lost (dont know why.) I still got my group sessions to go to. which does help a lot. The people there are really nice just like mwo people. so i feel quiet lucky in that way.

      Take Care everyone.

      59days af
      family is everything to me


        Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

        Just seen your post thank you mm, i will be 60 tomorrow not in age in a you do sound fantasic in yourself. im so glad.
        Thankful.... just to say hello to.


        family is everything to me


          Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

          Hi my friends!

          So many new people here. I love it!!! BECK!!!! You found your way here! I am so excited for you girl! Hope your move was easier on you than you thought.

          I've been so busy this week. And have been loving every minute. Been getting out of the house every single day for over a week and I can not remember the last time I was able to say that. It's tiring, but in a good way.

          My darling niece had her Senior prom Tuesday and just gradutated today!!! So many tears. I can't believe I only have her home for another 2 months. I don't know how I am going to get on without her. But I look forward to my new life and getting back to me.

          I will touch base better with all of you this weekend. I have so much reading to get caught up on here! Whew!

          Love to all ~ I miss you guys so much when I don't get here enough.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


            Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

            Just a quick check in with my kin ~ :H

            MM - you are grounded for even APOLOGIZING for hanging out on our turf. If you ever apologize for that again - :lordhelpme: I'll have to come over there and put you in the naughty chair! This is your home and so what you had a slip up! Lessons learned are gold coins for your memory bank!!
            I just got notice that my personalized plates were approved so I can't wait to get them and post a picture. You are going to LOVE it!!!

            Kate - I loved your thread starter for Beth downstairs - you are ALWAYS thinking of others. I love that about you!

            Thankful - congrats on the graduation! You are a proud MAMA !! Yes YOU! Anyone who raises a child is a mama!! I'll bet she feels that way too!!

            Believe - I'm so glad we have our protector here. I know if thirsty or anyone else comes prowling along with nasty words - you will take them out back and leave them for the turkey buzzards!! Thanks bro.

            Det - Hey ......... I'm still waiting for my Kilt photo. The underwater one was very creative - but I know Dex had to have taken a picture of that! Buck up ...

            Tear - "I'll be 60, but not in age" LMarseO !! I'm glad to know I'm not one hundred and something (although some days I wonder.........)

            Kaddy - your almost at 100! You OLD thing!!

            evielou - WAY to go on the 31 days plus .... WELCOME to 31 and beyond. You are going to LOVE it!! I am so proud of you woman!!

            Everyone I missed - big hugs and love

            We had a beautiful evening after the past couple of days of tornado weather again. Very bad storms to our neighbors to the east ... this weather has me wondering if a star is falling out of the sky hurtling toward us. Just like before the the ice age began. Very strange indeed. Better hang on to our hats ...
            AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

            Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

            (from the Movie "Once")


              Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

              morning all.. sorry this have to be a quick post have to take
              dogs out before l go to work
              hope you all have a good weekend
              there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


                Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                Good morning, Good night or Good evening or afternoon. wot ever!!! to all beyond.

                Liv...I hope the weather calms down where you are. just hold on to your hat. or your never catch it.
                Thankful... you must be very proud of your niece. I think its good to be busy. It always keeps me on my toes.
                Kaddy..Enjoy your dog walk. when ever i take my dog out she taking me for a walk.

                Im of now to pick a friend up going to a pub lunch cavery today seeing old friends from where i use to work, not seen them in over a year. so lots of catching up to do.

                Everyone have a good friday and weekend.x

                Take Care

                family is everything to me


                  Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                  Thanks Teardrop ...

                  I'm looking forward to this weekend. I have a busy day on Saturday at work - but will be done by 2 so plan on getting outside and enjoying the weather. June is just the BEST - and this year is ESPECIALLY sweet with all of the dreadful drinking days behind me -- and the early days of being sober (don't ever want a repeat of that either) behind me -- I'm just feeling spunky. WW would have liked that word. "spunky".... WW - I sure miss you and can't wait until you are back on the site.

