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Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

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    Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

    Believe, I was just going to leave a post saying that I see a few of us are on! lol

    I will be in chat - I'll start a room "Sober Living" without a password. If anyone's interested, drop in!

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

      found this today on page 4!!??? that's it...I'm getting the taser! zzzzzzzzzzzap!!!!

      calling all cars........

      having a nice hot cuppa joe at a starbucks at the moment. it's only like 95 degrees outside. never too hot for me to enjoy a cup of uranium at a starbucks.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

        LOL..Det, you must be on the road again.....gee, that could be a song....LOL! You know, I drink both hot coffee and iced tea, year round.

        It seems like as this thread has grown...(which is a good thing), some of us have fallen behind in posting here......gotta fix that! I love posting with my non-drinking friends! Today I was thinking that thoughts of alcohol are so far in the dust these days!! Thoughts of drinking happen so rarely and are very short lived!! Yay!! But, I remain vigilant and do not dare to get cocky! is so good!

        Have a good trip Det....home tomorrow?

        XXX Kate
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

          Det, I consider myself zapped. Not a coffee drinker myself - though I do like an occasional espresso. I'm much more an herbal tea person.

          I did have an odd experience recently. I drank AF beer during the move and while my drinking friends were having wine at my house last week. I have found that some of my old triggers started to..well..trigger again. For example, had a fight with husb and when he left the room I grabbed an AF beer and drank it down like it was a real beer. I understood what was happening and went to talk to husb. I'm not sure he is really pleased with the way I handle things now, but I am. Oh, and I'm staying away from the AF beer.

          Kate, my AL thoughts have calmed again. It is good knowing that others still have them. AL thoughts used to stay with me for hours now they pass rather quickly. IT's great to hear how well and happy you are.

          I'm ready for my next challenge - vacation next week.

          Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


            Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

            Hey Thankful,

            Love the idea of a Sober Living chat room! WW was really on to something when she started this thread! That is she realized that as we move forward in living as non-drinkers, we still need support, but it is a different sort of support. I know, that big factor in learning to deal with my new thinking regarding life without drinking has been the support and wisdom here on this particular thread! I will keep my eye on that room! Perhaps we could even come up with a couple of chat times to see if others would like to join in!

            Beck, it is so strange how still, out of now where, drinking thoughts come in! What I have noticed with me, is that these thoughts are not grounded in anything other than just a sudden thought that a drink would be nice. Then I think, yeah, really want to loose all that you have gained, for that!! I am getting way better and moving past such thoughts very quickly!! I still have L-Glut handy for any real emergency, but I haven't opened the bottle in weeks!

            Vacation does seem to be a challenge for a lot of people, Beck. But remember, we do not want to take a vacation from our new found sanity and sense of well being that we get from being non-drinkers! Have a great time!

            XXX Kate
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

              For what its worth, having a drink after an extended af period isn't as gr8 as you might remember. For me it was have a few, get tired go to bed early (feeling like crap) wake up the next day feeling like crap, and keep on with the crappy feeling all day. I'm not talking about feeling bad emotionally either, its really a physical kinda poisoned feeling. Garden varety hangover I guess you could call it. But when its something you deal with every day I guess it just becomes part of life. But after being free of that crap for awhile its easy to recognize just how shitty that whole deal is, and realize how nice af really is! Thats how its working out for me any way!


                Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                Believe,Thanks for your honesty. I know I won't be drinking on my vacation - don't want to waste any of my time feeling like crap

                Kate - no intention of drinking on vacation and I'm certainly not feeling cocky. Another sober first for me!!!

                Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                  Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                  Believe, I am sorry you ended up not feeling well....after your venture out......or....maybe not! Gosh, such great insight regarding how awful we used to feel all the time without even realizing it! I am glad that you got through your experiment without complications!

                  You know, it makes me think of your comments as you were contiplating drinking again and hating the fact that you "might not be normal", because of not being able to drink! Maybe we are the "Most Normal" of all, because we now know the difference between really feeling good everyday and living in that alcohol fog!!hmmmmm points to ponder! You are awsome for sharing this with us, Believe!

