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Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

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    Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

    Hi everyone!!! I don't have time to post a long one and address everyone individually today but this is the first day I actually "fit" into this group.

    I hope you don't mind if I butt in and join from now on.

    You guys - non gender "guys" - are all my heros!!

    Bradford promised a bed today, finally, for my daughter. So gotta run and send her off with love.

    Love you all and all have a beautiful day!!
    AF April 9, 2016


      Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

      bootcampbarbie;308847 wrote: hello everyone.. just checking in for a bit and catching up on your posts. oh my gosh so much fun and beautiful..... love you all. love you k8. i'm a big tea drinker. and wow, i have that in hand allll the time. all the time. i have hot tea even in the hottest of weather. oh gosh and det i love the chrome appliances. makes me want to get some. since i'm raw fooding it i'm considering these new additions to in the kitchen. hummmmm. oh gosh and shopping at the farmers market was so fun. and yesterday was my last day at corporate gig. am going to miss them all so much. love each and every.. love them. they had such a nice party for me too. i just cherish each.. but am so thankful to be starting on my new life. i even hiked the doggies this morning for the first time in months.
      and this morning i bought the best cd courses ever from landmark education. so this morning i'm listening to living life powerfully. and it is so good. it's all about integrity. oh my god it's beautiful i feel so so so in that space again of miracles. integrity isn't the right wrong game its the space of miracles. just being the space of really being whole and complete and living with power freedom and peace of mind. oh this is so so so yummy. i'm so glad they put some of their stuff on cd. i've been waiting for this forever...... this guy has lead courses for over 200,000 people. oh i'm in yummy heaven today and sufficiently confronted... ah coming back to being your word.. oooohhhhh well gotta go... i'm really getting into the cd now and gotta make a salad.
      lvoe lvoe love you all
      Barbie, Are you still AF? Just curious if the trip to vermont is working for you stil?
      Thanks, J


        Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

        Hellooooooo All-

        CINDI!!!! So good to see you here - totally psyched!!!!!!

        And good to see everyone. This has been an unbelievably difficult week. I don't even have the energy to begin. But throw in family stuff, money stuff, work stuff, tenant stuff, and well, it's been one thing after another. My AF is secure (though while starving and tired a little while ago, a scene on TV with people drinking beer really grabbed my attention (!) for a few seconds. But like Believe and my other AF buds, I can 'think it through' in about 2 seconds, and it's like - nah, no thanks!). It was a beautiful day today. That really helped.

        So I'm going to read a little more and try to relax. I'm in for the night.

        Love to all :h-

        WW xox


          Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

          Okay - I'm VERY jealous of you Liv and your bike driving!!! I drove one a little many years ago and it was SOOOOO much fun. Maybe I should do the same !!!

          And Det and DX at Chris Rock - nice! I would love to see one of his shows live.

          Thankful? Where you at ???

          Okay more reading..........

          ww xox


            Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

            Thankful - just read about you and your niece. and your sister. I am so sorry. My sister is so, um, 'not there' for anyone either, it's just maddening. I hope you continue to dump your frustration here. Those people are so toxic and some of them sure aren't going anywhere anytime soon ......... it's very challenging. I think I'm going through a transition with a few of these relationships myself. I just don't relate to them in the 'old' way, and yet I'm not enrtirely sure what the 'new' way is just yet - if that makes any sense. It's kind of uncomfortable. And I feel angry alot.

            MM - I'm gettin' to you.....:h

            ww xox


              Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

              WW - I think you should get back to riding!! I am doing this as my sober reward. I am playing with my hubbies bike - but (MM) of course I want my own!! Maybe orange or red?? I want a Sportster, but hubbie want me to take his and he wants to get a different one .... I don't think so! This is about ME ~ right?!! WW - I also had the cravings tonight - just for a second too - I had a really busy day at the spa - not even a bathroom break - and I felt like I wanted to drink when I got done. SHIT. I didn't .... but the fact I wanted to took me once again by surprise. I haven't even WANTED to in quite awhile - so SHIT SHIT SHIT - this is going to take a long time isn't it. Oh well - I will just continue to commit to forever and take it one day at a time.

