Good afternoon!
I had a weird experience last night I want to share. There was a grocery item I wanted, but didn't feel like making the trip to the big supermarket for just one thing, so I went to a European style convenience store that's in my neighborhood. I rarely go there, and hadn't been there since November probably. Anyway, I walked in and had an instant flashback to the last time I had stepped in the store. It was to buy beer, and probably in Nov. or so. I felt nauseaous because I flashed so vividly on how I felt then. So depressed, so lost, so...... out there. So in love with that bottle. It's like night and day from how I feel now. I couldn't wait to get out of there.
Yes Liv, I am a potty-mouthed Lori Partridge. Sometimes I just don't have time to be dainty! If it gets really bad, and I need my mouth washed out with soap - feel free, just use organic please

Mya - So you're either MM-1, or WW + 1. That's so funny! See the symmetry? Just flip it, and it's the same. I'm a Libra, I love it! I want to see the "chic-wiener"!!! PLEASE!!! And way to go chug-chug-chugging along on the AF train! Woof!
Tiredofhiding - What an extraordinary post. Thank you for giving us that gift :h. I am going to read it again later. I hope we get to see more of you here! And if you hit another rough patch, please know that we are here and welcome your participation. This thread has become a great source of stability for me and my sobreity, and I wish that for you too, if you'll have us!
Bootsie! The beginning is always the HARDEST with a cleanse, just like drinking, I guess. After a few days, you will adjust and the cravings will go. Will the LGlut help in the meantime? I'm going to do a cleanse when it gets a little warmer. Yes, no sugeries. Next month we get confirmation. My few ciggies have to go too. After 90 days I will sit myself down and have a chat about it. This is the year I say goodbye, it's just a matter of when.
Believe - "The whole reason behind eating this way is basically to trick your body into thinking that you're not on a diet when you really are." I totally get that. Many years of yo-yo dieting proved it. I actually weighed myself this morning for the first time in months. It wasn't safe! But I've been losing, and fitting into gradually smaller clothes again. And the number was fine. I'm back in the groove, and moving in the right direction, so I'm happy.
MM - Yes, I can frickin' believe that you are not drinking!!! You've been busting your ass for this for a long time. Did you think NOTHING was happening !?!? :H And don't worry about us, you just take what you need during this flurry of activity (yay!) in your life. We take turns looking after each other, as needed. No stress here! Just let us know you're okay, okay? And if there's anything we can do. WAGONS HO!!!!!!!
Kate - Date? I have no Date!! Except for my date with destiny

Thankful? How are you feeling today?
WHOA! If I loved you anymore, I'd burst.
WW xx