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buying L- GLUT

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    buying L- GLUT

    Today I was not having much luck at work so i thought I would stroll down at lunch to the local discount vitamin store and purchase some powder form L Glut . Any way looking looking looking until I went up to the back of the shop where the lighting was different and all the electro coloured containers of body building supplements were. At this moment one of the male sales assistants ( I use the term lightly more like a shape resembling a condom full of wall nuts) approaches me and asks what am I looking for. I say" L Glut" he asks what do you need it for( sizing me up with contempt),me thinks, well looking at the 08 Mr Universe comp what do you think my chances are Ive been bench pressing 200000 whatevers. What are you pressing mate ? or response number 2 i am a drunk and am looking to curb my cravings. Dweeb me says oh um trying to build my immune system up:blush: . Anyway got the stuff. I must admit the powder form i fine is amazing stuff it really helps but must be taken on a empty stomach. The stuff I got from king kong today is MUSASHI and it works for me. Hope every one is doing well

    Danny struggling but bench pressing a 6 oz jam do nut at the mo. All the best

    buying L- GLUT

    Too funny! I hate when sales clerks ask what you need something for. I just want to say, "it's none of your damn business, do you sell it or not"?.

    Thanks for the tip on the powdwered L-glut.

    Don't stain yourself with your jam donuts!! You may want to stretch first! :H

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      buying L- GLUT


      :H :H :H :H

      Great post and more importantly, really glad the L-Glut is helping.

      L-Glut and all supps help, the rest is up to you, you figured it out. Good on you!!

      Keep lifting those bottles of jam!!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        buying L- GLUT

        Thats too funny:H :H :H
        Glad to hear its working for you.
        This program is great you can adjust it to suit yourselves


          buying L- GLUT

          Hi Danny. I went throught the same thing a few days ago. My kudzu hadn't arrived in the mail, and I felt I really needed some to curb the cravings, so I went to our little local health food store. I prefer to browse anyway, but when I hadn't found it after looking for a few minutes, the sales lady asked if she could help. I asked if they sold it, and she said they no longer did. Said they stopped stocking it because lots of supplements sat on the shelf because so many people didn't know what they were for. Okay, that was all I needed to hear, so as I was on my way OUT THE DOOR, she felt compelled to add "You know, kudzu is good for alcoholics." I didn't reply, kept going to my car, but felt like I had been slapped in the face and told that I was a terrible person. The good thing is that although I was embarrassed and humiliated, it wasn't because I was drunk and acting like an idiot, so that's what I'm trying to focus on.

          Keep your head up.
          Failure is not falling down; it is remaining where you have fallen.


            buying L- GLUT

            Thanks "really",

            They make you feel like youve got the black plague some times dont they king kong looked like he was about to explode I just cant see the sense in sculpting a body to look like its about to pop.

            all the best



              buying L- GLUT

              Anyone who works at a place that sells l-glute and has to ask what you want it for is a moron. Don't let their ignorance stop you from getting what you need.

              Just so you know L-glute is used (in the bodybuilding world) to help mitigate the catabolic effects of a reduced calorie diet while training hard. Lol well actually they use gear, but natty BB'rs use L-glute for that reason. Not sure if they have GNC where you are but they have chewable L-glute tabs that are awsome. They taste like Fred Flinstone vitamins I'm going to cop some tomorrow (for my diet, not for cravings).


                buying L- GLUT

                Lolly tasting L- Glut now your talking I gotta get me some of those.


                  buying L- GLUT

                  Yeah I've had them ask me what I wanted St John's Wort for...they're just being nosey. Now I order everythng online, I am too well known in this town so I've got enough gawking and gossip as it is.
                  Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                  - George Jackson


                    buying L- GLUT

                    My Heart :heart:~ if you need a local hook up, let me know..... I'm a nobody, but I'll pretend that I know Marilyn! The only place that knows me is Wal-Mart, because I'm there almost every day!

                    Tampa, FL


                      buying L- GLUT

                      Oh yes Walmart!! In my town it is a law that everybody has to go to Walmart on Saturday. :H
                      You run into everybody you know there. Agree with myheart, order it all online.
                      The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                        buying L- GLUT

                        Here in oz I think Walmart is called woolworths or something. The selection of supps in this place is ZERO as far as the locals noticing me buying milk thistle and pointing the finger "local drunk" highly un likley and frankly I dont care." What people think", you know it's one of those triggers that i think I use as an reason to drink. I maybe male but I know I do not have crystal balls and I do not know what people think. Sorry I just vented . back to being shy sorry



                          buying L- GLUT

                          Not Happy Hour-Happy Life;272096 wrote: My Heart :heart:~ if you need a local hook up, let me know..... I'm a nobody, but I'll pretend that I know Marilyn! The only place that knows me is Wal-Mart, because I'm there almost every day!

                          LOL! I have a feeling you're a somebody
                          very very special :h
                          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                          - George Jackson


                            buying L- GLUT

                            Danny you just go ahead and vent, that's what this site is all about, being able to speak our minds! Helps keep us sober. Welcome aboard, I had not had a chance to welcome you yet. I admire your "to heck with them" attitude too!! :h Suz
                            The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                              buying L- GLUT

                              Thanks Suz,
                              I so glad I found this place. Friday night here my better half is going out boozing with her friends for her birthday but I reckon I get the better deal a dinner date for 2 at the local restraunt with my beautiful 6 year old daughter nothing to drink but 2 red icy granitas. Its a buzz to say to the waitress when she comes up to take the order and says " and to drink sir" I say " 2 red granitas thanks shaken not stirred" only jokes looking forwrd to it thanks again for the welcome