              Cindi - way to go girl!! Your 30 days went so fast! :H (thats like telling a pregnant woman that boy that went fast!)

              MM - How is bikini boot camp going? You must post a picture so we can see you!!!!

              - Hi !

              - I'd like the recipe also!! YUM!

              - I'm shocked and ready to talk to your sister myself about how much she is going to regret the decisions she is making concerning her daughter!!!!! THANK GOD - your niece has you. You are more of a MOTHER than she - but you already know that. You will never regret the time you are investing in her. She will forever be grateful.

              Okay everyone - I need to go read a bit and fix dinner. Veggies for me

              Love, Liv
              AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

              Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

              (from the Movie "Once")


                Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                I hear you Liv. But you know - if I HADN'T been tired, crazed, starving, I don't think it would have occurred to me. And how amazing that we had the thought, and it came and went - no damage. I don't think you should be too hard on yourself about the thought coming up - you can't control that. You didn't dwell on it. You took care of yourself how you needed to - food, a break, us, YA know. The gentle nice stuff. I think you're awesome:h

                MM - your buff bod is very inspiring! Good on you! I need to get into the gym myself. Been walking some and starting Spring yard work and stuff, but I need some tone!!! I need to stop getting distracted with OPP!!! (Other People's Problems!!!!).

                Okay.....getting there...........

                Love your new avatar Det!

                Ww xox


                  Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                  looking forward to joining you...

                  Just read your posts and want to say that I am looking forward to being member!!! Will be in touch in 25 more days!!!


                    Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                    Great Maggiemay!! Keep on keepin on!!

                    Had a really busy week all - I can see where things are going to get really busy and my computer time is going to be cut way down :upset: It's 11:30 pm and this is the first I've been able to jump on. So life is going to get back to my "new" normal -- lots more work! Which will be a good thing!

                    Hope everyone is doing well. Love to all
                    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                    (from the Movie "Once")


                      Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                      Hey everyone-

                      And hey Maggymay!! :welcome: Love your spunk !! Say hello any time !!

                      Yes - it looks like people are "getting back to life". Good! (okay but I'm a little scared). If anyone wants to 'meet' tomorrow in chat for a thread jam - let's do it!!!!!

                      Last week's commotion is calming down. Feel much better. A bee-youtiful day here today - spent some time outside. A friend came over and we had a nice lunch sitting in the sun room and gabbed and gabbed and gabbed. Life is good today for sure.

                      Hope everyone is well. Much love to all :h -

                      WW xox


                        Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                        Wonderworld, you sound so happy cant' have too much of that.

                        Maggymay, nice to have ya on board!

                        Medmama, yes exercise is WAY better being AF. I can tell that my O2 uptake is much more efficient and my recovery in general is better. I do have some joint pain but that's due to being a moron and doing stupid things (darn guys!)

                        Day 74 AF and feeling very good about the way I feel mentally and physically. Listening to "a new Earth" audio CD's when I drive and trying not to drive off the road whilst in such deep contemplation.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                          Hi gang!

                          WW ~ I so understand what you mean about your sister. I really resent the fact that mine is 5 yrs older than me and still acts like other people should be doing things for her. My niece and I got home very late Friday and all my sister could complain about is how much money she owed me for taking her daughter on the trip! And then of course last night (she was sloppy drunk) and she's saying how much she "loves" me and "thank you for taking my daughter" and how she "wishes she could have been there" but she had things to do. I wanted to gag. I just completely ignored her.

                          Liv ~ You make sure you get your own bike my dear. It is about you! This is a well deserved reward. And don't you worry about those cravings/urges. They are going to happen. But it's how you deal with them that is going to truly test you. And you will pass, I know you will. Everytime I see a "cold beer" sign I cringe and shudder a little. But the moment passes quickly because I push those thoughts out of my head asap!

                          MM ~ I am so jealous of your commitment to excersise. You are my inspiration.

                          Det ~ You always sound so darn cheery!! Can you send us a recipe for that?? I need some! lol

                          CINDI!!!! ~ I haven't been on much this week so CONGRATS on your 30 days! I enjoy your posts so much. You always have something of substance to say and I value that. I hope that your daughter is getting well. I'm still praying for her. Did you get the PM I sent you last weekend? I hope you didn't mind. Anyway....welcome.

                          Maggiemay ~ what a nice thing to say about wanting to join this thread. You stay strong and those AF days will add up before you know it. Don't let anything come between you and your goals.

                          Well I guess our little thread has dwindled down to us few die hards, huh? Kind of sad. We all should be able to talk about whatever we want with each other and not worry about being critiqued. When we don't like one or two comments from someone and they leave, we then miss out on the one hundred or so comments that we did like. What's that AA motto? Take what you like and leave the rest...? Something like that. Oh, well....

                          But through all our stress and woes this week, we still seem to be a happy bunch. I think that's why I love coming here so much. No matter what sort of crap life throws at us, we all rally around and try to stay positive.

                          Love to all ~
                          Love, Me
                          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                            Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                            Hello my Non-Drinker Friends!!

                            I still don't have time to do this properly. I need to fold up laptop and clean house and decorate for middle grandson's birthday, BUT I wanted to jump in the midst of all you wonderful people and say something that has been on my mind.

                            What is it in us that makes us feel guilty, or in anyway wrong when we have a drinking thought? I think all thoughts are okay. Even the "drinking" thoughts because that is what we do. We consider something and either decide to act on it or not. This applies to a whole lot more than drinking in our lives!!

                            I say, just because we have the thoughts, it is no problem. It is the acting on them that is the problem.

                            I assume I will have drinking thoughts the rest of my life. No biggie. I will not act on them, though, except to say, "bad idea."

                            Throw that guilt out the window, guys!! No room for guilt in this group!!

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                              Hey all!! What a fabulous thread! Have taken a sabbatical from posting for awhile, but have been reading threads here and there.

                              Its so good to "see" old pals and to meet new ones.

                              Wonder, what a wonderful space you have created for people to come and just be. As usual you inspire us all with you grace and caring.

                              MM, what can I say. You are always up for a new challenge and remind us that anything is possible if we get out and explore.

                              Cindi, great to see you here.

                              Liv and Thankful, I have been reading back over this thread and love your posts.

                              Deter- Garlic guy, you sound great!

                              Hope to get to know everyone else better.

                              Love and Peace


                                Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                                Hi gang!

                                Rob - how awesome to see you here!! I have spent so much time "reading" older posts on the site and have read SO MANY of your posts I feel like I already know you!! I hope you post often with us! I love your insight and wisdom!!

                                Thankful - Whew - I'm so glad to see you. This past week I thought everyone but WW, DET and myself were gone except for an occasional pop in! I'm so glad some of the "oldies" are funneling back in!! Glad you made it back from the trip. Sis needs to take a hard look in the mirror - but you know that. Hugs to you and don't change that giving spirit. I'm Praying for you.

                                Det - 74 days ....... already!!!!:H They flew by ... right?!!! So proud of you and HAPPY! Have you ever read anything from "rational recovery" ? Sometimes you use some of their "lingo". I am just starting to read it .......... I LOVE it already.

                                - You are always so positive. And yet hit it on the head with truthfulness. I read your posts and think -- "I need to practice more of that". Thank you.

                                - SOOOOOOOOOO fun talking last night on CHAT!! I have missed the chat parties - but am going to try to check this afternoon for chatters.

                                Kate, Believe, MM, N-L, Sun
                                and others ........... eace: where ever you are. I am thinking about you and sending :h

                                Ok - gotta go - I'll be back later.

                                AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                                Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                                (from the Movie "Once")

