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My Poulan

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    My Poulan


    I know many here will not be able to understand or appreciate but my little "read that 70 lbs of chain saw running." is sleeping on his bed next to me.

    This is a dog that showed up on my 50th B'Day. Okay my 29th...

    He was tiny and my vet said "he's going to get big" and I said, " I used to have 2 great Pyrennes" and he laughed and said, "yeah, it is all relative."

    My baby is snuggled down on his bed.

    Yes, he chewed a huge hole out of my beautiful leather couch a few months ago. I know...

    He doesn't pee in my house or poop. He wakes me up at all hours of the morning and then comes back in and sleeps snuggled up next to me.

    He is a lot of work. A lot.

    He is worth every second of it.

    Every second.

    I love Poulan (my chain saw) that wakes me up in the middle of the night to go potty and then comes back in and snuggles down next to me, which sometimes irritates me because he snuggles down between me and hubby, but Greg "gets it," God love him.

    I have a beautiful dog. A loving dog. A sweet dog.

    And GOD sent him to me when I needed one so badly.


    Thank you GOD!!
    AF April 9, 2016

    My Poulan

    I am glad doggy shares his bed with you and hubby. That is exactly as it should be.


      My Poulan

      Belle wants to meet your Poulan! )
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        My Poulan


        Belle and Poulan would get along great!!

        Ain't life grand??

        AF April 9, 2016


          My Poulan


          For those who do now know what Poulan means, it is a brand of chain saw and it is called the "wild thing."

          Poulan is a wild thing.

          I never forget that. He is wild....

          and he chooses to be with us....

          I am blessed.

          AF April 9, 2016


            My Poulan

            Casey wants to play with Belle and Poulan!


              My Poulan

              and Piper and Lindcee. Casey wants to play with everyone!


                My Poulan

                Yes, i knew right away Poulan was a chainsaw. Good name for a dog who chews things up. You are so lucky db2 to have a nice hubby who allows puppy in bed. that is the way i want things here, but it will never happen. only time a dog sleeps with us is if we are sitting for our grand-dog mini, she is a poodle.



                  My Poulan

                  We had to buy a king size bed so Casey could sleep with us! Hubby complains every night that she's hogging the bed, but guess who's the first one to call her when she hasn't come to bed yet!

                  Last night I buried her under the pillows and when he came to bed he asked where the dog was, :H . I crack myself up.

                  I never enjoyed things like this when I was passing out every night. Life is good.


                    My Poulan

                    We had two, the first and my favorite was a black lab/irish wolfhound mix (pound puppy) that everybody was scared of! But he would not hurt you...unless you tried to hurt one of his family. Then you could be missing some body parts. After 15? years, he got cancer in one leg and had to be amputated. Still got around good. Sadly, the cancer had gotten into his body and one night he just went to sleep. We had gotten ready for bed, and he was not in our room, I went looking for him. He was standing at the botttom of the stairs, just looking up, so I picked him up and carried him to our room, and laid him at my side of the bed. He died in his sleep that night.
                    Blackie always loved to ride in the truck. He would sit right up front, feet on the tranni hump, nose on the windshield. If I stopped for a red light, he would bark at the light until he felt the truck move forward.
                    A lab that did not like water? True. We tookk him to a lake, and I walked out with him, on the beach, into the water, he was just fine until his feet no longer touched bottom! Then he was crawling all over me, I had wet dog belly on my face and he was clawing at my back, his front legs over my shoulders and shaking hard! I never did try that again!
                    He used to sleep on the floor by my side of the bed. At the time, I was on call 24/7 and would set my pager to "vibrate." If I did not answer quickly, he would get up, come over to the bed, put his head right in front of mine, and push on me as to not wake my wife up. When I would open my eyes, he would look at me, then at the pager, then back at me.
                    I traveled a lot as he got older. I would come home from a trip, put down my suitcases and hug the wife. He would sit on the steps leading up to our room, and let out a very loud and visible sigh. Then he would go upstairs and go to sleep. Wife says when I was gone, he would be up several times during the night, walking around the house, checking everything. But If I was home, guard duty was not his responsibility.
                    The second dog was a pit bull terrior mix. If any of you remember "spuds McKenzie" the budweiser beer dog, that was ours! Kids named him..duh...budweiser.... nice dog, unless you crossed him. He had been abused as a pup by some teenage boys. He would not let any males that had gone through puberity in the house, except of course all of us; and one of my male friends. Otherwise, we had to make sure he was in the garage or in the back yard if anyone came over. Bud had the longest tongue I have ever seen on a dog! And he loved to eat flying insects, just like a frog! See one, and ZAP out went the tongue, and he would lick his lips. Bees, hornets, yellow jackets, all of them!
                    We had both dogs at about the same time, got Blackie about 1 year before Bud. After Blackie died, Bud just gave up living...within 6 months he had basically stopped doing anything except eat and sleep. One day, I noticed he was not even eating, took him to the vet and she said he had shut down, she could keep him alive on drugs for maybe three more days. I could not to that to him, and told him we loved him and let him go to sleep.
                    We had gotten both dogs when our family was still young, they had a lot of fun together! I'm glad we had them, but now the wife and I do a lot of travel and RV and dogs would not fit into our life style. So no more...but I still have my pictures, and my memories..and yes the ashes of both puppies.
                    I have more stories, but I need to go find a kleenex.
                    War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                      My Poulan

                      sniff, sniff.... sigh


                        My Poulan

                        I have a sweet baby. Ooops two sweet babies.

                        You have to love it.

                        We lock Poulan out of the bedroom when we want ummm...

                        However, we let him right back in.

                        I love that.

                        Hubby loves the baby as much as I do.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          My Poulan

                          Oh BHOG...... :upset: You could have missed the pain but you would have had to miss the dance. I dread that day with Belle.
                          Belle is a Stafordshire Bull Terrior....the "nanny dog"....She is good with kids because she can handle the tail pulling and being ridden by kids...she doesn't care as long as she gets to play too. If someone comes up they're scared to death of her because she looks kinda like a pit! She does a good job keeping the sales people etc. away!
                          She sleeps with me when I sleep in the guest room. She and I have to take a break from the snore monster sometimes. She is a wonderful bed-buddy...unless there is a thunder storm...then she can't get close enough!
                          Belle would really love to have a "meet up" with all these doggie friends!

                          Nancy & Belle
                          "Be still and know that I am God"

                          Psalm 46:10


                            My Poulan

                            I have one thing to complain about...... Dog Farts....


                              My Poulan

                              We are all such softies, eh?

                              I refuse to treat my doggie like she is any less than human.........she`s my wee baby, and that`s that!!!! Dog beds?...waste of money!!!! :H

                              Starlight Impress x

