hello all wishing you a beautiful evening. sending the sober friends a restful nite. boots
No announcement yet.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Good morning friends-
A quickie for me too. and I am REALLY looking forward to having tomorrow and the rest of the weekend at home and here. Today is a busy day into the night - will be home at about 10 tonight and then I'm home-free for 3 days.
I think of all of you all the time. Just want you to know that :h.
Love WW xx
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Morning All! It's the first Day of Spring!
WW......So happy to hear you are getting off the High Speed Train, you have been on for a while now! I hope you have some nice things planned for yourself, for the next three days!
Liv-Have lovely time in Florida! I hear the beach calling my name.....hmmmmmmmmmmmm
MM-I hope you are enjoying your trip! Isn't it absolutely fabulous to plan anything and everything without our EX......you know.....AL, the Spoiler!!
Bootsie-Take care of yourself.....darlin!
As for me, I am having a crazy busy week with work......but it is all good! I am having lunch with my daughter and then getting my new cell phone activated!! Yeah!
Have a Fabulous Day All!
XXX Love, KateA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
This really is a good thread. As I have gone back and read the number of in puts ... Just when I was thinking of giving up. I having been going off the Topamax. Thinking of just doing the Supps Now I'm reading more and thinking, ok... maybe I can do this.Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Hello my dearies,
I know I'm suppose to be taking a break from the boards but I've been worried about Liv and WW. Just had to check in.
WW ~ so glad you are getting some days off. You sound like you are pushing yourself too hard. I know I've missed a lot of posts, but did you ever clairify if you had heart problems or not. Not nosy hun, just worried. Please go easy on yourself.
Liv ~ how are you feeling, sweets? Don't push yourself too early either. Everytime I felt the slightest bit better, I'd get up to do something and BAM. I'd be back in bed for a couple more days. Just stay put til you feel completely better. A relapse is not worth it. And what's this about FL?
MM ~ have a great visit in Vegas!
To the rest of our little gang ~ :huggy
I can't believe I've only been away 2 days. I feel so lost! :H
Love to all of you!! I may not be here everyday, but you guys are always in my thoughts.
CaptJ ~ never give up. EVER! It's all about attitude. Stay positive and focus on your goal. Sobriety = Health & Happiness! I promise!
Love, Me
:lAlcohol is simply the device between success and failure.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Good evening mates - I'm in for just a line - about the time I thought I was over the hump - the fever spiked again - it's back to the Dr. tomorrow, as we are suppose to leave after work tomorrow night - drive to my parents for the weekend - and then Fly to Florida for the week. The way I'm feeling right now - I'm not looking forward to any of it:upset: so ..... ug
I think I need a different antibiotic. I am SICK of being SICK!
WW - you are closing in on the 90 day window??!! What is that feeling like? I am praying for the Tibet crisis - what a mess ... a true heartbreak - I will check the thread for any updates.
Thankful - I am so glad to see your post - 2 days and I miss you so ...
MM - Hope you made it to Vegas and are basking in the SUN!
Kate - you sound refreshed ... moving out of the 60' ....
Capt. J - So glad you could find hope here. It is the greatest - do NOT give up!! EVER!
BB, Bel, everyone - Hugs
LivAF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.
(from the Movie "Once")
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Good Morning and Happy Friday.....non-drinking buddies!
WW-Hope you take today to do some things that you enjoy, and, take time to relax. You have really been pushing yourself! Tibet, we will keep meditating and praying for peace there, and all over the world.
Liv-I am so happy you are here! I am sending you Healing Energy....keep drinking that water! Have a good trip to Neb........even better your trip to FL! We will miss you......but, you can dip your toe in the ocean for the rest of us!
MM-Hope you are Spa-ing yourself into Bliss! I know you are having a great time! Your happy energy just spills over! Though we miss you.......it is good to take a break and just LIVE!
Thankful-Your post made me smile! You are such a wonderful energy! I missed you, two days seemed like a long time! Just take good care of yourself!
Bootsie-Hope you are taking some time to take care of yourself during your crazy busy time!
Believe-Hey Bro! Another beautiful day for us! I am going to take my lap top to Starbucks later, after my conference call and work outsied in this beautiful weather!
Capt-It's up to you. Trust us, living without Alcohol makes life so much richer and better! If we can do it, so can you!
Well.....Love and Hugs to All my Buddies! Thank you all for being a bright light in my day!!
