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Not a good day

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    Not a good day

    That may be about right. Although it was NOT what I wanted to hear. But thanks anyway.
    War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


      Not a good day

      I beg to differ a little. I feel quite alone because I never got that initial high, head in clouds "first few days". I am 42 days sober and for most of those, I have been utterly miserable and booze obsessed. It has only been the last 2 days that I have felt better, stronger and actually have a belief that I can do this. I don't want to bring anyone down, I am just saying that everyone is different and for some of us it takes longer to feel anywhere near capable of a run of consistent AF days.
      Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


        Not a good day


        From someone who has been there for 32 years. Get her flowers or something special, period. (chocolats, flowers, a gift of some kind that says "I care"") and snuggle.


        Us gals need the snuggle, not the sex. I KNOW that is 'HARD' for you guys to figure out but that is where we are...

        AF April 9, 2016


          Not a good day


          Awesome!! You are doing it, girl!!

          You are on the wave!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            Not a good day

            This is the worst I have felt since I started this whole sober up thing.
            War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


              Not a good day

              Just keep fighting Baldy. Think of it like exercise, working that muscle to get stronger. Soon you will be able to fight harder and stronger. Work that muscle.

              * * I love Determinator * *


                Not a good day

                I am so ready for Spring. I need a boost too! we can do this BHOG....I know you will have a nice evening.


                  Not a good day

                  Hey many of you! And BHOG, ride it.....the tide comes in and it goes out....this too will will, some of Dx's lovely ideas? I am so sorry it has to be 'today of all days' but fighting it only gives it energy..... resisting leads to persisting.....

                  I've had a 'Day with my phobia' instead...not disimilar though...and it's really helped to acknowledge it, stick around with it, listen to it, learn from it, thank it and now I feel much better.... I hope that could work for you....certainly all the time I was wishing it away, running away from it, it was chasing me faster than I could run!

                  It helped a few days ago when I was really low for a was just a day....I so hope it passes for you as quickly....but it WILL pass...

                  I think 'living in the 21 Century' doesn't allow us to honour all the emotions and ups and downs of life...somehow its a sin or a mistake to feel anything but utter joy 100% of the time....but it has to be.....we would not recoginise the sun if weren't dark sometimes, the joy without the sadness.....stuff we know but still resist...

                  Your dearly beloved has you well and sober....boy, what a gift!! Just be you....the man she loves which is why she's there....and you with her....

                  Just BE and I so hope you have a happy evening!

                  Love FMS xx
                  :heart: c: :heart:
                  "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                    Not a good day

                    bald headed old guy;272351 wrote: Thank you all for the suggestions and advice. It is not just the V-day thing. It is a pretty bad case of not being happy, not feeling good about myself and how things are going. Wanting to feel better about, amoung other things, being AF. I should feel better, shouldn't I? isn't that what part of this is about?
                    I'm sort of feeling like you too somewhat, Bald... I should be ECSTATIC that I'm on Day 15, but I'm not as overjoyed at my AF-ing as I was, say, a week ago...

                    I feel good, but the novelty of being sober is wearing off... I think.

                    Anyway, I hope you have a nice V-day. I concur with the advice you've received already.


                      Not a good day

                      Hello Baldy,
                      Keep the faith brother. i like to refer to t he free to be you and me song,"its alright to cry crying gets all the sad out of you" being down is ok. I think our society compels, us to feel good. Like FMS said so eloquently. Life can really suck for no good reason. I am thinking of you . Chocolate helps and movies too at least for me.


                        Not a good day

                        I'm sorry your feeling blah today. I hope you do something to make yourself feel good too. Enjoy the day with your Wife.


                          Not a good day

                          Baldy - just sending you some warmth and joy from Oz.


                            Not a good day

                            Mr. Guy......

                            Ah, it seems quite a few people have the blah's today. I do too. They showed a really sad dog on tv and I immediately started to cry, something I rarely do because I stuff it down. I've been AF for 11 days and feel just ick, blah, whatever.

                            It's hard to bring yourself "up" and feel better. But hey, it's just for tonight and I'll bet your wife will understand. To me, Valentine's Day is a day to tell those we care about that we love them. It's not or shouldn't be "performance" day, ya know? :****
                            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                              Not a good day

                              Hi Baldie,
                              I'm also sorry you are having a bad day, It seems crazy that AF we seem really good and clear headed and then out of the blue a bad day or moment is just there (BAM). I had one of those bad days the other day, i felt miserable and unfortunatley turned to the bottle, it was like that was the only thing that would make me feel better.
                              Of course it did'nt, and the next morning i beat myself up for being a failure. Then i realised we are human and sometimes it is soooo tough.
                              Your wife must be so proud of you, so keep strong and positive and one little baby step and get through this bad day. You will feel better soon.

                              My thoughts are with you.



                                Not a good day

                                :thanks: The words "thank you" do not go nearly far enough to express how grateful I am to all of you who responded here and on the chat room today to kick some sense into me. As I have told other new people here, this site has wonderful support.
                                I am better now, not perfect, but better, and am looking forward to this evening with the most wonderful woman in the wife.
                                Thank you again!
                                Hugs to all of you!
                                War isn't working. Let's try Peace!

