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my bottom, I need help

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    my bottom, I need help

    Pooh: hug your cutie pie pup!!:l :l
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


      my bottom, I need help


      First off, that is one cute dog!

      Second, I too have lived through something similar to what you have described, and almost two years later, I can tell you that things are so different (for the better) with my relationship with my daughter. She was also 15 at the time that she took an un-opened bottle of wine while I was looking for the wine bottle opener, and walked out of the house with it. I turned around, my wine was gone and I was pissed. She disposed of it (very smartly b/c I never found it) and went to her room and did her homework. About six months later after I found MWO and was doing so much better, she told me she had put the bottle in the neighbors recycling bin, as it was garbage night in our neighborhood. It was humiliating beyond belief, and I feel your pain. BUT, the good side is --- it prompted me to make some serious changes. Would you be drinking tonight had this not happened? Probably so. But you are not, and you are doing major war against this demon. I too felt my daughter would never forgive me, but just fast forward a bit.... she is so proud of me now and she comes and seeks me out at night and just talks to me... tells me all about school, her tests, her pet peeves, the guys... almost to the point it's annoying! She never did that when I was drinking, because she knew better. I am sad that I wasted so many evenings drinking that I could have been loving on my children, but I am grateful for where I am today. Not perfect, and my daughter and I have had some nasty clashes on occassion, and she doesnt miss a beat if I drink too much. it once again reminds me that she, my two sons and my husband are truly the most precious gifts. I could never replace them. My daughter will graduate this Spring and leave for college. I am so glad I got this thing turned around and she will leave home with a happy note... Its not too late... you have a few years yet while your son is home to show him how much you love him. Its worth the sacrifice, and the greatest gift of all is the one you will give yourself.

      All the best to you!
      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


        my bottom, I need help

        Poohbear: You are going to do great! You are on the right track! Your last post reveals your acceptance and determination to beat this disease! Keep this good attitude and in no time you will change your life around. -Luv, Reenie
        September 23, 2011

