Wow, been a busy thread! Don't really have time to go back and read all the posts right now since I'm at work. I just thought I would share my latest "Modding" exerience. I mentioned earlier I was going to allow myself to drink on occasion after doing 6 months or so AF.
So I got loaded at a wedding I went to last weekend. Had some beers a few days later. Drinking at the wedding reception was fun enough I guess, but it was more about the occasion than the drinking itself. Those beers without an occasion to go with them pretty much sucked.
Still no cravings to speak of. I'm going out of town in November to see some freinds I haven't seen since last year. Should be fun, and that may be the next time I drink. It will certainly be the soonest.
AF is still the best. Still my preferred status quo. Having a few months af time are making all the difference in the world for me. It makes it SO easy to see what a shitty life al has to offer when you let him take over.
I know I've said this before but I'll repeat that for me modding will be af living but open to the occasional drink.
Anyway thats my little update. Take care all.
