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    Hi Bella
    I can really relate to what you are saying as I am the same
    "drinking for the high". I too struggle with the sanity of
    sobriety but I do find that exercise helps immensely.
    I push myself to the gym and run on the treadmill .
    I set myself mini goals weekly - just small ones, such
    as jogging a little faster or further etc. Just to have
    small achievements such as these gives me a sense
    of self esteem. I find then I am no longer inclined
    to want to drink so much.
    Can you work a regular time with your partner so
    tht you can get out and enjoy a dance class or some
    kind of exercise to get some endorphins going?
    I really feel for you, now is the time to find you
    and the things that will give you a natural high
    from life. Good luck and keep posting Bella.:l Pan



      Simple answer from me, Bella...........There is no greater high than knowing I am living my life on MY terms, with all its endless possibilities, now that drink is no longer part of my life`s`s wildly exhilirating to have reached this stage in my journey.

      Starlight Impress x



        Thanks for all your comments on this one...i have read them all carefully. I think alot has to be said for the natural highs of everyday life being sober. I suppose that will wear off in time but i think life will be more enjoyable sober. thankyou. X No..i KNOW life will be more enjoyable sober.!!!



          Hey! For me music really loud is a great outlet, as many have said and moving..... whether it's dancing or walking fast outside with the headphones on. That's as good as it gets for me!

          And speed!! endorphins! whether it's dancing, runnning at the gym, bicycyling, skiing, rollerblading - getting the heart rate up, enjoying nature and fresh air.

          And sitting still!:H It's not so much a "high", but meditation has a very balancing, calming, grounding effect on me.

          Hobbies are fun for me too. And traveling is a huge rush.

          wonder xx



            These are things I USED to do before AL took over my life - would get me very high....:

            Whitewater rafting, Class IV - V,
            Rock Climbing
            Mountain climbing - here in the PNW, Nepal and South America
            Traveling to adventurous places around the world no one I know would dare to go (by myself)

            Then I met a guy who completely destroyed my self esteem, physically hurt me and caused my already problem "binge" drinking to become a REAL problem....

            I"m hoping within 2 years I'll be back to my old self, getting highs from this kind of life can too, Bella!




              Can this thread be a sticky? I'm suffering the same thing you are, Bella... I'm also 40 at the end of the year...



                I have only had two consecutive AF days (yesterday and today) so far but I am feeling very positive this time--
                I walked home from work, it was about 5pm and a beautiful cold clear evening, the sun was just setting and the birds were singing away and the new season lamb were running around in the fields being very cute. My husband met me half-way (to stop me from temptation-two off-licences on the way home :S) and we walked and talked and admired the sunset together. I was not thinking about how to get my hands on some booze and enjoyed the moment without that sick clawing feeling trying to get me to drink. Fantastic.

                I hope that this is the first of many moments of realisation that drinking only dulls the senses and I can find a new little 'high' every day
                'The only people who give you a hard time (for stopping drinking) are those who used to look to your drinking to excess to legitimise theirs, and they'll find someone else to do that in time. '
                From an Amazon review of Allan Carr's ' Easy Way to Control Alcohol'



                  You are blessed with a supportive husband.... I love hearing stories like this:exclaimation:
                  I can picture the two of you, walking in the sunset and holding hands, because he is simply there for you. :heart:

                  You are very fortunate, my friend.... can you clone him?

                  Tampa, FL



                    I Miss the high al gave me...what eles do i miss
                    I miss the hangover
                    I miss having to say sorry most mornings
                    I miss snaping at everyone because i feel down
                    I miss waking up in vomit
                    I miss feeling numb and lifeless
                    I miss not feeling in control
                    I miss spending all my money on al
                    And the list goes on but most of all I miss looking in the mirror and not likeing the person looking back at me
                    You soon will feel this way Bella and you wont want the high.....because the price for it is even higher
                    My thoughts are with you
                    Jacqui xxxxx
                    Mwo,s worst speller....



                      Skygal..........Wow!!!!, what a fantastic, gutsy life style you led. Am sorry you`ve been through so much. I had a man in my life just as you describe........he led me back to the drink after yrs. of being sober. Take heart........your self-esteem will re-emerge ten-fold, now that you are no longer with him. I wish you all good things and that you return to doing all the exhilirating things you used to do and more. :l

                      Starlight Impress x



                        bella, i would say that when you were drinking you loved being high and you loved the loud music and anything that would blow of your mind, now that you are trying to be sober would advice you not to focuse on other stuff that you loved doing when drinking since this is bringing your relapse closer and closer." WE NEVER ENJOYED ANYTHING WHILE DRINKING BASICALLY ALCOHOL WAS ENJOYING US" about the party if you feel its risky to your sobriety then dont have it give yourself sometime to have enough streangth to host parties which alcohol is served. goodluck



                          My "highs" right now are coming from being able to do what I want, rather than thinking I'd like to do them when I am sober... Being able to enjoy the taste of the food, and remember it the next day. I get high when I smell flowers, candles, my wife's perfume!
                          Another big high right now is waking up in the morning remembering what I did last night..and not being ashamed of it! Planning our summer vacation! Remodeling the house with all the money I am saving by not going to the liquor store!
                          Oh, yeah, I forgot one more...Being ALIVE!
                          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!



                            Great thread. Yes the greatest high ever is being in control of your own life.

                            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......



                              When I'm not drinking going for a long run always gives me a high, and one that often lasts well into the next day. I also often hop on my motorcycle and tear up some country highways. Remember, we've all been drinking so long that we have deluded ourselves into thinking that alcohol is the sole or primary pleasure in life, and life without it is meaningless. Hang in there.



                                hey there bella - well first of all I can totally understand your question. I always seem to be chasing some kind of high or another, i choose AL cause its legal. Oh and I will also be 40 this year and am not too sure what "kind" of party I am going to have. My dream was to go to hawaii but there is no way that is going to happen. Anyway i dont really have any answers to your question just wanted to say i can relate and am anxious to hear some of the responses. I have had unatural highs for so long i wouldnt even know how to go about getting a natural one - if that makes sense. I have been following your story and your struggles will be many, it wont be easy but you know in the long run it will be worth it


                                when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most

