Thanks! I didn't know you were still sick, I hope you get that beat soon. Springtime isn't TOO far away, it would be a bummer to be sick when you could be out enjoying it. Get well soon Thankful!
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Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
ha ha ha - you had me going too Believe!!!! you rascal!!:H
And I went back to old posts and did the math. According to my calculations, you're on same day as me - 51.
Or, you can use my formula: MM - 2 .
Good to see you in these parts!!!! You have been missed!!
WW xx
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
I know !! amazing.....
Kate - the bugs that are going around are treacherous. Mine lasted almost a full 2 weeks. And I'm no weenie. So ironic - feeling driven to drink by MWO!!!:H I know exactly what you mean! And that you reached out and got what you needed and safeguarded your sobriety, well, that's just plain........plain...... HEALTHY!!!! Like, REALLY HEALTHY. Self-care it is!!! I agree with your synopsis, we are quite a parade of humanity here...... there will always be SOMETHING..... now and then. So glad we are here together no matter what.
Thankful I don't like the sound of that. Have you gone to the doctor? Seriously I got bitch-slapped on this baord when I had a chest cold with a cough that went on for like 10 days. I called the doc and he called in a script for zithromax and said if that didn't clear it up, to come in to the office. Could you try that? Calling the doc? And you're drinking lots of fluids, right. And steam, if you can, at least once a day. If your shower gets good and steamy, that's good. Or a pot of hot water (was boiling but off the fire) with a towel over your head. Or a steam room somewhere. Steam will break up the congestion. And take mucinex if you can - or another expectorant to break it up. And keep yourself very warm, especially your chest and throat. And rest rest rest. And sleep.
You are sick (temporarily) but you are SOBER!!!! AY EFF !!!You're too sick to realize how happy you are about that fact :H or to feel how good it really feels:upset: . But you will..........very very soon........
Where's that super sassy l'il Liv? Hope MM's feeling good.
Love to all-
ww xx
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Hey ya'll - I'm just closing up the studio and heading home but wanted to log on and say I made it through my day! (Wed are my long day).
Believe - tell me about the Kudzu comment? I cut back on mine because I think it is giving me HOT flashes and making me feel weird. Any comments from anyone? It is weird stuff.
Wonder - you are so funny and soupy - "yippeeee" and "bitch slapped" all out of the same partridge family face - you CRACK ME UP!!!
Kate - These board got pretty steamed over the past couple of days - huh! Everyone exercising their new voices! Cool! Or the full moon!
Wheres MM and Thankful and where is Mya and living lost checked in and out so quickly ... but maybe I'll stop back in after I fill my tummy up with some chow. Gotta get home!
laterAF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.
(from the Movie "Once")
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
oh Hi Thx
Thankful - I skipped a page and missed you completley! So good to see you today! Missed you! Drama done for today - time for EXTREME SELF CARE NIGHT ....urgirl:
AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.
(from the Movie "Once")
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
I'm here!
I couldn't remember how many days I have AF but now I can do what Wonder does
Its MM -1 and Wonder +1 So now I just need to keep up with their days and then I will know mine LOL!
Shit I'm trying to type and I have a "chic-weiner" dog yes she is half chichuahua and weinnie dog trying to sit on my laptop. Maybe I will make her my next avatar picture. It's a toss up between her and A-Rod since baseball season is just around the corner.
I hope everyone is doing well
Talk to you soon!
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Living - I had actually stopped Kudzu weeks ago cause I didn't think I needed it anymore, I just took some recently to help with some pretty strong cravings. I never noticed any sides from it, except that it kinda woke me up for a little while after taking it. Kinda likea a small cup of coffee would. That plus the whole "killing alcohol cravings" deal. But thats it. At first I was taking it 3 times a day with no problems. I'm not sure what to tell you about those hot flashes...are you sure it was the Kudzu? And honestly I don't care what the sides were I wouldn't hesitate to take it cause it does work for cravings. Alcohol has way worse sides than kudzu ever could.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Life is Beautiful
I am amazed when I read through these boards and in reading MWO about how many Type A, over-achiever personalities there are around. How many of us own our own businesses, are active volunteers, are juggling family and home and work and all those other things. Chicken or egg - - did I turn to alcohol because the stress of doing all that I normally love doing caught up with me or was alcohol always there, not as much for a long time, keeping me numb to the stress around me?
