A couple of times I have woke up the next day and felt "hungover" since I've gone AF. Last night for the first time I had a dream where I got my drunk on...
Anyone else have experiences such as this? I'm going to my second AA meeting today, but this is the excerpt I wanted to share from AA's book: Living Sober. Perhaps it will help someone here, as I found it encouraging and the bolded right on the money

"Why 'not drinking'?"
We members of Alcoholics Anonymous see the answer to that question when we look honestly at our own past lives. Our experience clearly proves that any drinking at all leads to serious trouble for the alcoholic, or problem drinker. In the words of the American Medical Association:
"Alcohol, aside from its addictive qualities, also has a psychological effect that modifies thinking and reasoning. One drink can change the thinking of an alcoholic so that he feels he can tolerate another, and then another, and another... the alcoholic cannot be cured so that he can return to alcohol without adverse consequences."
And we repeat: somewhat to our surprise, staying sober turns out not to be the grim, wet-blanket experience we had expected! While we were drinking, a life without alcohol seemed like no life at all. But for most members of AA, living sober is really living - a joyous experience. We much prefer it to the troubles we had with drinking.
One more note: anyone can get sober. We have all done it lots of times. The trick is to stay and to live sober.
I hope someone finds this excerpt helpful and don't forget my original questions, please