XXX KateA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Hi everybody,
Just checking in. I have today off from work. I will finish my quilt, and put together info for an upcoming gardening presentation on traditions and myths. I am a zone 5/6 Master Gardener. If you ever need advice, I will be happy to respond through my own wisdom or by looking it up. I sang last night in a very moving Maundy Thursday service which we present every year. The Lord visited us by making the neighboring church bells chime at just the right moment.
Happy spring to you all! And whatever else you choose to celebrate (Easter for me).My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Hi Dow,
Sorry.....didn't mean to forget you!! I would love to see your quilt! I used to do a lot of quilting, but haven't done it for years!
Gardening tips....hmmmm, I am in CO and live in a condo, I have a balcony that faces East, early day sun! I want to buy planting boxes that attach to my balcony. I would like to grow some herbs, basil, cilantro, rosemary etc and perhaps some tomatoes............any helpful hints? I miss having a veggie garden, fortunately I have a fabulous farmers market on weekends, very close to my house! But, I would still like to grow a few things. Thanks you, for any help you can offer!!
XXXX KateA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
This forum is pretty addicting when I'm at home, especially if I'm working on the computer. But on most days I'm not home, I don't post on this thread that often, and don't feel left out if someone doesn't mention me.
Kate: Herbs are very easy to grow, and most prefer it on the dry side. I hope your east balcony get at least 5 hours of sun.
I love cilantro, but it tends to bolt (go to seed) quickly. If you want to try it, use the slow-bolt seed or plants. Plants are more likely to bolt quickly.
Rosemary will do very well if you have enough sun. Buy a small plant, and watch it grow quickly. Put it on the sunniest end of your planter. Sometimes you can over-winter it in a sunny window, but they don't make the indoor-to-outdoor transition as readily as we would like.
Basil is very easy to grow from seed. It likes a little more water than the others.
Parsley germinates very slowly from seed, so you may want to buy plants. The flat leaf Italian type has the best flavor.
Sage is also very easy to grow from a small plant. I have trained my husband to use it more frequently. It is usually over-used in stuffing, better as a background note in a vegetable dish.
Cherry tomatoes are the easiest to grow in a container. They need quite a bit of water, and will do best in a separate container, at least two gallons. Tomatoes have enormous root systems. I don't believe those upside down tomato devices produce enough tomatoes to be worth the trouble of watering them.
I hope this helps!My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Thank you for all this information!! I will definitely plant the herb garden......perhaps, the tomatoes should be purchased at the Farmer's Market!! I will think about the tomatoes!
I love to cook and I really love using fresh herbs, there is nothing better than going out the door and picking your own fresh herbs!
Thank you again!
Happy Easter
KateA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
OMG, I feel so so so much better. Everything came to a head and I had a meltdown last night and cried my eyes out. Then I called my sister and we had a huge screaming match, which we needed to, and then it settled into an incredible bonding conversation. Along with matters in Tibet, some lifelong issues with my sister (one and only sib) have been coming to a head. It's because I'm AF, clear-minded, and my self-esteem is so much higher, that I was able to stand up for myself and also hang in there through the yelling and be loving when we finally got to the good part. This was a breakthrough I've been yearning for 40 years. Literally. I am amazed.
Okay - I need to catch up with everybody and everything. I've been missing you. But I wanted to share that good news before I 'dove in' .
Love to all - and thank you! You all helped me to make that happen - don't even think you weren't all right there in it with me!:h
Love WW xx
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
Oh! WW!! I am so happy to hear this, OK, now I am crying! This has been a long time coming and during that time, I know the pain that this has caused you. Especially where it concerns your dear niece and nephew that you love so dearly. Does this mean that spending time with them will now be much easier? My gosh........they will learn so much from Auntie Wonderworld!! Indeed she will teach them the magnificense of living fully and conciously!!.....................Yippppeeeeee!!!
For sure, this type of a break through could only happen when one is sober and conciouse!!
Love you Lots!!!
KateA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker
my fly by
Hello my lovelies and Believe our handsome if you are back ~
Just running out the door - work is done - on a different antibiotic - (I told my Dr. I'll take the expensive one please - it's an expensive body - and I normally don't do meds (Damn that Topa anyway :upsetso I'm driving all this S#IT out of this beautiful :H body!!
Juliana - I too would love to see the quilt - sounds like a wonderful memory in the making - your "freedom" quilt. And a "He is Risen" salute to you!
Kate/MM/WW/Thank/BB - My sister/bro/hood will get me through the weekend - In the back seat - (Ok Believe you can drive ... I'd rather sit with my girls) Thanks - as extended Family time drives me a tad to the nutty side!! I will hear your voices calling my name! Livvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Liv :lAF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.
(from the Movie "Once")