I dunno.
I do know that I am not 49 days AF today, I've lost 29.5 pounds, my husband and I have been getting along so well and really communicating and enjoying each other, I have energy to walk and hike and stay up later working on things I need to do. I feel like God gave me a second chance to be all that He wants me to be and to do and I am taking that trust and the support of my family and refuse to give up now.
for many years I felt like a "fake." That successful woman running a business and raising a great child and active on boards and church committees and in the community was a fake. I hid behind 80 extra pounds of fat and a whole lot of alcohol. And they kept compounding each other. I feel like the real me is inside all that and is finally getting to come out and I love that person. I want HER to be the one people see and know. And I feel like the me I want to be, the me people see and the me I want to be are much closer to being the same than they were.
Ok, that was way too much, but I just feel good. I had a few days of doubt last week and a little breakdown which I shared with my husband. Today I was in the convenience store I often frequented for those pints of vodka and bought a diet coke for me and a bottle of water for my daughter and stared at those bottles behind the counter without a craving. Felt GREAT!
I better go enjoy said daughter and husband for a while now.Member since January 2008
AF since August 25, 2008
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
hello all my beautiful into life full on friends.. free free free. gosh, you know i have missed reading the steamy boards. ah kate well i leave it to you to put my two cents in as i just haven't the time these days to get worked up. i have enough on my plate...hahahahaa. i had to rest today so i didn't go to my job in laguna and in fact i decided to stay at home and do a strategy session sit in while a client of mine is here from santa fe. so i'm going to do that tomorrow to. it's important to be here for her and well, i had to decide go there or stay here and get some things done and be here for her while she works with my hubby on strategy for branding. so i stayed and while i did i managed to get a deal or two in escrow i think by phone. and get tons caught up. and the best part was i hiked my dogs. now, sober land reminded me that when i slow down and have that time for breath this is what life is all about those special moments wandering through a sunset with doggies rolling around on the slopes. looking out over the ocean and just taking deep breathes. sober deep breathes. and going you know you have today. today you just have today and i'm so grateful for it. i took in as i had lost weight too so i took in 10 pair of pants to cleaner and what we couldn't take in 3 inches we gave to my cleaning lady. hahahahaah 3 inches. oy veh... was i ever that alcohol big before??? yep.... and treats for dogs at the feed store.. yep and a tank top that says i sleep with dogs. hahaaha hubby is going to love that. so relishing today again and all that good grace. staying out of drama mode again. as when i went to lenair one of the things my system said it is better for me personally to forgive then to be angry.
wonderbread... my sweets. the diet is going okay. i have to muster courage to go without any sugar. and it is so so so challanging. i reach i reach. so tomorrow is a new day... no reaching... i simply must put together 30 days in a row to conquer this yeast in tummy. so wish me luck tomorrow is my new victory day of no reaching for potatoes or anything else that says eat me i have sugar waiting. ahahahahahahahaha. forget alcohol. i'm conquering sugar now. the cigs will have to wait. but i didn't smoke but two today.and today folks i actually saw that i could have a different career too if i wanted. you know the one i always wanted but didn't do because it wasn't practical. um the one i didn't do because it was creative, or i was good at finance, entertainment etc..... yep, today again i saw that vision in my head for writing my book and for that beautiful tea and sandwich shop. yes i did. i could feel it.... a zen you tea.. experience.... with my seven chakra tea mixes i have already mixed up and my buddha bean coffees i have already prepared. i have it and wonder you are right health first. cancer free let's stay that way. i find out next month if i have to have surgery so i say no surgeries... cancer free and here's to no sugar and health and then see what else life brings.... for all the goodness in store we've earned every inch of it. love you all
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
betcha thought I forgot
livingfree;278684 wrote: Ok Believe - you sound like you know what your talking about - Give me a general 40/30/30 picture here (what a typical breakfast /lunch/dinner) looks like. The carbs I'm needing to get away from are in the Junk food variety. However I Love bread to the point where I could get down and worship it.I mean hey - I've given up every thing else except bread and sex. And lately the topa has me to dopa for great sex - so the bread is my lust. But I am looking for a better eating style. My old life consisted of coffee, alcohol and food when it was socially necessary!! I'm actually looking forward to cooking more again. Something I haven't been doing much of the past few years! Also - I'm wanting to lose these 5 (or more) pounds by my 47th Birthday in April so I need to get busy! I have been working out - but need to step it up!
