O.K. then.........let`s talk about one thing at a time. :tsk: I know you`re anxious to hear all about said Valentine, but we`re gonna talk about the booze first, right??!! :H
Well, many of you will know that this former "hopeless case" achieved a solid 5 mths AF and then slipped due to a combination of defiance and sad circumstances. I now say that I should have allowed NOTHING to cause me to slip. Anyway, I am 30 days AF again today, and without meaning to be blase,(because I truly know that drink is the most relentless enemy any of us will ever have to face in life), I can honestly say that I haven`t found it in the least difficult not to drink these past 30 days. My slip and the horrendous hangover that ensued were deep enough "shades of yesteryear" to make me appreciate just how much I love being free of the drink. I will never take my alcoholism lightly.........I am an alcoholic and am no longer ashamed of that fact.........I became the alcoholic that fate determined I would become and if other people have a problem with that, well............I am worth a hundred of them, just as all of us here are, right?
I have a very long way to go........I know that now. But I have acquired the confidence to forge ahead with gusto and to cease to be afraid. Only lately, I have felt the first stirrings of happiness for manys a year. I made several major plans when first I quit drinking, however, I have failed to bring any of those plans to fruition to date, simply because, I didn`t then realize just how big a deal it is to quit drinking and how erratic the journey would be. I have a better handle on things now and have plans which I should realistically be able to put in place towards the end of the year.........I will share those plans with you all AFTER the event, for I am hell-bent on getting what I want out of life now.........it`s the least we deserve.
As for drinking?........well, let`s just say I`ve had my slip........it was vile in every respect and I will never again allow myself to go there. I will always remind myself that I "just" mustn`t have that first drink........I will remind myself every day if necessary. Drink stole away every fibre of who and what I really am. Sober, I am beginning to like this cool lady who is emerging.
Oh........before I forget, "the Valentine" I hear you say. Well, the Valentine was sent by a fellow My Way Outer would you believe? mg :H Before any of you add 2 and 2 together and come up with 5...........an unmarried My Way Outer I hasten to add!!! LMAO
Simply was a lovely gesture from someone who has become a very dear friend to me........was the icing on the cake to my 30 AF days.
I thank you all sincerely for helping to make me strong again.
Isn`t life just wonderful.............
Starlight Impress xxx