                  Beck...You Rock!!

                  Love you Guys!
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                    Good points K8. You know, I think if I'm saying no because I honestly don't want a drink, not because I'm afraid of sliding back into a pretty dismal situation.......THATS my goal. Drink when I want, don't when I don't . I won't have any excuses for doing either cause I won't need any. ALthough AF is way better. Gonna take a lot to convince me to give up feeling good for an early bedtime and a hangover day!!


                      Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                      You know, there is so much talk on this board about modding. So many claiming to be modders. I have yet to read any post where anyone is truly modding. The modding that is described in RJ's book. Your post is the very first one that I have read! Why am I not surprised by this!

                      Believe, you have a lot to share with your wisdom and your experience!
                      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                      AF 12/6/2007


                        Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                        Maybe I should read the book then to see what its about? I'm curious now.

                        Like I was saying though, Al isn't as gr8 as he'd have us remember. Might take a little AF time to realize that, but its true. Makes the decision to drink or not a pretty damn easy one if you ask me.


                          Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                          Wow, I just went back to see when I last posted. I was logged on Monday and I feel like I have been gone for over a week. So weird when I am away from here even for a few days.

                          My dad (who is fine now), had to go to the emergency room Monday night. He was very weak and shaky for a few days prior but no matter what I said, I could not get him to go to the hospital. Finally Monday I was able to convince him. Anyways, he was severally dehydrated and his kidneys were shutting down again (all caused they think by a urinary tract infection). He had IVs all week and came home yesterday. He has to have a lot a blood work done week to make sure that his kidneys get back to his baseline, but I think he will be ok. I feel like I have been at the hospital forever. I can not believe it's only been a few days.

                          I've got a lot of catching up to do, including some PMs. I just wanted to check-in. I will post more when I have a chance to see what everyones been up to.

                          Love, Me
                          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                            Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                            Thankful ~ I hope your Dad is okay. Get some rest ... it takes a lot out of a person to be taking care of someone who is sick.

                            Kate - I agree with you about the modding and not seeing very much success on the boards with it. I really believe if you don't find modding in a fairly short amount of time - it is in ones best interest (at least health wise) to stop drinking all together. Isn't it interesting that we jump on every health wagon that is thrown at us ... but when something so obvious is before us (like avoiding Alcohol) we struggle to hang on at all costs?

                            I truly feel that the tighter we hang on - the more it strangles the life out of us. If we just "let go" we are free to move on without the bondage.

                            Believe - be sure and keep us updated about your "experiment". Hang in here with us!

                            Det - are you at the 6 month mark now? I know you are very close if not -- congrats!

                            Beck - have a GREAT vacation! I know I had a blast in Boston. It feels great to go on vacation AF. My first one was a little scary and I felt a little shaky a few times when going out for dinner, but you will come home truly refreshed!

                            I have been working such long hours this summer .... it is our "tourist" season, and the best money is made this time of year. I find myself meeting my shadow in the doorway.
                            I haven't been exercising as much as I want - but that will come back soon.

                            Goodnight dear friends
                            AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                            Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                            (from the Movie "Once")


                              Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                              Thankful, glad your Dad is ok.

                              Kate this statement of yours is really food for thought: Maybe we are the "Most Normal" of all, because we now know the difference between really feeling good everyday and living in that alcohol fog

                              most normal or maybe even most 'perceptive' ? perhaps that's it. we have taken our bodies and minds to such extremes that we have a bigger perspective.

                              Dx and I went to a nice party tonight (AF for me of course) and I ended up demonstrating some of my super home-modified flashlights which was great fun. Turned out to be a real crowd pleaser. boy am I a hyper nerd or what!?! hahahaha.

                              look in the night sky for Det's garlic beacon.....
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)


                                Day 31 and Beyond: Hello, I'm a non-drinker

                                Beck, your off to Italy right? when you departing?
                                nosce te ipsum
                                (Know Thyself)

