Bold Moves
What a day! Mondays are my day off (we'll not really off - but I don't book any clients, so I have the spa to myself - catch up on paper work etc.) - but I only went in for awhile because we are having another snow "event". (I'm calling them that now - so that I don't become depressed with this long winter - I'm not originally from the "North")
Thankful - WOW Congrats!!!! 61 days!! LOVE IT! I'm chasing you woman (or thats assuming on my part) I'm 56 today! You gotta stay cuz were going to take this thread all the way to - who knows!! Keep pushing on ODAT for us!
KateH - Ditto on your post - I agree! Congrats on your 38! I have a great book called the solution. It gives a list of 8 questions to ask yourself once an hour
1. I feel angry that ___
2. I feel sad that ___
3. I feel afraid that ____
4. I feel guilty that ___
5. I feel grateful that ___
6. I feel happy that ___
7. I feel secure that ___
8. I fee proud that ___
You can journal them or just ask yourself them. Answer with the first thing that comes to your head - don't spend much time on any one question, but do it throughout the day. It helps with anxiety and fears. I've been doing it a lot lately!!
BCB - OK - you were reading my Journal were you?? I honestly wrote in my journal this am that I believe the sugar addiction came before the alcohol addiction for me!!! And I am determined to get it also!! How determined???? I ordered the Hypno tapes from the place were MWO gets her CD's from! I got it in the mail Friday - But I promised myself I would spend the entire 6 weeks on the Alcohol alone first to make sure I didn't relapse in that area first!!!!!!!! No kidding! PLUS - I quit smoking on November 28th. Oh yes - I am such an addict. But I believe it all goes back to the sugar addiction. So I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. To Bad we don't all live in the same city. We could have one heck of a support club!!
Wonder - I love you wonder world, wonder woman! You are so awesome!
MM - Did you work today? How are you doing?
TOH - 47 and counting How are you doing
Believe - Maybe start with a good breakfast. I'm the worst breakfast eater in the world. I just can't seem to stomach cereal. Makes me feel depressed. Eggs - ok if its 10 am with a beer :no:
Ok - my success for today was putting in practice some of the things I need to change about myself. Like why I?ve medicated myself with sugar, alcohol and nicotine for most of my life. My new motto is ?Bold Moves?. Kind of like dealing with a new dog. You have to become the Alpha male. We?ll I exercised it today with my bookkeeper who dominates me in every way ? even by self admission but can?t help herself ... rules me like I?m a pup. Today I made my first ?bold move? ? I was the Alpha and took control of my ship! (I own the business, but the way I?ve been letting everyone treat me ? ) So just wanted to give a shout of Joy and report my success! I was so excited I called my husband to report ? He said ?Bold moves with passion, my dear!? what a guy! I have to keep practicing as It?s not my "normal" in any way. I?m the ?nice? one who everyone ?loves?, but behind the scenes I?m cussing and hate everyone I?m around!! I let everyone walk right over the top of me. No more ? that?s why I?m considering changing my orphan annie look. Maybe when I truly FEEL Bold and strong ? So when you see my Avatar change - you'll know I'm no longer "practicing"
Cheers to a great Monday night Ya'll - Stam warm and DRY
PS - I won't normally be so long and windy - sorry