Great to see you over here, Wonder! And yes, in spite of it all there surely is some great sobriety happening here!!
WIP, we were cross posting......again!! LOL! I completely agree about "Modding". I will not join in any of those discussions. Non of it is about the modding described in RJ's book! Nope! In RJ's book modding is all about a period of AF, of no less than 30 days, followed by an "occasional drink" a "take it or leave it attitude". This is not what we are seeing here, at least for the majority. It is their choice to continue drinking, I want nothing to do with it!
Everytime I read a post that says, "It takes time....sometimes years, but one day it will happen", I want to gag! Sobriety doesn't "Just Happen". It is not magical. And the saddest thing about these statements is that Alcoholism is a Progressive disease, it does not get better, it gets worse........Much Worse as time goes on! With that being said, misery loves company, and drinkers love other drinkers! In my drinking days, I loved the company of others who drank! Non-drinkers made me uncomfortable......gee, I wonder why?

WIP, I love reading your bring a lot of wisdom and useful information! I miss your posts when you are not around! You inspire me!
So, with all this being said by all........I am happy to say that I have changed my "Mood" back to Inspired!
You Guys are the Best!!! :h:l