Anyway, you can also estimate your caloric needs. There are online calorie calcualtors that do it for you, but I find that their assesments call for too many calories. FOr me anyway. Another kinda old school method is simply to add a zero to your body weight. So I weigh 200 (actually 198 but we'll make this simple) so I would (and do) use 2000 calories as my base caloric intake for the day. Its best to break up your daily claories into several meals, 5 seeming to be a magic number. Sometimes thats not doable and we have to settle for 4 due to work or whatever (no excuses on the weekends though). Anyway, 40/40/20 split means that you get 40% of your calories from carbs (yes living if you can make the calories work you can have your bread) 40% from protien, and 20% from fats. The 40/40/20 (or 40/30/30) must be applied to each meal.
So. If we take my 2000 calories for the day and break it up into 5 meals, that gives me 400 calories per meal. 40% of 400 is 160. So I would want 160 calories worth of protien, 160 calories worth of carbs, and 80 calories worth of fat. There are of course different types of proteins like whey and casien (sp), different carbs ("Starchy" vs. "Leafy" as I like to put it) and different types of fats to consider. I think thats getting a little ahead of ourselves for the time being though. For now if you wanted to adopt this pattern of eating it will be enough just to get used to counting calories to put together meals within the framework of your daily caloric/macronutritional (is that a word?) needs. They're even putting nutritional info on bottled water nowadays so really theres no reason why a program along these lines couldn't easliy be integrated ito our day-to-day routines.
The whole reason behind eating this way is basically to trick your body into thinking that you're not on a diet when you really are. Our bodies don't like the idea of diets. They are programmed to conserve fat in times of famine. Providing the neccessary amounts of macronutrients daily, even if your calories are reduced a bit, tells your body that no, theres not a famine on, and its ok to keep the metabolism at its normal rate, and that its ok to burn fat. get to carried away and you'll be burning muscle and retaining fat. This is where L-glut comes into play in the bodybuilding workld (I'm no bodybuilder, I'm just saying). Its the amino acid thats targeted first (or most I can't remember) when the body seeks to catabolize(sp) muscle for energy.
You'll need to tweak this for awhile to get it just righ for your body, but if you do it right you'll be rewarded with a gradual and healthy reduction in bodyfat. I'm no expert though, like I said if you DO happen to be a noobcicle when it comes to this stuff, and you're serious, join a gym and get a trainer. If you're still awake I hope this helps in some way.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
I'm still here!
I'm just crazy this week... I am in the middle of moving, working 9-hour days, I have a sick kid, dealing with my STBX (he just keeps dropping by - making me crazy), selling furniture to complete strangers, packing, dealing with contractors for my new house, organizing movers, furniture deliveries.. blah, blah, blah, blah.. AAAHHHHH!
But, really, I sit here amazingly calm..ish...
I feel bad because I can't reply to my friends here.. but I know you understand.
The furniture is being delivered to the new place tomorrow, as is the cable (meaning music for me - yeah), and then the movers come on Monday. I don't have to be completely out of here until the 15th, so I can take my time getting the odds and ends over next week. I will do it in a slow organized manner as to not stress myself out. It is only about 10 blocks away, so it is pretty easy.
So, that's my life in a nutshell right now.
Can you frickin' believe I am not drinking!!! It is hard for me to believe. Really it is - with all of this going on - wow. But I haven't had any cravings this week at all. I am back on Topamax and I am taking 500mgs of L-Glutamine in the morning and 500mgs in the evenings. The L-Glut keeps me as calm as a floating feather..... LOVE THAT STUFF!!!
OK.. I will stay in touch.. but for the next few days it will be touch and go...
Love you all!!
MMFace your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
MM, Wow! New house, new furniture, new duds! New You!!!! How very exciting!!
Just remember to take good care of yourself during this time. I am very excited for you!
Bootsie, I will make sure to add your 2cents plus mine, that makes 4cents......oh, hell, I'll just round it up to a nickle!!! LOL
Good to see you, Believe!
WW.......Did you get that "Date" yet???? Go get him!!
Have a Fabulous Day, My Friends!
XXXKateA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Awesome everyone! Great posts! My late morning Client Canceled so I have time for a quick post - Not good for business - but good for my new addiction :H (my girls are starting to wonder why Im spending more time on the computer
Believe - Awesome Stuff - I'm weighing about 135 - normally always around the 120's and for whatever reason it climbed here and STUCK no matter what I do (could it beeeee the 47th birthday coming up??) so this is what I need to be looking at. I have started working out again - but need to get back into the weights (don't have them at home and am going to have to "find" time to get back to the gym). I have been a runner for years, and cut back on that about 2 years ago so the whole system is just messed up. I really think this will give me a boost. THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time to put this post in. I printed it and am going to get to work finding a meal plan that fits the bill for around 1500 cals a day. A slow steady loss is what I'd be happy with and 10 pounds is my goal. If I never get below 125 again - I can live with that ..... Get it LIVE - IT's my new name.
Mya - Hello! Glad you are checking back with this thread and not MIA :H
Believe - Thanks for the Kudzu thoughts - I am cutting things out one at a time to try to figure out where the hot flashes are coming from - I might have found it..... I had been taking higher doses of B's and I cut back on that .... flushing is gone -- I think it was the Niacin - I'm glad that is past! Whew!
TOH - Yes life is beautiful ! - and 29.5 pounds lighter - congrats! I think your insight on the overachiever here is HUGE. We are all classic type A, do or die, have it all, have it now people here! Ugggggggg! It's killin us!! I almost learned to late! After I opened my business my eyes really opened to the fact that I have ALWAYS been 2 steps ahead of myself (mentally & emotionally) when I take the next step. THANK THE LORD I slammed on the breaks - or I'd be over a cliff right now. We have to SLOW DOWN right now and simplify!! Will we though?
Bootsie - Wow I am so wishing I was sitting on your Mountain - the Ocean at my View - how I need that right now ... All I can see out my window is Snow and ... Ice Ice Ice. I'd dreaming daily of the sand in my toes as I sit on my beach in my mind. You new business idea sounds lovely!! Read my note to TOH above!! Why is it we are all such animals when it come to our lives and conquering and achieving!! I have never failed at anything professionally - but everything personally!!! But if you open the tea shop - I'll stop in!
Congrats on your weight loss too - Why is everyone losing weight except me? Are you all on Topa weight loss - or is it your sugar abstaining?
Kate - Way to go for beating the bottle - If you can do it once - you can do it again - building power.
Wonder - so wonderful of you to start this wonderful thread. You are our WonderWoman!
MM - Go Easy Girlie! All that moving - Contractors - Whew I'm tired. If we don't hear from you we know why! Best Wishes and take EXTREME SELF CARE HERE!
Thankful - Most Thankful for you for pointing the way!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya
Everyone Else - "There is nothing we can't live down, rise above and overcome." - Ella Wheeler - Wilcox
Gotta run - Work to do - to much time on this addiction ...
LivAF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.
(from the Movie "Once")