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oh my god -- why, why why??

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    oh my god -- why, why why??

    Five more dead at yet another campus shooting. Couple weeks ago, five women shot shopping at a Lane Bryant store. oh my god, it never ends. It creeps into every possible thing. Church isn't safe. College isn't safe. Schools aren't safe. Shopping isn't safe. What next?
    I am sure some of my compatriots will hate on me (well, if those NIU students had all been packing heat, wouldn'ta happened!!! I know, when I was in college, I dreamed of sticking a pistol in with my books..... ) but I am so tired of this. I live in a really really f---ed-up country. sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry for my dreadful candor.
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

    oh my god -- why, why why??

    I can't believe it!!!! Very saddening for sure. I agree!


      oh my god -- why, why why??

      Dexter: I'm very disturbed by the college shooting and the other shootings as well. Two days ago I was at the Mall. I was into my groove and was really in the mood to shop, when all of a sudden all of the electronic gates to the stores were shutting closed. I thought it was odd, and was wondering "Why are all the employees deciding to take theirlunch breaks now". Anyway, as I was walking into one of the stores, and just as the gate was coming down, a store employee informed me the mall was being evacuated. Let me tell you, I didn't hesitate to bee-line it to the nearest exit. In doing so, I called my husband to let him know the mall was being evacuated "just in case". I made it safely to my car and to the parking lot, yet I wonder why the mall was evacauted. To this date, I don't know why... It can be anything... A shop lifter running lose, an unruly customer, a chinese fire drill.... Who knows, but I wasn't about to hang around a find out. Just 4 months ago at the same mall a bofriend had shot his girlfriend. We human beings are not safe anywhere. I pray for the 5 who lost their lives today....This world is getting nuttier by the second.
      September 23, 2011


        oh my god -- why, why why??

        Violence on campus or a mall, animals in peril, Darfor, Chinese orphanages, poverty and homelessness, child abuse, elderly abuse, Afghanistan, religious wars, famine, the shameful meat industry, animal testing, Israeli/Muslim conflict, rape, mistreatment of our fragile planet's ecosystem, the list goes on and on. Today is no different.


          oh my god -- why, why why??

          I know. but it seems this particular problem is especially senseless
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            oh my god -- why, why why??

            so true. the world is changing. but all we can do. is do our part to make it better, for ourselfs and the people around us.and what comes to mind is this the serenity prayer..god grant me the serenity. to accept the things i cannot change,courage to change the things i can,and the wisdom to know the difference..this is something i pray. when i need help to understand..... maybe it can help you
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              oh my god -- why, why why??

              I just caught this news now...How awful. These random (or not random) massacres seem to get worse every year.

              formerly known as bak310


                oh my god -- why, why why??

                I can't stand it either. It makes me wild with anger to have to be so frightened in the world today. And I am. Frightened for my daughter, myself, anyone I love. I think that this particular kind of crap may have started with Columbine. I know there were some mass random slayings before that, but they weren't occurring every month or two.

                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  oh my god -- why, why why??

                  It is all so very senseless, and so sad for all involved. I can't help but to think of the families and friends of the people that carry out these terrible crimes..... how they must wonder how their loved one could cross that line, and if there was anything they could have said or done to prevent it. And God bless the families of the victims. I can't even imagine. I guess I'm old fashioned, but I can't help but go back to the thought of so many families not really being families any more. The family structure seems to be crumbling in so many homes with our world going through so many changes. Sometimes wish for the security of the "old days."

                  BTW, I really enjoy your posts. Today is day 11 for me, and your input has been very helpful. I think we have a lot in common.

                  Sending you a hug on this day that should remind us of love and happiness.(((((((:-))))))))
                  Failure is not falling down; it is remaining where you have fallen.


                    oh my god -- why, why why??

                    Dex - hugs:l

                    I sometimes have to shut off the TV, news, etc because I get very passionate about all that is going on and I have to take a break from it all. I have to pick my battles or I will go nuts from all the unfairness and senseless bullshit that goes on... I feel what you are feeling. Peace.


                      oh my god -- why, why why??

                      I think the media super-sensationalism of these tragedies makes it attractive for an already unstable kid to do these awful things to get their moment of 'super stardom'. I also agree that the collapse of the traditional family unit is a biggy. I's not the guns. we used to bring guns to school when I was a kid for show and tell. our schools had shooting ranges and competed in shooting matches and it was a respected discipline.
                      I think the mega violence of todays "slasher' movies is de-humanizing humanity....if that makes any sense.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        oh my god -- why, why why??

                        this man is brilliant, Dx and I have attended his law enforcement training seminars before:

                        Summary of Grossman and DeGaetano's Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          oh my god -- why, why why??

                          Determinator;272680 wrote: I think the media super-sensationalism of these tragedies makes it attractive for an already unstable kid to do these awful things to get their moment of 'super stardom'. I also agree that the collapse of the traditional family unit is a biggy. I's not the guns. we used to bring guns to school when I was a kid for show and tell. our schools had shooting ranges and competed in shooting matches and it was a respected discipline.
                          I think the mega violence of todays "slasher' movies is de-humanizing humanity....if that makes any sense.
                          Yes, I agree. Everyday violence, swearing, and nastiness bombard us on the screen. People begin to see it as normal.
                          Enough is enough


                            oh my god -- why, why why??

                            First there are mass killings and tragedies in all countries.
                            What has happened in this country is, we have removed prayer from the school room, we've even removed a students ability to say the word God because it might offend one person. We've increased a minor access to pornography, drugs, alcohol and violence. Then we sit them in front of a television or a video game or let them hang around the wrong type people. We don't expect respect, we don't teach them respect nor do we teach them any principles. Then on top of all that... the court takes away a parents right to parent... your teenager now can do whatever they want and if you don't like it... they know the law better than you do... and can yell parental abuse and you get thrown in jail... or they can get an abortion or have sex or whatever without your knowledge... and you have no right to know what your little one is doing.
                            We don't go to church, we don't go to sunday school, we don't go to girl scouts or et al... we don't teach them any values... except envy, jealousy and greed.... rude sarcasm ... when was the last time you heard a child say Yes Mam... Yes Sir... or stand up when a lady entered the room, or give up their seat... and if you want to know the truth... European Children are the rudest there are!!! and that is statistically the truth according to all Buena Vista... AKA all Disney Theme Parks.
                            That's just my two cents worth... I just watch Jodi Foster in The Brave One... watch it... it does make you want to carry a gun...
                            Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                              oh my god -- why, why why??

                              CaptJBean;272706 wrote:

                              ... and if you want to know the truth... European Children are the rudest there are!!!
                              Capt - Apropos this discussion of a very sad event, how is your statement relevant? Just curiously asking my 2 cent question.

