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oh my god -- why, why why??

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    oh my god -- why, why why??

    Evidently there are a lot of hurt and messed up people in this world, sad.
    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
    - George Jackson


      oh my god -- why, why why??

      European Children are the rudest there are!!! and that is statistically the truth according to all Buena Vista... AKA all Disney Theme Parks.
      Yes what an odd comment to make. As they repeatedly say on another board I visit, 'CITE!'

      Terrible news about yet another shooting. We don't tend to have such a problem in that regard in the UK, kids just kick random people to death then film it on their mobile phone.
      'Happy slap' girl facing jail after conviction - Telegraph
      Actually that's kind of worse.

      Makes you want to go back to drinking doesn't it
      'The only people who give you a hard time (for stopping drinking) are those who used to look to your drinking to excess to legitimise theirs, and they'll find someone else to do that in time. '
      From an Amazon review of Allan Carr's ' Easy Way to Control Alcohol'


        oh my god -- why, why why??

        It is so very sad to see what the world is coming to.

        family is everything to me


          oh my god -- why, why why??

          Sad, tragic and a complete and utter waste of young life.

          Praying for all.

          Starlight Impress x


            oh my god -- why, why why??

            End times.......Hummmmmm
            Read the last book of the Bible...
            Just my thoughts.
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              oh my god -- why, why why??

              your statement that "European children are rudest of all!" must have come from the same statisticians that established the undisputable existence of weapons of mass destruction in Irak.

              There are other statistics that show how little gun violence there is in Europe as compared to the US, because they have proper gun laws in place. It is up to each and every one of you, the American citizen, to vote for the people who will put an end to that insane garage sale of hand guns in the name of freedom and your constitutional right to bear arms.

              Just my 2 Euros worth.
              *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                oh my god -- why, why why??

                The saddest things is that no one could have done anything. He walked an auditorium stage and just opened fire. No one knew it was coming until it was too late. Makes you never want to leave the house.
                Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


                  oh my god -- why, why why??

                  thanks Lori.
                  yes, I lived in Europe. In a society permeated with literally ALL the exact things cited here as the reason for this kind of violence: ultra-violent movies, media, videogames. Collapsed families everywhere. No religion, no prayer in schools, in fact religion far less a factor in society than in the U.S. Disrespect of parents by teens, ete. etc.etc. A lot of viciously angry young people. Not even Girl Scouts. Not a single person went to Sunday school. Yet, oddly, even without prayer in schools, and surrounded by all those rude European children (thanks Capt.), in two years there was never a single mass shooting. In fact, shootings of any kind were very rare. Wonder why that could be?
                  I love living in a country where an unhinged 19-year-old can show up at a mall with an SKS assault rifle and cause mass carnage to gain a little fame. Brilliant.
                  :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                    oh my god -- why, why why??

                    All -

                    I spent a year in Afghanitan as an American working for State. Just driving to work typically seeing approx 10% of the people along the way maimed from bomb blasts and shootings. No arms, no legs. Children hobbling along with their buddies fighting to shoo off the roaming goats from food at a curbsie pile of garbage. we have no clue how much of the rest of the world lives ....every day a new one to see if one can get to the next.

                    Shootings and similar violence everywhere is awful. The question becomes, what can you do in your world today?


                      oh my god -- why, why why??

                      Times have certainly changed. I wonder why? I hear people try to explain why, but it never makes any sense to me. I still do not know why.


                        oh my god -- why, why why??

                        i agree with you southernbelle
                        Gabby :flower:

