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    This is a question to all those who have stopped drinking completely. I'm sure its been asked many times before.

    Where do you get your highs from?

    When i drink...i get high. I like it.

    Now i can't drink i don't have that.

    Today....i drove myself to Tescos ..alone.. and played a cd i have not heard for ages. Alanis Morrisette. I turned it up so loud it was deafening and i sang to it. I loved it....roaring in my ears. Powerful words and it did give me a kind of high. I can't have music up really loud at home because of kids.

    But what other things can i do? I'm sitting here wanting 2 bottles of wine. I know i can't do that.

    Its my 40th birthday later on in the year and i was going to have a party. Lots of champagne, wine, etc.....i'm thinking of not having that party now. I think it might be easier if i do something else to celebrate it.

    Bella xxx


    yeh, blasting music is the closest I can get to that kind of high we alcoholics want. Can you maybe get an iPod and earphones so you can blast the music at home? I do that.

    I agree you should avoid the party. Why not take a little trip somewhere? Or take a few close friends to a spa? You should mark the occasion, but not make it a test of your willpower. That's no fun.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



      hi high is when i am working, at home just keeping myself busy.and music am young at heart.all kinds and loud and i am piss kid rock comes to mind his last cd it does all the couseing for me. but as for your party i would go for it why do you have al there good friends all that should be enoungh of a high for you. sorry for the spelling of some i try. have a great day now it raining here and i need something to do
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



        HI Bella -, music, music......and dancing - even if just around the kitchen....salsa/samba/celtic.....drumming - even just on an empty biscuit tin..... anything earthy and instinctual....Going to a great anything..... Space and light.....big beaches.... perhaps height for you in London? London Eye etc?

        I wondered whether I would get the same highs....and you know, listening now to stuff that I 'was-as-high-as-a-kite-on' with booze...I am higher now!!! It was the music/dance etc all the time.....

        Keep at it Bella and I hope you find that too; it didn't happen overnight but it did happen.... Beatle's idea of an iPod is fab...go treat yourself for your 40th now if you haven't got one already!

        Hugs brave friend
        FMs xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



          Plain and simple. You do not have a choice to drink now. Period. Question.......what do you mean by "high"?

          I would rather have "Joy" and "Happiness". I would prefer contentment to the agony of being drunk and it's after effects. Playing with my granddaughters brings me joy! Good friends, good conversation a good book a lazy afternoon watching movies makes me happy. Listening to great music, visiting an art galary. My, the list could go on and on.......I am sure many people here have their own ideas of happiness and joy.

          Bella, you will be able to enjoy a party without drinking. Perhaps now or in the near future is not a good idea. But there will come a time.

 being "High" worth what you went through the other night? What that fun? Is Total Despair, worth it?

          Remember, this is all new to you. The idea of not drinking. It takes a while for your mind to adjust to living without this drug. I hope you will try the supps, if need be see your doctor for a prescription. Commit yourself to your counseling. You can do this and in the end, you will know joy and happiness and live to raise your precious children.

          Wishing you the Best!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007



            you want a healthy high? here's a few for you:

            bungee jumping


            hire a race care driver to blast you around the track at 200mph

            go to an imax movie

            meditate (seriously....10 minutes of proper mediation with abdominall breathing and you will feel utterly serene). it takes practice though. get a good bookk on the subject.

            get one of those musical keyboard/synthesizers....they aren''t only a couple hundered buck s and you can really space out playing with it even if you are not a musician.

            get a crazy fun video game like super mario brothers.

            I'm sure there is more good ideas........
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)



              oh, don't forget rollercoasters!!!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)



                I get my teeth cleaned every three months and have nitrous while they clean them, I make them turn it up pretty good. You can't really abuse it because it's not available to purchase anywhere for home use. You are "sober" about 15 minutes after they take you off of it. I always sit in my car and read a magazine for a few minutes before leaving just to make extra sure I'm good to drive. It is a great high and I feel awesome and relaxed for the whole day after it.
                Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                - George Jackson



                  Hi Bella! Our brains have gotten temporarily rewired to think that this dumb drug, Al, is what brings us pleasure. It takes a while to relearn things. just give yourself some time and pamper yourself a little
                  :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!



                    I love your sig Dex
                    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                    - George Jackson



                      Thanks! going to fight that stupid a--hole to the death , My Heart
                      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!



                        HERE r go!!! i would love to do thinks that i have not done before...before i get too old.....daring things sky diving or running for charity or vitisting the 7 wonder of the world.. and many more things... wish me good luck becauce need it right now !!! and i wish u good luck right now. keep safe.x
                        who know it might become true!!

                        Love u lots.x
                        family is everything to me



                          Once sober for quite a while you will feel the same 'high' you did drinking. It really has dawned on me how high I have been just at the thought of being sober! Going out whenever I want to, not worrying about smelling like alcohol, speaking with people in the line ups while looking at them dead on in the eyes.

                          I enjoy my little one so much more to! I LOVE IT! I love life!!! That is truly the best high!



                            I get high still from being me. I don't miss the drinkie as I believe its time for me to grow up because life is more serious than i imagined. :upset:

                            Hugs To All...



                              I get a "high" from walking and listening to music on my ipod. I turn it up after a warm up period and get "lost" in the moment. When a fast song with a good beat comes on, I can feel myself "kick" into a higher gear.
                              I've heard of a runner's "high" before...I guess its that. My heart is really pumping! I can feel the stress leave my body.
                              It is a good feeling......a good sober feeling.....

                              :h Nancy
                              "Be still and know that I am God"

                              Psalm 46:10

