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I'm sorry

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    I'm sorry

    Hello All.

    I have just received a very nasty PM from someone who i will not name. I Don't know this person but it was hurtful. I have been told that i am so spoilt it is untrue....To get a grip....and that i am very self centered and to have a heart. Being told this makes me feel horrible.

    So....I would like to appologise to everyone out there who feels this way about my recent posts.

    I do not mean to upset anyone here. It upsets me to think i have made anyone feel so strongly as to vent off like this.

    I have been on this site for over a year now and never had anyone PM me like this. Everyone is always so kind. I'm sorry if i have come across badly in my posts.

    I don't mean to be a thoughtless as i have been told i am. I come here to talk, ask advice, helps me through this difficult time. I am there for all of you too...Please believe that.

    To the person who sent this pm to me......Please don't send anymore like that. I know you have your problems too but i feel it is un-neccessary to be unkind. I am vulnerable too and it does not help anyone to be unkind. Thanks.

    Bella xxx

    I'm sorry

    Just put the person on Ignore. If that doesn't work, contact the moderators.

    Good luck, Bella, and continue posting as you see fit.


      I'm sorry

      Hi Bella
      I alsways use this site to "talk aloud" and its what its meant for i think.

      We help ourselves and others by honest sharing of our issues ...Ignore whoever it was.

      i believe you give and gain a lot Bella so let it go.

      have a good day.



        I'm sorry

        Bella, I agree with Shikakai. No apology necessary. Ignore the sender and/or report it. We are here for you.


          I'm sorry

          YOu are showing more kindness than I would - I would name and shame - you are a much better person than that idiot!
          It always seems impossible until it's done....


            I'm sorry

            Bella, you have nothing for which to be are one of the sweetest, most gentle people around here. However, I am sorry that someone could be so unkind as to deliberately seek to bring you down, especially after all you have just gone through. :l

            Starlight Impress xxx


              I'm sorry

              I'll out myself as I feel terrble.

              I was the one who sent the message to Bella and I also sent one to Betty. It was deplorable and I feel terrible about the ditress I caused.

              I barely remember sending the messages as I was so drunk, but no excuse I know.

              I won't be back here again. I probably could have found help here but just messed things up.


                I'm sorry

                Well candlewick.......we also believe in second chances, so maybe you could start over here and begin by letting go of some of your anger. We have all did things of which we are not proud when under the influence. Your choice.........

                Starlight Impress


                  I'm sorry

                  Starlight is right, candlewick. Al makes us do things we normally wouldn't.

                  I give you credit posting. Don't go away.


                    I'm sorry

                    candlewick, posts like that are exactly why you need to be here, see what happens when you post drunk? Drinking makes us do stupid and hurtful things.

                    we all love away girl!


                      I'm sorry

                      Candlewick.......Don't leave this site because of this! I hold NO grudges and I actually admire you for being open.

                      Hey......We all need help sometimes..We would not be human if we didn't.

                      Stay awhile and there is lots of help out there.

                      Believe me, even though i might come across as ...well i don't know what...I really need help too.

                      So thankyou.



                        I'm sorry

                        Bella you are loved here and non e of us are here to judge. We can do this and will.


                          I'm sorry

                          Bella, you are an absolute sweetheart.

                          Lots of love and hugs going your way!

                          Suki:h :h


                            I'm sorry


                            :l :l

                            You know we love you and are all rooting for you every step of the way.

                            Candle - I hope you can stay and learn. I post when drunk and really regret it when that happens. I don't think I have ever pm'd anyone or been mean, but I sure have been stupid.

                            So glad to see Bella has the strength to let us know and not get hurt enough to stay away and glad to see Candle admitting his/her mistakes.

                            All of us GOOD people have this horrible problem. It makes us do regretful things.

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              I'm sorry

                              Bella, I know you are struggling, just as we all do.

                              Candlewick, we've all done things we regret while drinking. Why don't you hang around and become more active in the boards. Try to help yourself through this and let MWO help as well.