                  Other than that kids - how your weekend shapes up to be fantastic!
                  AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                  Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                  (from the Movie "Once")


                    Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                    Knock Knock ... It's dark in here .... :upset: Hello? Hellloooooo? We were on page 3 and I am the last one who posted and the first to repost. Where is everyone?? Believe? Bootsie? WW (I know I know your off on an adventure), MM, No-L, Tear, Kaddy, Det, and THANKFUL WHERE ARE YOU guys?? Did somebody move and not tell me? Am I suppose to be getting the hint here?? :anyone:

                    Sooo I guess I'll just talk to myself. I'm good at that anyway. Today was a beautiful bike riding day (Vrooommm Vrooom). I am getting better. But have a long ways to go. But today was awesome! My husband knew of some curving back roads that follow the river, and what a beautiful site! As I was riding it hit me that if I hadn't quit drinking, I would NEVER have taken the classes or had the desire to ride! This is such an awesome life. I am so happy.

                    I love you all and hope you are doing well and find your way back here soon. :h
                    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                    (from the Movie "Once")


                      Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                      Hi Living. I'm in the middle of my workweek but thought I would pop by. No your not alone, so no worries

                      Well, I do have to get ready for bed though, hard to do so early when its so nice out....

                      Haha I for one will be back though....


                        Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                        Hi, guys.

                        No you are not alone. I have not been posting anywhere in a while. I have been so busy, but a really good kind of busy. Just never realized how much time I spent here before! Wow. You miss one day or two and forget, you've missed 200 posts! lol

                        Oh, well. It's hard to be on the boards like before. But I have to find time to come here because you guys keep me sane!

                        Love you all!

                        When is WW coming back???????

                        Love, Me
                        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                          Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                          morning all,, hope you all had a good weekend

                          101 days af
                          there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


                            Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                            Hi to all beyond,

                            Liv....Reading your post made me laugh, i was like that on the firecracker the other day. waiting for the express train to come.....It sound like the weather calm down where you are. I to enjoy my bike ride, you know i have realize this when i go for a slow jog my distances is getting longer because no AL inside my system, i feel a lot stronger in myself its a good feeling.
                            Believe... we will wait for your return.( i be back.)
                            Thankful...dont over do it, take that break.
                            Kaddy.... well done 101days af .:goodjob:

                            To everyone else take it easy, enjoy your monday. got me thinking i use to hate mondays first day of the week, but now i hate fridays it reminds me of AL the start of the weekend.

                            family is everything to me


                              Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker


                              I'm still here, it's just getting absolutely nuts at the Spa, that and DD is in a play and I have been running her all over for rehersal, sleep-overs, SUMMER IS FAST! Nonetheless, I am staying healthy and sober. Life is good...

                              But, LIV, I WANT to be put in the naughty chair! :bat :H

                              OK, I'm sorry for the short post but the puppy is screaming to go wee and I have to get breakfast and lunch made for my little aspiring actress. She is the lead Umpa-Lumpa in Willie Wonka - too frickin funny, right!

                              Have a fantastic day all.. catch up soon.

                              Namaste, me dear, dear friends.

                              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                                Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                                Hello everyone,

                                Popping in to say a quick hello - or should I say I'm just coming up for air. Moving sucks. Have a few relatively down days before the big truck pulls up to my door on Thursday. Don't have internet yet (at my sisters now).

                                Glad to hear everyone is doing so well. How does summer get so busy? Well I know how mine did...but the rest of you?

                                Thankful - You sound happy. Yes, I finally found my way here. Guess I wasn't ready to declare myself a non-drinker before. But I am now and that can only be a good thing

                                MM - I'm taking it as easy as I can considering I'm moving 6 people. I'm just going to have to live in box-land for awhile and not let that make me crazy.

                                Believe - guess I can move AF. Going well so far though AL has tried to tempt me.

                                Liv - think it is great that you are riding. I will have to come up with some new skill - will wait until July though.

                                Teardrop - I used to consider myself a "drinker with a running problem" Quit the drinking now I have to get back to the running...

                                Hello to anyone I've missed.


                                Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter

