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Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

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    Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

    This is such a happy Thread!

    MM - Ouch MM Ooooooo I hate Shots. And one in the rear owweee. - didn't you let the young bucks carry the big stuff??!! But your priorities are correct --- computer plugged in first! Good girl. Lipstick on and a big smack! Bold Beginnings is the color of the month. What a great start to your new life. The old life behind you - the power out in front of you - the calm in today. Sleep well.

    Wonder - I tried to get my cow picture to post on our thread for Kate but just didn't make it happen. I'll try again next week. Right now I'm trying to pack for the traveling tomorrow and stressing because I am going to need a separate suitcase just for my MWO program!!! :egad:

    Thankful: Is this almost day 70 AF for you??????? OH MY GOSH that sounds so amazing. That calls for a celebration. Are you feeling better? We need to get ready for a party.

    Hey Kate - I was wanting to surprise you with a wonderful cow photo. You will love it when I can figure out how to post it here. Into the storm and all. It's called LEADING LADIES. Now I've ruined the surprise - but I'm going out of town and won't be posting a lot the rest of the week - but when you least expect - you will find "our leading ladies ... Herfords!. (Thats us) Also - I am going to post on your AA question as I have a strong opinion - but I'll save that for there. After I get through this week

    Believe - Where are you? Come out of the shadows and let us know how you are. We can dust you off and set you on your feet if need be. Hugs where ever you are. My weight dropped one pound. Thanks to you

    Bootsie - Is the week starting off ok? I need to borrow the 4 inch heels - as I have a party to go to Saturday night in Minneapolis. A gig with the Symphony (wine and cheese party, nothing special... ) DID I SAY WINE AND CHEESE ? EGADS - LORDEEE HELP. WINE AND CHEESE - 0H F:xxx:

    Oh It won't be that big of a deal. JUST MY FIRST MAJOR OUTING AWAY FROM HOME SINCE I WENT AWAL - I MEAN AF! Keep me in your AF thoughts and I'll touch base as I can. I'm going to be taking an advance training class so won't be with my computer much during the day - and then spending some time with my daughter in the evenings - I'll be hit and miss - just a drop in with a line.

    I love you all!
    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

    (from the Movie "Once")


      Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

      Well, Welcome Home MM!!! Sorry about your sore bum and back.....Ouch! You are Woman....Hear You Roar!!!! Hope you feel better in the morning when you wake up in your beautiful fresh new home. May you only have happiness their!!

      Liv, You crack me up! Can't wait to see our New Cow Logo......what will we call ourselves???Hmmmm The Mighty Hereford's of MWO!!!!! You Go Girls!!! Have a great trip! Darn......I will be in Minn on the 18th! Missed you by thisssssss much!

      Bootsie baby, don't have any size 8's that would fit an Amazon!!! LOL Hope you are off to a great start for the week!

      WW, Sorry to hear about your exausting day.......Hope you are getting some good rest tonight sweetie!

      And to all those cows + our resident bull.......hope you are well and see you soon!

      By the way, I have been reading A New Earth by Eckert Tolle, tonight I tuned into the webinar on am so blown away, I am almost giddy! Wow! Such a great class! I cannot wait until next weeks class! In the meantime I will be reading! Anyone that might be interested, you can go to the website tomorrow and watch or go to itunes for tonights webcast. will not be disapointed!

      Goodnight Moon! Sweetdreams gang!
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

        whoop whoop. gosh did i not post til now..... where are my manners. so sorry. well i had tea today all day in my new gift with purchase. yes i did. and while i'm busy getting one place finally after we've had it on market for a year. we are getting it into escrow. i am so happy for my client i could pee. on the other end i am fighting with a developer on another place that we have been waiting 9 months for him to finish. and now we are coming in and it is 50K below the sale price. well the market changed. do you know said persian guy today cussed bootsie out in farsi yes he did me and my appraiser which happens to be his appraiser. ahahahahahahah fell off my barbie chair. yep, and me all hot and barbie like. him all spitting and fuming. well he ran out of farsi and said i was just white trash. aahahahahahahaha. girlies there may be a lot of things i am but that ain't one of them. i laughed so hard i about fell off of my 4 1/2 inch really cool beautiful new porcelan white heels. and my beautiful cache suit all spiff like. how he ever got that and my sl mercedes as trailer ville well like i said.. he ran out of farsi. hamin! azizam. naicle . well, i suppose we did exchange a few words back and forth in the tongue. hahaahahahaha we shall see. i will win in the end or we will walk. and my partner screwed me out of oh 50% commission on another unit. i say all this with a smile because for some reason my tea made me so happy i didn't give a shit. reading my little joy book i thought well take it as it comes. no al for me. there must be better things on the horizon. why? cuz life works, my life works and good things happen to good people. and i ashgatem am damn good barbie. so, lastly yes i'm doing great. a client sent me today a huge basket of fruit all dressed up to look like flowers on spears. so i have fully eaten strawberries and melons and pears and stuff with chocolate on them.... yummy with my new tea set. hahahahahahaha and no al...... yeah sisters are doing it for themselves.


          Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

          wonder i've had lots of tears too. i think its the process. so i have also had sudden ugly mood swings. i think it's okay. and mm i'm so thrilled about your move...... believe i don't know if circumstances are changing. i decided i would. living. i am your sister in law. ahjahahahahahahahahaha kidding. well i love you too sister.... and kate kate.. honey.... i love the cow story. actually being raised on a huge cattle ranch i'm kind of partial to angus. i've pulled enough herfords out of ditches that were trying to drown themselves during storms. they may run headon into the storm but someone forgot to tell them about mud. seems the angus decided that being under a nice big comfy place out of storm was lovely... give them a feeder and some good oats and alfalfa. i'm going to say i'm with them on that one. i'll watch the rain from the covered stall but leave the gate open so i can run out there. okay there are just a whole bunch of us here and i can't get all the names going. bare with me. i do mean to track each and every. where the heck is buckle... she can join. okay, everyone no al is a good day and well i'm not really thinking about it and you'll do fine also at the wine and cheese. they actually have spritzers.


            Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

            New outlook, New place, NEW AVATAR! THINK SPRING!!!

            Hello, my friends!

            Well a new morning has risen. I am in my new place. I wish I could say bouncy and refreshed, but that would be a lie... hee-hee. But, I have a underlying excitement brewing. I have to keep reminding myself that I don't have to do everything in a day... and I have my little angel to remind me. She keeps saying, "mom, come play in my room.. you don't have to do everything in one day"...

            So, the packing of the rest of the small bits, etc., of the old place can wait for a few days while I stop, enjoy the moment and heal my sore back (things happen for a reason, eh?). THEN, I will go back and finish. I don't actually have to be out of there until the 15th, so I will RELAX about it!

            How are your emotions, honey? I think we can all relate to the emotional shit storm of this newly AF life. This whole shit storm, cow, farm-thing is so foreign to me cuz the closest I have ever gotton to a farm was when I sang old mcdonald had one...:H

            But really, I think that it is par for the course. I have had so many ups and downs over the past two months it's crazy. I now just relate it to going down a river with an amazingly handsome guide that knows the river and is going to paddle for me. I have to trust that life is my guide right now. So life had the wheel for a while. Sometimes it is unbelivable scary so I close my eyes, sometimes it is so fun I want to scream at the top of my lungs, sometimes it is so beautiful it is like seeing life for the first time, sometimes I feel so much anxiety I just want to crawl to the bottom of the boat and cover my head, and then there are times I just want to do the guide.. aaahahaha!

            Anyway, you know what I mean.. So put on your Jackie O's (Yes, they are appropriate eyewear on the river) and raise yoru head up high!

            I LOVED your story about the Hefords. I am not sure how I feel about being called one, but I love the story.:H

            What an unbelievable concept. Blew my mind.. I will remember that forever.

            OK, girl! You can do this.. I know that I would need a little encouragement on a wine and cheese party still. So, I'm sending you my thoughts and strength! Check in when you can.

            OMG! Your story cracked me up! You are so far from white trash.. that is hysterical! I am glad you stayed true to yourself and just laughed in his face...:H

            So sorry you were so sick! OMG, having to go to ER! I have had Bronchitis a few times and it is rough! Well, I am glad you are feeling better... Congrats on the 4-beer giveaway! It's the small things, isn't it. Looking back, it is these little steps that make such a difference on how we look at our AF life. For me right now it is everytime I go to the grocery store, get to my car and remeber I forgot to think about getting wine!

            Where are you, buddy? Check in when you can... Sounded like you were having a rough time of it a few days back.. Are you OK?

            Well, this is the first I've been able to check in and I STILL have to run...

            OH, since we are all getting close or surpassed 60 days, do we want to change our thread to 60-90 days? Wonder - you are the boss of us!!!

            And lastly, thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the support you gave to me over this past few weeks with this move and over the past few months with this whole divorce thing. It has been really hard. You guys have been amazing rocks for me.. so thank you, thank you, thank you!!


            MM Attached files [img]/converted_files/449521=3096-attachment.jpg[/img]


              Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

              Good Afternoon Friends-

              Thank you for that MM. And I liked your phrase "I have to trust that life is my guide right now". I feel that way too. Not sure exactly what it even means! But I'm trusting my gut and every day it leads to some small (or not) revelations, so I know it's good. Something is coming to fruition and I'm ready. Yeah, transitions baby. Congratulations on your move! Fact is, you done gone and did it! And sober and healthy and checking in like you wanted to. That's just a beautiful thing :h. Enjoy..........

              Boots - another warrior sister. Thanks for the heads up about the mud. That's okay. I'll get my boots (!) on and keep an eye out! yes you are damn good barbie. no arguments here.

              Hi Kate!! I know people are really into that book. I have not checked it out yet. But I will. I know there are a few people on this board reading it too. So cool! Are you all better?

              My day is going well. Feeling much better today. Spring please. Can't wait.

              Loving our sisterhood! Though still missing Believe :upset:.

              And love to Thankful, Mya, Buckle and everyone else!

              WW xx


                Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                Hey guys!
                Bootsie, the Deal Maker/Heart Breaker!!LOL....Geez hubby's accident sound very scary! So happy that he is OK....yep...the car can get fixed!

                MM-Well....happy you are waking and sleeping in you fresh new proud of how you have handled all this so very well!

                Liv- If you are checking in....have fun and be safe!

                WW_Glad you are having a better day. Yes, at last I am over that horrible Flu bug....still not back to my normal energy, but it is coming back!

                Yep, I am really into this book.....I need to go deaper into my spiritual self. This book is exactly what I needed right now. I am so glad that I have quit glad.....but, we sure do go through ups and downs emotionally. But it beats the hell out of going into the bottle. When anxiety hits, I role with it, instead of fighting it, and, it does pass. Funny, I used to hear about people modding and feel a little jealous that I can't. That too has changed. Now I think, I am so grateful to just not deal with AL at all, on any level. OK...well....that was deep!

                Oh! One more thing......I love this little group as well, I trust this group and I love how we truly support each other.

                I hope that the rest of our group checks in soon!

                Have a good evening all!

                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                  Hi everyone! I'm still here, U just been working and haven't been on my computer much. But all is well, I'll be back on tomorrow, for now I have to get back to work. Haha looks like I have LOTS of catching up 2do! Take care all :h


                    Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                    Hi everyone.

                    Just wanted to check in quick. I am extremely exhausted right now and know I'll just babble about stupid stuff and that won't be pretty.

                    Researched a lot on what supps to finally order. Have some threads on Holistic that I'm waiting for responses on so I can finally get them ordered. Can't believe how much work that actually is.

                    Hope you are all happy and well. Love to each and everyone :h.

                    Love, Me
                    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                      Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                      Liv's Top 10

                      Hello my travel Mates!

                      Bootsie - scare on the mud tracks - wow - so glad hubbie is ok. Put's the rest of my thoughts in a different perspective as I share.

                      Kate - I am going to put that book on my book also - I have quite a few on the list - but you'll have to give me a report and I may have to move it up! How I wish you were in Mpls. right now ... wouldn't that be just awesome! I may just have to make it out your way in the near future! Not THAT far you know! Thank you for your AF thoughs above. I truly have had such awesome confident feelings about being AF ... until I got here tonight. Suddenly my memories of traveling, going down for a glass of wine, relaxing ... really depressed me. I suddenly felt so sorry for myself. You can read below what I did. But when I logged on and read your post tonight - I felt so empowered. I really need you guys. This support lifts me up like nothing I ever would have imagined. I feel that this is maybe becoming the most imortant part of this program for me .... all of you. Kate, MM, Thankful, WW, Belive, Bootsie, others who join us. Especially today. Today was big for me.

                      WW - Transition .... hummm I love that thought. I'm going to put that one on my "Transformation" list. We need to have a brain storming session about that topic!! I kind of feel like the catapiller turning ... but the butterfly is a ways off!

                      MM - Oh darlin - Your Spring Avatar just makes me happy and so excited for Spring - actually that is what "transformation" is happening to us!! You look so - GREAT! And your Jackie O sunglasses! I can just feel the happiness coming through your post! You go woman!

                      Thankful - hope you are doing ok out there!

                      Believe - So awesome to hear from you - missed your handsome post. You don't have to catch up - you just have to stay with us!

                      Here is What I learned on my first Road Trip "Alone" since going AF

                      Liv's Top 10 AF Drive to Mpls

                      10. Don't Book "Maranda Priestly from "The Devil wears Prada" as a Client the morning your trying to leave town

                      9. Do not read the Panic Attack Threads before leaving town

                      8. Keep the Hemi under 85 mph or wear depends

                      7. In my next life I will NOT quit smoking at the same time I quit drinking

                      6. Remind self the cows face into the storm

                      5 Shit - they drown in the ditch & Mud during the storm

                      4 " Fuckus " is a word you can always "un- learn" later

                      3. Are these tears starting to have flavors??

                      2. Call honey when arrive and thank him for insisting on all these silly gadgets like GPS, Satalite Radio, etc. to occupy my smoke free hands!!

                      1. Sit down at Bar in hotel and tell the youngest, best looking bartender ... " I'll pay you top dollar for the biggest kiss ya got" Then get up and leave. (ya'll don't think I did it do you?):blush:

                      I love my dear friends - you have no idea how much I thought about you today during my "behind" the wheel time. You are my heros.:h

                      AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                      Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                      (from the Movie "Once")


                        Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                        Good Morning All!

                        Believe, happy that you popped in. Take care of yourself during this busy work time.......Liv is right, just drop by and share when you are able!

                        Thankful, Good to see you......babble all you want, we are here, for the good the bad and the not so pretty, remember, we are not Fair Weather Friends! Good for you checking out the "Holistic Sites!" I find that in addition to supps and exercise, a massage and Reiki treatment does wonders!

                        Liv, So glad that you can find a sage harbor her! I know how hard the whole non-drinking thing can be while traveling. On my recent trip to NYC, there was much temptation every where. Also see, I started my drinking career about 20 years ago when I traveled constantly on business, lots of reasons why....but started a spiral of bad stuff! (another day perhaps, another story)

                        What I used during that trip to stay AF was knowing that I would be seeing WW and Mags at the end of the week. I was early in my third week AF at that time. But I wanted to meet them sober and still AF! It worked! Got me through some tough spots!

                        Mud!! Well, I know precious little about cows......but I think this adds more depth to our little story. What do we do when we get stuck in the mud????? Fight it, and get in deeper, or relax, make a plan and slowly and surely get ourselves out of it and then proceed to walk through the storm!!

                        WW-I do so wish you warmth and sunshine!! A weekend in Florida might just be the thing right now!!

                        Carpe Diem All!
                        XXX Kate
                        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                        AF 12/6/2007


                          Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                          SO GOOD to see you Believe, old buddy, old friend. Look forward to catching up with you too. We've been keeping the light on for you . Did you survive work? Any plans for the time off?

                          Liv, this community has been my lifeline too. And without it, the rest would not have worked. This I know. And it's become about so much more than 'quitting drinking', becasue of the people here. It's so much more. And yes you did it

                          Thankful, I wrote to you on holistic. And I agree - babble on. Seriously. No editing necessary. Get it out, if it helps. We don't mind one bit. One day the tables will be turned. That's how we roll. I hope you are getting alot of sleep. Are you still coughing? Don't forget that antibiotics can really wipe you out too (great). It will take some time to rebuild your strength. Hold on. The supplements are a great idea. I find that they help.

                          Kate, I did not know that about when you were in NY. That made me want to cry. And look at you now! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!

                          I know MM is celebrating and enjoying her beautiful day 60. Makes me smile from ear to ear. Hows Boots today? huh girlie?


                          love WW xx


                            Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                            Oh! Yes Beth! I had so much anxiety around drinking both before and during that trip. Remember, I also feel flat on my face on day 28 my first time trying to go AF.......argh! I was also meeting up with you on day 28, second time out. You will never know how much your beautiful smiling face, under the clock, touched me!

                            Still today I smile at so many memories of that day! You dragging our buddy Louie, Louie our undocumented friend....LOL.....all over the streets of Manhattan!!LOL.....I am so mad at myself for not taking a photo of that!!

                            When I got on my train, at the end of the day after our long and wonderful dinner with Mags, I cried while my heart soared!!!!!!

                            Love you my friend!
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007


                              Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                              I'm here!!!
                              Just trying to get everything done at work so I can take off half and day tomorrow and all day Friday.
                              Hubby and I are going to see George Strait in concert!

                              Everything is going really good here, I have already rewarded myself with a pedicure on Saturday and I had a set of nail put on today a lunch.

                              I only had a weeks worth of topa left and haven't decided if I'm going to order more or just keep taking the supplements that I'm taking.

                              Great job everyone talk to you soon!


                                Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                                Hello my friends.

                                Yes, I still have the cough but it is slloowwllyy getting better. I really need to get back to life soon. There's so much I want and need to do.

                                I'm glad everyone is sounding good. It's so great to know we can rely on each other for support.

                                I'm thinking of dusting off the Tony Robbins tapes this week. I spent about $200 on a set almost 10 yrs ago and 75% of them have never even been open. I seem to remember that everytime I tried to start the program thoughout the years, it made me feel so miserable about myself because of my weight and drinking. They tell you to stay away from the negativity in your life and, hell that would mean moving away from my family and not leaving a forwarding address!! I obviously wasn't in a place to correct those issues in my life. I think I really need to take the time for me now. It's the first time in my life I'm proud to say I'm a "cow".

                                Stay strong my friends. You are my rock.

                                Love, Me
                                Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.

